17- Untitled

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Big Hit Ent [9:20am]


-"Jimin!Let's go to the supermarket later!I want my room to be full of snacks tonight. I will watch Titanic,woow!"

-"Seriously, How many times have you seen that movie?Try to find anything else..."

-"No!I can't never let go of that one!😍 I am just asking you to accompany me to the supermarket, the movie I will watch is none of your business!"

-"Okey!Don't be mad!I have to buy something there too..."


Choi Shin Yeon POV

-"Choi Shin Yeon!I am sorry, I know I would have listened to you and Min Shin but my heart ached and.."

-"Really??😨 Why? Haesoo!Tell me the truth! You friend with Min Yoongi or you are his girlfriend?😨"


She stopped a while and I saw serious sadness in her eyes... Then she continued

-"I wish I was!I wish I really was..."

-"Don't tell me you love him?" My eyes widened.

-"Of course I love him!But he doesn't feel the same!I am just an old friend for him!😫" she was about to cry...

-"He told you that?himself?"

-"Yeah!He did last night!"

-"Aishh!How can a boy like him treat people that way!"

-"He hates me!And my family!😭"

-"Why?I need the whole story Haesoo!Don't think I will judge you or something! I will be a good Eoni to you! And come in my lap!"😊

-"We have been friends since he was 12 and I was 10. He was my only friend as he lived near us  with his parents, we were neighbors  ......................................"


-"Now you know everything!You know how much it hurts!"

-"and I understand what you feel!
Haesoo,I don't know anything about love!But I am sure that he has something inside!"

-"I don't agree!He is in the world of fame now,a friend will stay a friend for him. He may fall in love with anyone at anytime...😑"

-"Haesoo!Life has taught me the word <<DESTINY>> recently! I don't have to explain it,I just remind you that it exists.☺And I do believe in it" I said with a smile.


Then we went in Min Shin 's dorm...
We forgave each other for what happened! Then we had fun together

[Time skipped]

BTS POV [11:45]

We took about 2hours to get ready,especially Jin. As usual, he never have enough of his handsome face 😀Everyone's in love 😍

[At the supermarket]

-"Jimin!Come here!This is a new cracker, I've never seen it before!The wrapper is cute, and it is pink!😍I must buy at least 3 of this!", said our Pink princess.

-"Hyung! It is kinda girly!Look at the picture in the wrapper,two little girls under confettis while eating the cracker...Jinjja... Look there, there are the same kinds of crackers but blue,as you are a boy!😃" Jimin pointing in the upper shelf.

-"Who cares!?I want the pink ones! Pink is the best😍
And bring this basket!I am older than you,😄"

-"Hurry up then;You buy everything and then you ask me to carry 'em all!Mean!"

They argued ...
Then Jimin decided to change the basket into a trolley as he was getting tired of carrying the heavy basket containing Jin 's foods.

Kim Taehyung POV

We followed Jimin and Jin because we were curious of what they are up to ... We have never seen them leaving home in the morning before because Jimin cares a lot about his skin that he hates to get sunburn🌞
Jin hyung always invite us to play or do something together after breakfast when we don't have practice, but not today.
What happens?😕


-"Aissh... Guys I am gonna get back home!What is special in a supermarket?! Who had that bad idea of following them anyway?"

-"RapMon hyung wait for me,I wanna head back home too... I'd rather sleep!" said Suga,yawning!

-"okey!Go back home and join Jhope hyung!Me and Jungkook still want to know what's going on!Right Jungkook?"

-"Oh yes!It has been so long that I haven't been in this area! Let's go or they will disappear! Bye hyungs!"

They left while me and Jungkook went in the supermarket.

-"But Taehyung, if they will ask what are we doing here?"

-"Aishhh... Let's just act natural as if we are looking for something,pabo!😹"

We walked around, then I saw them. Jin looked at me,with a surprised look.😨

He looked confused and came to me and Jungkook

-"What are you doing here?" Jin asked JK.

-"Just walking around!
Lots of new snacks!Will you throw a party??😄"

-"No!Stop or you will be totally disappointed of what Jin hyung will do tonight;" 😁 Jimin smirks.

-"A date?" asked Jungkook curiously.

-"Yes!" said Jin unhesitatingly then laughed wildly.

I never seem to believe that now like forever 😁😁😁

We continued to look around, I unexpectedly shouted while pointing at something hanged up in the wall.

-"What are these?" Jin asked.

-"I need those cutie plastic bags decorated with heart,flowers,bears.... I really need more than 20 of them!"

-"Are you sure?!😨 You spent so much time with Jin hyung those days that's why you became a girly things lover😂😂😂" Jimin said.

-"Whatever... Do you have enough money to buy 22 of these? I need these;" I begged him.

-"Okey!Choose and ppalli!I already wanna go home..." Jimin said.

I chose 22 colorful pretty little plastic bags!😍😍😍
Then we paid for everything and headed back home...


Choi Shin Yeon POV

The Trio, altogether once again in Min Shin 's room.

-"So how is it guys?" she said.

