how can this get worse?

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(Please do Tell me if there any miss spelling or Gámmer please tell me thank you)
I Tell you demon for shit" as the elite  said Get pouch in the face two ost protect the door  checking witch side as one spartan with blue armor,Take off there helmot  pulling out  paco of  help firme pull one out light on the típ of it smoke  it Other spartan walk in the Room look at the spartan with the blue armor" spartan 99 Ross stop smoking in the Room"  Ross walk to the boss up to his face as he bow out smoke on him " as i can hell smoke all i want "Ross soon leave the Room as there was completes slince until other spartan walk in."did you Get to make that elite to talk Mari?" As the guy said look at the elite Spit as the spartan helmot look down at the round" not yet" Mari said as she take out a knife stab it on the leg of the abril" fine i talk for you demon" spit at Mari again on the helmot " so were is your base ?" She said look at the abril "  top of use demon" the elite smiles  there  was loud  shot  as elite fall of the chair  "damn thing let get out of this place before come" the boss said take out rifle run out the room the other follow them make it to the plan were 5 covenant plans shot one of the OST the other one take cover see ross jump in one of the covenant plan bowing up come out from the broken plan pieces  ross get out of it see machine gun rip it off shoting the grunts and  elite" GET IN THE PELICAN" running out of ammo soon take out pistol keep shoting as the other jump in the pelican soon get of the ship" jump in" the boss said getting shot the chest with needler falling back" MAN DOWN MAN DO-" the same fath happened to OST soon ross start running jump off tip of the ship make it part of the board on the pelican "GO GO GO" saiding while holding his pistol shot the grunts try to shot down the pelican the first shot miss the pelican start flying away the second shot miss again slowly the pelican turn to the side as the third shot hit the side make the pelican under control move around slowly crash down to the plant "THIS 321 PELICAN WE ARE GOING DOWN REPET WE ARE GOING DOWN" the pelican quick crash down to the space make throw the dark cloud seeing the ground quickly going down about to hit the ground"EVERBODY GARB INTO SOMETHING" the side wing of the pelican rip off then the second one rip off from rock hit it make it DO flips everyone hit the side wall soon hit rock on the side stop it from fliping."is everyone okay?"the pliot said have sharp rock threw him the other pliot get kill with the same rock but only the head" alright OST and ground troop check this place out only i try to help the pliot" ross said while cuting threw the rock with fire toch the OST and ground troop get out of the plan look around to only see dirt and weird look big egg thing" need hand?" Micky said" no thanks take mari check on the boss" ross said take off the rock out of the pliot side of his body get off the seat take cream thing put in his side cover it" can you walk?" " y-yes i can walk" "okay stay here" ross get out from pliot seat giving the pliot shotgun  goes to see micky and mari"how the boss?" "...." "i see " ross walk over to his take off hit helmot put his boss gun on the side and putting his helmot on his leg " alright we all are own get the troop and OST we moving" ross said going to the pliot room pick up the pliot look at micky" alright " said micky going out the pliot.
Micky saw the troop look at the weird egg walk over" what is this?" " i do not know sir" said one the troop one of the OST shot it" no!" Said micky the egg slowly Open up on top as the troop AIM at the top of the egg the OST stand back away  the egg thing one of the trooper walk to it" troop get back here now" " i thing it sa-" as the trooper about to fininsh  something on the trooper and then 5 more start getting his skin" FIRE" said micky take out assunt rifle from his back shot the smol creates as soon the other troops shot with there rifle and shotguns  soon They get over run by more weird egg thing from the ground" get to fall  ba-" the troop about said same fath happened  " Fall back i take cover for ya" micky saiding take out pistol while holding assunt rifle shot the thing while the half troop fall back but the OST stay back to help micky" what are you doing?" " take cover for you GO sir the need you more " " heh good luck OST" micky  walk away from the OST making loud noise while micky making it to the broken down pelican see the troop look at other pelican falling down" what going here?" " sir this pelican falling down soon we get here " see two wothogs and some " look likw they drop there little toys here" " they still working" some troops get in then the spartan on the machine as they drove off. They keep driving until they made it to a big broken down base unsc " think there someone alive?" " im not sure " said Ross get off the warhog as the other did the same look around as the three spartan walk in the base look around the base see a lab and animal are still alive but all rip up and sicky  as mari about to touch it " DONT TOUCH IT!!" Tackling mari" hey get off me" " sorry" it was drifferent trooper with blue and orange armor " what happened here trooper" " this flood came attack my people and we wave point were there pelican waiting for use by 5 days until we get to it if not then they will leave use" " the flood?" " yes it those thing that control your trooper making them fight friendlys " "huh " there were gun shot from the outside " i think there here micky protect this trooper" said ross" who put you in control this trooper?" " doesnt matter.NOW DO IT" he leave the room to GO help the other. Five trooper get in as ross jump in quickly before it close on him

There nothing but slince


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