15- One step One step girl 😍

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Gocheok sky dome [10:25pm]

Choi Shin Yeon POV

Finally we go home. Everyone is exhausted but tries to smile anyway.
The driver opens the car for us, I am the last to go in.

I open the window by my side and look outside.
😨 The BTS in some other cars, and Suga waving at me then threw me a wink(😉),I just ignore!And try to look in other directions but my eyes fell at Jimin.
He is just there looking at me without saying or doing anything.
My cheeks got hot,and I think he noticed it. He smiled and looked away!

The driver started the car and we left before the boys.
-"I wish you a very goodnight",said the driver with a smile as he opened the door when we arrived.
"Yah!😣wait for me!" shouted Min Shin.
"Why should I wait for you while our dorm is..."
"Just to say goodnight!" she stopped me.
"Haesoo!here you are!May I know where were you all these times?"😣 Min Shin asked.
-"Let me hug each one of you first. Well I was with-"
-"Mr Min!No doubt!I hope you had fun!" I said with no hesitation.
-"Ah,you are Min Yoongi's friend!I see!How was it?"
-"It was cool,he is very sweet. You should hang with us sometimes!😊Oh,congrats for your performance Shin Yeon. Good job!"
-"Thank you,same to you!I think you should have been in the 1st place but..."
-"Let's party tomorrow evening,join me after dinner! Goodnight😘"
-"Goodnight" me and Min Shin said at the same time!
Then I took a shower and got into a warm blanket🌃🌃


-"Jimin is kinda speechless!" Taehyung said.
-"I don't know what to say!"
-"You are shocked you mean! 20 talented,cute and-"
But Suga stopped Namjoon and said
-"Yap,which one was your favorite?You should have one now,the girl who sang One step One step One step was sexy. I suggest!"
-"Really?😁Kurae,She is for you if you want!I am gonna sleep!Goodnight 🌃"

-"Have to sleep too... See you tomorrow guys!"said Jin.

No more noise to be heard in the apartment!💤💤💤

Jimin POV

I am here,alone in the darkness,watching the night sky and blowing my my mind away.
Stars are 10 times more beautiful tonight🌌🌌
I am staring at one,one which shines more than the others 🌟

Just like how my heart was captured by the most brilliant girl among 20 and more today.💝.

I know it should not be like this,but it is like this. I don't know what to do to change it. Plus it is like something strong.😵

I went in my bed,I sighed and said "Choi Shin Yeon!",then I fell asleep.

Choi Shin Yeon POV

I am still awake with one face stuck in my head. Park Jimin's!

I start to talk to myself like::
"Look at him!He is not the type that anyone can have!You may get hurt so please,do not think too much✋"
That's right!I should remember it was a show and what we did was included in!So...
Then I fell asleep...💤


My phone rang so I took it unwillingly!😵

-"are you so tired that you are still sleeping?Have you seen what time is it?"

-"Miss Jun Ki!Why calling me now?"

-"Because we couldn't talk yesterday! I really wanted to see you but I couldn't,Wendy and Lana arrived last night so I had to prepare our dinner!😊"

-"I see!Nothing special here,we don't have practice today!Rest!"

-"Good for you!But,Shinnie I wanted to know what Jimin said to you. Did you talk?😍"

-"Aissshhh...No!We couldn't!"

-"krkr😟okay!But I hope he won't stay quiet for too long,call me when he will try to talk to you!"

-"What da... How can you be so sure of what you say?"

-"Never mind!Have a nice day Shinnie!And congrats👏,I almost forgot!Good luck for the next step!"

-"That should have been the first thing you said but... Okay!thank you,and another Thank you for having woken me up!😒"

-"welcome!Nice day!Hugs💋"


I covered my face with one pillow!When I heard someone knocking the door.
It should be Min Shin and Haesoo! Still with my oversized T-shirt + Short + scandals, I open the door and said
-"Too early,I have just w----" 😨😲🙊
I slammed the door!

-"Yah!too late,open this door!I have seen you!"

-"what are you doing here!Get away!😬"

-"Choi Shin Yeon!Open,otherwise I am gonna stay here."

-"Stay there!It's none of my business!😠"

-"Okey!And know what,our Manager won't be long to pass by this corridor!😁"

This guy is about to ruin my life!😈

-"Come in!😡"


-"What do you need?and who told you that you can come in our dorms?Who?"

-"Anyone!But it's just that we have not been forbidden to come here that's why I dare to come!what do you think?That I will break a law for you!?😁😁😁Aigoo!"

