The queens

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Dom's POV
I was dragged through the fortress by winter for about 5 minutes until we came to a pair of double doors, she opened them and I saw a large room, well lit, wit a large table in he side of the room, several swords hung from the walls and even a couple of sets of black armour were in each corner of the room.
There were also bookshelves on one of the walls, that had a mix of different books, from spells and potions to fighting and weapon enchantments.

A large bed was in the middle of the wall at the back of the room, opposite the door, 'now that is a bed' I thought, then Winter closed the doors and sat on her bed, marvelling at my reaction to the room, "you like it ?" She asked, "this is amazing, and it's one big room" I say, she grins and adds "it's also sound proof... If you get my meaning" she said with a seductive smile, "maybe later, your majesty" I said, then winter got up, and threw me onto the bed, "we told you about saying that, maybe a little punishment is needed to make it sink in".

She moved to the bed and got on top of me, kissing me, 'I knew this would happen, I'll play this out for abit and have some fun with her, haha' I thought and so I kissed back, fighting for dominance, she was stronger then me, and had the advantage because she started it, but I was being persistent with her, fighting back and not giving in, our tongues locked in a fight to dominate the other, but soon she gave in, "umm, Dom~" she smiled, kissing me, and after a couple of minutes, I started to kiss her neck, she moaned loudly after I found her "sweet spot".

After a minute, I got off her, she was panting, and blushing wildly, "c-come on, let's get busy" she said, "nope, I think you suffered enough right now" I said, and handed her a mirror, "fine, you win... For now" she said and got up, trying to calm herself down.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask, how did you become ruler of your respected mobs ?" I asked, then Winter smiled, "well... We come from another place, then the queens of our races selects one young girl from our world and teaches us, then sends us to our places to command them, as these mobs need a leader to rule them or they will go feral quicker and die out" she said, "wait what ?!, there are more of you ?" I said, "yeah, there are a lot of us, in our own version of the nether, but there are no mobs, just us, and the others, we came here through a portal that can't be accessed but mobs, nor even an Enderman" she said, "so... There is a whole world made of girls, are there any males ?" I asked, "there was, but those who were sent here died in battles and the others died of a disease that didn't effect females, those who lived past the disease, which was so few, were infertile and couldn't help have kids, but the witches managed to make potions to help make us pregnant"

That was a lot to take in, "hey, do you want to go for a walk for a bit, he'll, show me the portal, see if I can get in ?" I suggested, she smiled, "sure, if you can go, I'll let everyone meet my new bodyguard".

I packed my webbing with ammo, first aid kit, water, food, smoke Grenade and a HE grenade, then took my pistol belt and put it on, made sure my bayonet was clean and rust free.
I then oiled my rifle, making sure the working parts and such were good to go, then put my mask on, then helmet.

"Why are you wearing that ?" Winter asked, "because this makes me look cool, and it would help hide the fact that I'm a boy" I said, she nodded, "good point".

Soon we moved out of the fortress and headed to an old cave near the fortress, and soon saw a red gem, "this would take us to the castle of the nether queens, come" she said, and gestured for me to touch it, I held my hand out and grabbed it, then I fell to a wooded floor, "wood ?!" I said, looking about, I wasn't in the nether anymore. Then a flash of red and Winter was next to me, "seems you can come here as well" she said, I got up and the door opened, "Princess Winter, it is good to see you again, why are you here...?" A voice said.

I saw a girl, about 10 years older then Winter, in black armour like the sets in Winters room, the woman stopped and stared at me, "it's ok, that's my new bodyguard" said Winter, "but you have the Wither Skeleton and...." The guard said but Winter cut her off.

"Trust me, they can't be compared, my guard has a better combat ability then they do" she said, and gestured me to follow.
The guard kept staring at me, 'this is creeping me out' I said as we walked down a corridor, I saw a window, there was a great hall with five thrones, and multiple groups of women and girls everywhere.

It was easy to tell the difference between the races, 'man, the lads back at my unit would me surprised if they saw this, bet they would try to get it on with these women' I said, but shook my head, I can't go home anymore, so stop thinking about it.
"So... Where did you find it ?" Asked the guard, "well, Tracy, 'it' has a name, and The story is the other way round, stumbles on to the fortress and found me with the others" she said, 'trying not to mention that I'm a boy, clever, but it wouldn't hold out for long' I thought as we passed a few guards, both Blaze girls and Wither Skeleton girls, I just walked on, my back straight, not saying a word.

"Can it speak ?" Some one asked, "would do, but wouldn't until I say, now let's get to the queens hall" said Winter, I bet she is enjoying this.


Soon we arrived at a hall, with the five thrones I saw earlier, 'this place is big, been walking for about 10 minutes now' I thought as we approached five thrones, one of the queens on the farthest throne on the left, got up and walked to Winter, hugging her.
She looked like an older version of Winter if she looked about 45.

The queen looked at me, I took a knee, placing my weapon to the floor, then got up and took a salute, Smart as possible, then took a knee, bowing my head slightly like a Roman would have done in the face of his emperor.
"Who is this, my child" said the queen, in a mighty voice.

"This is my body guard" she turned to me, "you can remove your helmet and mask, and speak from now on" she said, I nodded, and stayed in the kneeling position, I removed my helmet, revealing my short, black hair, then pulled my mask off my face, I opened my eyes and said "as you wish, your majesty" as calm as I could.

The queen walked up to me, "a male ?, but which race ?" She asked, "he is human, but not from our worlds, but another, a soldier who placed his loyalty to us and even saved Blazette at the result of being injured, his combat ability surpasses that of my own elite guard in the nether" Winter said, "permission to stand, your majesty" I said.

Winter smile, "permission granted, now introduce yourself to my queen" she said. 'She is really enjoying this' I thought, then stood up and saluted, "I am 30220115, Corporal Bielby, 1st battalion of the Royal Infantry, from Her Majesty's British Armed Forces." I say, "the queen smiled at this, "I am queen Serine , "he is a valuable asset, what is your objective ?" She asked, "my objective is to keep the princesses safe from any threats at all cost, even if my death is assured" I said.

The queen smiled at this and wanted to talk to Winter, I picked up my helmet and weapon, and attached my mask to my webbing.

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