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It didn't take long for Alasdair to find Scrapper 142 well, Alasdair probably should get used to calling her Valkyrie as apparently, that was her name. Alasdair found her by the bar drinking, like usual.

"Hey, Thor needs you." Alasdair decides to cut right to it.

"I don't care." Valkyrie turns back around and slaps the bar so the bartender will give her another drink.

"Scrapper 142, or should say Valkyrie, he needs to talk to you. I don't care what kind of history you have together, but you need to see him." Alasdair was getting pissed, he was moments away from dragging her into the room.

"How do you about Valkyrie?" She whips around at looks at him with hate in her eyes.

"That's what Thor called you, I don't know what it means but, go see him." Alasdair can see when Valkyrie relents.

As they walk towards Thor's room, Alasdair can here her huffing, it makes Alasdair roll his eyes but he doesn't comment, which is wise.

When they walk in Hulk and Thor are talking, Alasdair passes by the guards easily but Valkyrie kicks the staff as she's walking by, Alasdair shakes his head.

"I'm here, what do you want? I can't believe you're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone." Valkyrie walks over to the liquor area.

"We need to talk." Thor clasps his hands in front of him.

"No, according to Alasdair you want to talk, I don't want to talk at all." Valkyrie starts to walk towards the door because she's done when Hulk stepped in front of the door blocking the exit.

"Hulk, move." Valkyrie huffs crossing her arms.

"Stay! Please?" Hulk begs, making Valkyrie shake her head and walk over to the liquor bar and picks up a bottle.

"All right, here's the deal, I'll listen to you until this is empty." Alasdair has seen Valkyrie drink a bottle bigger than that fast, Alasdair feels like this is going to go badly.

"Asgard is in danger and people are dying, we need to get back there and I need your guys to help to do that." Thor starts to explain but Valkyrie finishes the bottle.

"Wow." Thor sounds impressed.

"Finished, bye." Alasdair goes to stop her but Thor says something.

"Odin is dead, Hela the Goddes of Death has invaded Asgard," Thor explains, that makes Valkyrie stop in her tracks.

"If Hela's back then Asgard is already lost." Valkyrie shakes her head and goes to leave again.

"Asgard needs you, Eira needs you." Thor pushes harder, suddenly Valkyrie gets an evil look on her face.

"Don't ever, use her name again, ever. She's fine without me." Valkyrie grits her teeth.

"I got a vision from Heimdall, he's evacuating Asgard." Thor raises his head confidently.

"Was Eira with them?" Alasdair can hear a crack in Valkyrie's voice which must mean Eira means a lot to her.

"She is, but she's scared, I'm going to stop her." Alasdair assumes Thor means Hela.

"Alone?" Valkyrie asks.

"Nope, I'm getting together a team, It's me, you, Alasdair, and the big guy." Thor looks at Alasdair who nods telling Thor he's in.

"No team, only Hulk," Hulk says making Alasdair smile.

"It's Alasdair, You and Me, then." Thor corrects.

"I think it's only you too." Alasdair watches as a smile crosses her face.

"Before you leave, just listen to him Valkyrie," Alasdair begs her.

"The Valkyrie is legends, elite warriors of Asgard, you are sworn to defend the throne," Thor explains.

"I'm not getting dragged into another one of Odin's family squabbles." Maybe Alasdair was new here but he had no idea what she was talking about.

"What's that supposed to me?" Alasdair asks confused.

"Hela, Thor's sister, her power comes from Asgard, same as Thor's." A ball rolls against Alasdair's feet, he grabs the ball and throws it to Hulk.

"When her power grew beyond Odin's control, she killed everyone in the palace and tried to seize the throne. When she tried to escape her banishment he sent the Valkyrie in to fight her back. I already faced her once back when I believed in the throne, it cost me everything, that's what's wrong with Asgard, the throne, the secrets, the whole golden sham." Alasdair is shocked, he's never heard this much honesty from her before. 

Thor starts to get closer to Valkyrie, Alasdair is confused but realizes Thor is trying to get the fob for the disk in his neck and belt.

"I agree, that's why I turned down the throne, but this isn't about the crown. This is about the people, they're dying and they're your people, too. Don't forget about the people, don't forget about Eira." Alasdair watches as her face shifts to pain when Thor mentions someone named Eira but her face turns harsh again.

"Forget it, I have." Valkyrie nods.

"Thank you." Thor smiles stepping back.

"For what?" Valkyrie's brows furrow in confusion.

"For this." Thor shows the fob that he lifted off Valkyrie, he clicks it, and the disk powers down allowing him to take it off.

It takes Thor a few times but he hits the ball and even though it hit him in the face it weakens the glass so Thor can jump through it.

"Tell Evander I'll be back for, tell Loki I love them," Alasdair tells Valkyrie who nods so Alasdair runs and slides down the side of the Grandmaster's house.

Alasdair can see Thor up ahead so he copies what Thor does and lands right next to him.

"Thanks for joining the party," Thor smirks at Alasdair once they land on the ground, Alasdair nods and runs to catch up with Thor, who skids in a stop when they reach the jet.

Thor finds the hatch and jumps in, Alasdair following.

Alasdair shields his eyes from the sparks that fly off.

"So how do we power this thing?" Alasdair asks Thor who goes to the control panel.

Alasdair hears some beeps and there's this voice that scares Alasdair.

"Welcome, voice activation required." The voice says after Thor puts his hand on a scanner.

"What the hell?" Alasdair looks around trying to find the voice.

"Sh, Thor." Thor is met with access denied.

"Pointbreak." It works, the jet starts to power on.

They feel some rumbles and the back of the plane is ripped off, they look at its Hulk.

"No! Stop." Alasdair yells because as Hulk is running he starts to mess up the jet.

Thor presses some buttons and a woman appears, she starts talking, to Hulk, it seems.

But Hulk isn't having it, because he holds his head and starts thrashing around.

Bumping into the sides of the jet Alasdair gets bumped and hits his head on the side of the jet.

"Alasdair!" Is what Alasdair hears right before his vision goes black. 

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