Chapter 7

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You, instinctively choose to search for a working phone, wall phone, anything that can transport you home safely. You start frantically walking to the brown dining room, only to see nothing on the room's eating table. There are a few dark green, large in size plants, and you decide to inspect them. You search the one closest to you, to peek at its dirt.

Then, a cheerful smile sweeps across your face, because you have found a key conveniently lying in the plant's cold dirt.

"I'll try this on the front door, first," you say happily to yourself. Practically running to the front door, you see if the key opens. Wrong one. "Whatever. I need to try this on some other door."

While exploring throughout the house, with the knowledge of the voice, you spot a locked door between the eccentric kitchen and the entryway. Obviously it is unknown to you where it leads, and it could have the real key out of this place. However, the back door at the end of the kitchen you should have rushed to might be open. What do you do?

Try to open the locked door (Chapter 9)

See if the back door is open (Chapter 10)

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