Meet the mothers

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Dom's POV
We all stepped through the portal, and patter landed on his ass, so did Kyle, but not as quickly as Patter, I just stood in front of them both, "need a hand ?" I said with a smirk, "sure" they both said and I pulled them up, "why didn't you fall over ?" Asked Kyle, "because I've been through enough portals to know what to expect, after all, I've been to this world once before, although...*looks around*... Not to this particular place" I said.

"Where are we ?" I asked Winter, "this is the meeting chambers for all the queens and princesses, it's a big place and please keep in mind that you are the first males that they have seen in a long time, plus there are quite a few queens... And some princesses have the same names as their mothers" she replied, "thanks, I'll keep it in mind to not get separated from you lot" said Kyle, "I guess you've had a Vietnam flashback at the idea of being separated from friends around a group of girls ?" Patter asked to Kyle, but me and him both replied, "yeah".

We moved through the seemingly abandoned chambers, "where is everyone ?" I asked, then Andr said, "they are up ahead, wait by this door until we call you through, they may attack you on sight if you just walk into the room", I nodded, then looked to Kyle and Patter, "guess we are waiting in the dark for a bit, not scared, are you ?, Kyle" I said with a grin, to which Kyle gave me the one finger salute, "my ass" he said.

The girls entered the room and we waited, it was fairly dark, but not pitch black.

Patter, Kyle and I waited in the hall, and listened, "...hello my child.." Sounded the voice of queen Serine, "hello mother" said Winter, then everyone else seemed to talk and greet each other, I sighed, "this is lame, I'm in full kit, looking like I'll kick ass, then I'm standing in the hall with all this kit like an dumbass" huffed Patter, "like I said, a little intimidating" I said, getting a chuckle from Kyle, then we listened back in to the conversations in the other room.

"So, what was it you wanted to show us ?, I thought Sarah said she would bring the surprise with yourselves ?" Said a voice that sounded similar to princess Cupa's but older "well, Queen Cupa, we have, and they are waiting outside the door, but I understand that the nether queens have met one of them before, right ?" Asked Sarah, I heard queen Samantha of the blazes say "yes, indeed we have", then Sarah continued, "and we thought that you would all like to meet the rest of them, and they can see the rest of us, please, You three can enter now" she said.

I turned and nodded to the boys, then walked through the door, our weapons in view, Patter walked in like an action man, packed with guns and ammo, and then I adjusted the bandolier I had slung over my body, Kyle stood quietly at me side, looking about, and there were many queens, and even a few new princesses.
The queens looked shocked, or surprised, but the nether queens smiled warmly, (pun not intended) and I said "it's good to see you again, your highnesses" I said, bowing towards the nether queens, "wait, you knew about them ?" Asked the creeper queen, Cupa, wasn't is, "why yes we did, this one came to us yesterday, and even saved one of my subjects from being killed by a falling box" said Serine, "it was nothing, your highness, I was happy that I could help out" I say, bowing my head slightly.

"So, down to business, I know that this isn't just about these boys, what else were we called here for ?" Asked a queen who looked like a witch, and her daughter was looking at me, I spoke to Blazette, "mind if me and the boys take a seat in the corner ?, your majesty" I asked, "no, you can sit and wait" I nodded, then me and the boys sat in the corner, patter say his M60 on the floor, and looked at his knife, Kyle rested his M14 against his body and soon spoke with Endy, and a couple others, while I sat and looked at the table, it had a map on it and Sarah talked about the increase of feral mobs.

"So what do you think is going to happen ?, patrols say that there is a large number of ferals in this area here, north of the mountains, there are loads of old mines in that area, maybe even an old strong hold, probably." She said, I studied the map, looking at the valleys around the area, the large forests and mountains which are slightly southward of the forest, "well, I would think they are possible clearing an area, but why that far out ?" Said Serine, I cleared my throat, they all looked to me, "may I ?" I asked, Winter nodded, "your majesties, I would think that they are hiding something there, I mean, it's too far for a small attack that they seem to do, I wonder if there are any possible fortifications..." I was cut off but queen Cupa, "but they can't be building a base" I then continued, "then they are setting up a staging area, building up their forces, they are far away so there is no interference, I want to go with an attack" I said, "why would you say that ?" Asked Winter, "well, it's a good way to do things, have there been any attacks, small ones like a group of ten or more ?, if so, they could be probing your defences, then gather their strengths here, then attack when they are ready, but they must be hiding something, even I wouldn't attack you fortresses with an army without a trick up my sleeve" I said, "you know... You could be onto something... Uh..." Said the witch princess, "call me Dom, that's Kyle and Patter, pleasure to meet you, princess..." I said, then she answered "princess Whitney, of the witches" she said, I saluted her.

Then she asked "so what are you going to do about this... Problem ?" I then turned to Kyle and Patter, who both stood by my sides, "well, we are soldiers, so we will do what a soldier does best, find and kill the enemy while disrupting their abilities to operate" I say, and the boys cock their weapons, "I'm ready for that" said Kyle, "as am I, but I think I'll need another weapon" said Patter, then a voice sounded from behind us, "I think I can help you with that".

We all turned to face the new person who stood behind us...

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