001. Alex

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BEFORE THE WORLD ENDED Alexis mostly worried about school, her future, and other crazy things like that.

She never cared about her looks nor did she worry about herself, Alexis just wanted to have fun — be a kid. You only live once right?


Crawling out of her small blue tent, Alexis got used to her surrounding for a brief moment — searching round for a familiar brunette boy. Then she spotted him, Carl Grimes, a boy she considered her little brother — They get theirselves into mischief together once in a while, that's what they loved about each other.

She snuck up behind ruffling up his hair making him jump a little "al you scared me!" He huffed a little making the young girl giggle.
"Sorry, where's your mom?" She questioned looking around the small camp.

Before Alexis could ask another question Lori had popped up behind her, Lori was carls mother and one of the only people Alexis trusted — considering Lori as her mother, she cared deeply about her.

"Hey sweetie how'd you sleep?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. Alexis shrugged picking up a light stick of the ground and drawing patterns in the dirt with it.
"It wasn't as good as sleeping in my own bed, but it would be worse" Lori smiled at her before looking back down at what she was doing.

Then the sound of a muffled voice echoed through the radio catching the camps attention

"Hello can anyone hear my voice"

Amy, one of the group associations, ran towards it dropping multiple logs that she held in her arms onto the ground.

"Hey hello" she called into the radio with the man responding again "can you hear my voice"

"Yes, yes I can hear you!" Her voice sounding content, the man continued to repeat himself, then mentioning about him heading towards Atlanta.

"Shit.." Alexis huffed "he can't go there that place is a dead zone!" She called before getting shushed by Shane. She rolled her eyes at him before sticking up her fingers at him behind her back.

He then knelt down on the ground taking the radio off Amy, "hello hello, this is officer Shane Walsh" He continued to speak, Freezing for a second.

"His gone" he placed down the radio, looking around the camp.
"Or maybe he was just ignoring you" She turned her head away scratching her nose to cover up what she said.

"There are others, it's not just us" Lori spoke lightning the situation a bit.

"We should put signs up, warn people away. In no time them folks will be turned into mince meat before they know it" Alexis also added.

Alexis is quite sarcastic, and doesn't really care what she says in most conversations. She wasn't really worried about the people though. Mostly she was thinking about the group of people that had set off for supplies earlier that day. One man in particular, Glenn Rhee.

Alexis and Glenn were quite close, they got on well during the start — mostly stuck by each other, they had a few things in common. Games, pizza, etc.

She had zoned out for a quick second, and ended up focusing on Lori storming away from the camp — Carl had went to follow which Alexis then instantly trailed behind, but what stopped by Shane.

"Excuse me mr copper but we have right to go too" She argued, but was quickly shut down.


A few minutes passed and Alex got bored.
"Hey why don't we go check on your mom" She offered and Carl agreed they stood up taking each others hand walking towards the Grimes' tent.

"Mom" "Lori" the two called out, Shane had walked out the tent, making Alex suspicious.
Her eyes followed him before she felt Carls hand slip out of hers driving away her attention.
Lori kneeled down infront of Carl holding his hands, She called over Alexis holding her arm.

"You don't have to worry.. I'm not going anywhere" She assured the two, brushing them away to go and play.

They ran back to the camp together slumping their selves down on two logs.
"Got here first, you owe me nickel!" Carl shouted with a giggle.
"I don't owe you nothing little man" she lent her arms against the knees holding her face in her right hand.

"Alex, where's your family?" Carl asked playing with his toy cars that were place infront of him.
There was silence for a moment before Alexis stuttered up something.

"I-um well... I ate them" she said making Carl burst into a fit of laughter.
"No you didn't" he shook his head with a giggle.
"I did honestly!, why do you think I'm so strong" she stood up on her knees holding her arms up to her 'muscles'.

"Come on Carl let's see your muscles!" She egged on, trying to get Carl to forget about the question he
asked — standing up his mimicked Alexis
"Wahhh!!" He giggled trying to make himself look bigger.
Alexis held her arms up in defeat before crashing down on the dirt. Carl piled on top of her. They had a lot of fun during that time and their laughter caught the eyes of many of the camp members, that included and older man called dale.

"Ok kiddos up you get, that's enough fun for one day" he smiled at the children, they agreed standing up still laughing. Lori walked over wrapping her arms around the two.

"Come on let's get something to eat"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!, I will try to get out the second one as soon as I can. Please give feedback, any spelling mistakes, feel free to point them out! 💟🥰

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