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Alasdair woke up to taps on his face, he slowly opened his eyes to see a worried Loki hovering over him. "How long was I out?" Alasdair grunts as Loki helps him sit against to wall.

"Not long, Hela disappeared and Kuzco went to find her. I decided to stick with you until you woke up." Alasdair tried to laugh but it came out pained. "Damn, this hurts. Are we sure it's not poison?" Alasdair tried to joke but it fell flat.

Loki looked at Alasdair sadly, he rubbed the shortly cropped hair before kissing Alasdair on the cheek. "Kuzco, before he left, said you'll be good once you start moving. Get up, we need to fight and find Thor in the process." Only Alasdair would notice the hurt in Loki's eyes when they said Thor's name. Alasdair slowly moved his hurt arm, every move he was worried the bandage would come loose but it stayed in the perfect place.

Loki reached their hand out towards Alasdair and grasped his good hand that wasn't injured. "It's bad enough my arm got hurt in a fight but now I think if I make it out I'm gonna have permanent damage." Loki sighed, they didn't miss the way that Alasdair said if he makes it out, which means Alasdair thinks he's gonna die, Loki isn't going to let that happen. "You aren't going to die, we're gonna defeat Hela and then go to Vanaheim and live our lives together. As a family."

Alasdair huffs out a laugh before slowly standing up, he moved his arm slowly, opening and squeezing his hand together. "Let's do this." Alasdair winced slightly when the fabric bandage rubbed against the wound but Kuzco was right, it was fading.

He walked towards the wall and grabbed the dagger that he threw from the wall, yanking it he spun it around before placing it around his leg, the metal wrapping around the knife tightening as it locked the knife in place. "Ready?" Alasdair asks as he looks behind him to see Loki standing in the middle of the throne room, by the gentle movement of Loki's shoulders. They were crying.

"Loki," Alasdair said softly, he walked towards his partner letting Loki rest their head on Alasdair's chest.  "Just this place has been ripped to shreds, and I was just like her Alas. I was bitter and hurt by Odin." Alasdair knew what Loki was getting at, that they were just like Hela.

Alasdair shook his head quickly, he used his uninjured hand to grab Loki's chin gently. "You are nothing like Hela, you can be bitter and hurt but not turn out like Hela." Loki scoffed and broke away from Alasdair's hold pushing his hands aside. "I was like Hela though, I fought Midgard. I hurt a lot of people, Alasdair, I was imprisoned on Asgard for my crimes."

Nothing that Loki was saying was news to Alasdair, and it certainly didn't change his opinion about his partner. "You were under the control of Thanos, you don't get to blame yourself. Blame Thanos." Alasdair was trying to get through to Loki but he didn't know if it was working.

"What if I wanted to do all those things, Alasdair?" Alasdair opened his mouth to reply but Loki cut him off. "No, what if deep down Thanos only twisted my mind so I can actually do those things. I am a monster, and nothing you can say will change that." No one calls Loki a monster, not even himself Alasdair thinks to himself.

Alasdair gently pushes Loki towards the pole, Alasdair puts his hand close to Loki's head gripping the cold stone. "No one calls Loki a monster. Not even Loki himself." Alasdair leans and shuts down whatever protest Loki was about to sprout out with a kiss. "I don't care if there's a battle, Hela can wait. You're more important." Alasdair pushes a long strand of hair behind Loki's ear, it had fallen out of the clasp during the battle.

"Alasdair, we have to go. We can do this later." Loki tries to push Alasdair away but Alasdair doesn't move. "What if we don't have later, this could be the last time we could have this moment." Loki looks at Alasdair like they've been slapped, they were confused at why Alasdair kept bringing up death. "Why do you keep bringing up death, none of us are going to die."

Alasdair looked at Loki softly but with an underlying sadness in his eyes. "You don't know that Lokes, you can't promise to live. Just like I can't promise to live, What matters is that we know we love each other. That's enough to go on for me." It seems what Alasdair was trying to get through Loki finally went through, they wrapped their arms around Alasdair and hugged tightly, breathing in the smell of sweat and everything Loki has ever dreamed of.

"We have to go, but with you by my side. We can do anything." Loki leaned forward and kissed Alasdair on the lips before pushing Alasdair back slightly. They had to go, no telling what happened while Loki and Alasdair were wrapped in their own little bubble together.

Loki grabbed Alasdair's staff that was attached to his hip before tapping it on the ground making the staff grow and the daggers appear from both ends. "You might need this." Alasdair nodded grabbing his staff with his injured arm, that arm will always be weak but it only needs to last one more day.

"Where are we going, we aren't going towards the door?" Alasdair says following Loki down a hallway the opposite way of the giant door that would take them straight into the battle. "I need something first." The way Loki said that told Alasdair he better not ask questions.

Loki led them down some stairs before Loki pressed their heel into the floor making a door appear and open. "Oh my god, what is this place?" Alasdair asks looking around.

"It's the vault, it has artifacts that Odin has stolen over the years."

They both walked around until Loki found what they were looking for. "Take some weapons, they would be stronger than the staff you have." Alasdair thought about taking offense but he knew that Loki was right.

As Alasdair was walking looking at the different weapons he couldn't help but watch Loki. "What's that?" Alasdair nods his head towards the blue glowing cube Loki was holding.

"My ticket to be free."

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