-"Stop✋Say what you want and go back to where you came from!"

-"Where is Haesoo?I tried to find her but I couldn't!"

-"I don't know!We haven't even met since I woke up, satisfied?"

-"Next,why do you hate me?"

-"I don't hate you,I just wanna stay away from you!Now get out!😬"

-"Terrible lie!You hate me,you always avoid me!"

-"Because I am not at ease when I listen to your words."

-"Your heart is on fire you mean!😁"

-"😒it's not the case,sorry!But why always me?Talk to another girls!"

-"No!I won't because you are my childhood best friend's friend so you should friend with me!😉Logically!"

-"Exceptionally for us NO!😊Now Mr Min if you don't mind,I am going to take a bath!"

-"Wait!Choi Shin Yeon,we need to talk seriously!"

-"OK! Speak!"

-"I know it ...."
As he started his sentence someone came in.

-"Sorry for the interruption!😨-Suga-ssi,don't tell me you stayed here all night long!😨"

-"Hello beauty!What's your name?😊"
I answered
-"Min Shin!She is me and Haesoo's friend forming our Trio!Now can you please leave us?"

-"But I haven't said it yet!"

Another person came in and said:
-"What should be said?Oh oh!😕What did I miss?😕😕
Now Choi Shin Yeon, Min Yoongi and Min Shin have their own business without me?😣"

-"Haesoo!I've been looking for you. You told me this was your friend's dorm last time and as I couldn't find you, I came here😊"

-"Huh!I never knew you will be closer too fastly!But as I was not invited,I leave!Nice day!"

Haesoo left, I frowned at Suga so he ran after her.

Suga POV

-"Haesoo!Wait, let me explain what happened at least!"

I saw crowd around us so I stopped.

Someone tapped my left shoulder and whispered:

-"Slow down hyung!😂"

-"Jungkook!😨What are you doing here?"

-"I practiced early this morning. And you? How does it come that you run after a girl?Look at the other girls over there...Let's go!😬"

I followed Jungkook,I didn't want to have any problem!

Once we arrived in the balcony,10 eyes stared at me!🙊

-"Annyeonghaseyo!Sorry for being late!😊"

-"Where were you?You're not the type to be late,what happened?"

-"He hanged with some girls of Jimin hyung's project!" said the Maknae

-"Mwo?Jinjja?" Jimin's eyes widened

-"Not really!But never mind!" I said.

[Big Hit Ent 7:40pm]

Jimin POV

-"Min Yoongi!Come in?You wanna share my room today?😁"

-"No,No!I just passed by and want to stalk you😁"

-"Oh!Hyung😂!But, ... You are very close to the One Step One Step girl,right?"

-"Jimin!It's not what's on your mind."

I am supposed to convince him to love that girl.

-"So what?I saw you running after her,begging her to stop this morning!Lovers' quarrel😊"

-"No!But,you are jealous,aren't you?"

This time I think Jimin starts to love Haesoo!🙌💘💘💘

-"Huh!Aish!You are cute together,and-"

-"Stop!Let me tell you the whole story about me and Haesoo!😊"


-"So she was your bestie!The lollipop bestie that's why every time I give you a lollipop you smile,like you have great memories with it!"

-"Yes!We are friends,nothing more!Don't worry!😊You can hang with us sometimes..."

-"No,that's okay!I don't want to. There is something more important for me now!Anyway thank you for having told me the story!"

-"You're welcome,Jimin!
It's late,give me another blanket!"

-"You wanna stay with me!I knew that."

As Jimin threw me a pillow, then a heavy blanket 😊 he continued

-"Here you are Mr Min!Don't you wanna rather be with your Bestie-"

-"No!I already have you!"

[A/N] (10/01/2017)

How are my dear readers today?😍
I was so happy to post this part.. The story is getting further and further💘

By the way,We are in October!😍
Time is flowing so fast....
Let's welcome that new month with smile😊
I don't how about you but I have the feeling that it will be a great month... I am so excited! Waeyo?❓❔❕Because 12 days until my 👑King Jimin👑 's birthday 🙌🙌🙌

Can't wait!💜💜💜

So yeah!Tell me what do you think about that part in the comments,also drop your Twitter username. I will follow you, mine is @Jiminie_sQueen 😊😊

Finally,credits to all the owner of the pictures I use in my story!💓

Next part soon.... More romantic scenes will go along so get ready!💜💜💜
Love you guys, bye 😍

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