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Newts POV

"Get off!" I groan as someone pulls me up from my warm... Pile of blankets? I shiver as I stand up and rub my eyes, the only thing I can see in the dim light is my friend Minho beside me, I step towards him but he's not focused on me. He is starring at a boy in the doorframe with gritted teeth and clenched fists, I suddenly realise who he is looking at. The boy! He was the guy who took me from my class, I tense my muscles waiting for the signal from Minho to attack. I feel a sharp tug from behind and I realise that it is a guard of sorts, the boy darts forward and, with surprising strength, pulls Mapiko from the blankets and throws her against the wall, there is a sickening crunch as her bones break. Mapiko screams and sobs uncontrollably, I try and break free to get to her but the guards arm is practically made of steel, he starts towards Eve but doesn't grab her like he did Mapiko, he lifts her in his arms and carries her through the thick metal door. The guards drop us and seem to disappear into the boxes...

Minho's POV

As soon as the guards drop us I run to where my sisters agonising screams are coming from. She isn't bleeding so the damage must be internal, I can't remember if that's better or worse, I try to think back to year 3 first aid course but it's pretty hard with my sister SCREAMING HER HEAD OFF. Newt drops down beside me, his face is screwed up like he is trying not to cry but I know better then to ask what was wrong, he works quickly, grabbing one of the blankets and stretching it out "We need to get her to a doctor." He shouts, desperate. I look around the fully lit up burg, there were boxes upon boxes stacked up to the ceiling, Newt quickly rolls my sister on to the makeshift stretcher, oblivious to her shrieks of pain. "How, we're on a burg heading who knows where. Eve is gone," A single tear runs down Newt's face when I mention his sister but I pretend not to notice "And neither of us have any idea what we need to do."

Newts POV

I'm hunched over Mapiko as she wails, I've never heard her cry before and the sound is unnatural and disturbing. My head is reeling, what can you even do for a broken spine? As I'm hovering above her, unsure of what to do when the heavy metal door screeches open and two guys in doctor uniform run in and grab the corners of the improvised stretcher and lift Mapiko up and through the door, it all happens so fast that me and Minho just sit there with our mouths gaping open like idiots. Seconds after we feel the soft thud of the burg landing there is a sharp sting in the back of my neck as the world fades into darkness.

Authors note

All characters except Mapiko and Evelyn belong to James Dashner. If you want to use any of my characters please ask first and credit.

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