-"What is how?!" 😂 Haesoo asked

-"How do you feel?Don't you feel like it all is a dream? Singing with your Oppa,living in the same apartment as him,breathing the same air,...even though you can't really see him often.😆😆😆"

I replied
-"It is like a dream,you're right!But I better never wake up again anymore.😍 I love this feeling!"

-"I have to tell you something!" Haesoo said while hiding her face with a pillow,being shy.🙈

-"Tell us Haesoo Eoni," said Min Shin.

-"When I heard about "HIT THE STAGE WITH YOUR OPPA",my heart focused on Jimin. He is my type whattt,and I don't have to be ashamed anymore about my mum's behaviour, but she really wants me to win Jimin's heart.🙀"

-"I see... And what do you think about that?" I asked

-"My heart has found another way! It took a corner!😊 I feel something weird not when I look at Jimin, but when I look at his friend, Yoongi, who was my best friend. Since they debuted,we've been separated for so long, which made me realize that I really love him." Haesoo said and a smile has been drawn in her face.

-"Mwoya?!Now you are sure that you love Min Yoongi?!" Min Shin said.

-"It has been so long that I was sure enough! I've loved him for a thousand years but what is it for,I prefer not to confess... My situation is scary,I may be badly rejected !😑"


[In the afternoon] [2:30pm]

Jimin POV

-"We are hoooome!" V shouted along

-"Can't you just shut up, be quiet when you come in and show some respect to your hyungs Taehyung-ssi?Someone is sleeping here!"

Suga never had enough of sleeping...

-"Mianhae.... " Tae said and we left him.

-"Hey guys!" I said.

Jhope is watching Red Velvet Ice cream cake dance practice and dance along with it...

Namjoon hyung editing something on the computer.

While Jin took the bags full of food from my hand and went in his room.

Jungkook opens the refrigerator, looking for cold water and something refreshing to eat!
Oh Yes! It is about 40°...

Taehyung took his phone and logged in our Twitter acc... He really enjoys reading Army's tweets.

What am I doing here?

-"I am in my room if you need me!Nice afternoon,"

-"Wait Jimin-ssi!Can I come in your room too?😄😄"

-"What?!Okey,but just stay quiet. I will compose some lines..."



I put the notebook and the pen near my pillow and sat next to Taehyung to see what he was doing.

-"I just read, I don't wanna post anything."he said

-"Me neither. Will you tell me now what the 22 cuties stuffs are for?"

-"Ah,yes!I forgot!I wanna make fun and bring new atmosphere in Big Hit Ent,a better one.😆 During HIT THE STAGE WITH YOUR OPPA 1, I took lots of photos here and there📷📷📷 I wanna offer each candidate's photos in each one of the plastic bags and will deliver by myself in their dorm.😄 Girls will surely love that,they will be impressed! Am I not amazing?😁"

-"Aishhh... I see!You try to impress girls today,huh... Good luck!"

Kim Taehyung POV

Jimin said

-"Aishhh... I see!You try to impress girls today,huh... Good luck!"

Then his face expression changed and he was serious suddenly, telling me

-"May I come with you?!mmh?!I wanna deliver the photos with you!"

-"Jinjja?!Cool!Of course!Let's start packing them now..."


"Done! Gaja!" I said.

-"Where are you going?" Suga asked ...

-"Wanna come with us?!C'mon hyung,let's go together!"

And we went out of the room.

[Min Shin 's dorm] [4:15pm]

Min Shin POV

-"Let's do something fun...!" I said.

-"Like what? Say something Haesoo!What do you wanna do?😃" Choi Shin Yeon asked her.

-"I just wanna see Min Yoongi!" She mumbled...

-"I found one ... Let's rap,let's try to rap in our manner!Gaja!😂" Shin Yeon said.

And we played CypherPt1, then 2, then 3, 4 ...

Haesoo(Yoongi's part in Cypher pt4):

Back back to the microphone check, call me baepsae hogeun ssenkae gurae rap game nan daeinbae...

Then I stopped the music, *everyone in shock* 😠

Min Yoongi POV

-"We will meet 3 girls in this room, the butterfly,the one step one step and the Miracles "Maker" in December 😂" I laughed, but inside I want to run away from here.

-"Oh!How do you know?!It means you've been with "MY" girls so often...😂" Jimin laughed back.

-"Yes!I told you everything...😊"

-"Listen hyungs,you need to explain me all of that later but now let's get in!" Taehyung said,he was intrigued of what me and Jimin talked about.
His hand on the door knob about to open it,but I stopped him.

-"Wait,be polite!Knock the door!"

-"Do you hear that noise from inside?!no one will listen to you!
----- Oh,Suga hyung!A girl raps your lines,listen?😀" Taehyung shouted

-"Ohhh!She knows it more than me!Who is that?😕" Jimin said.

I didn't listen to them,I know it was Haesoo.. I quickly knock the door..
Knock for the second time...
For the third... The music finally stopped and someone opened!

Min Shin was there and was frozen at our sight...

-"J- Jimin,Taehyung,M- Min Yoongi-ssi😨😨😨"

Then Haesoo and Choi Shin Yeon stood behind them and said
-"Whhooo?!😨" *shocked* at the same time.

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