22. Accidents

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[At night]

Choi Shin Yeon POV

Omg! Terrible headache has hit me all day long...
It has been always there but when the girls were still with me I forgot it... Now that I'm alone,it's like I am gonna die tonight!🙍
But if I die, that's fine!I have already met my crush,talked with him,sing with him and some girls now envy me... I feel so special and great! No better time to die at 😂

But still I don't wanna die, because even if all of that happened in my life,even if I had those dreams come true,I still hope I have more to come, I have something better to achieve!
And life is not just about "Fangirling" and "Crushing" and so on...
I have my future to make brighter than the star... I will have a VERY tall(😂),  handsome husband,cute children and will live happy life with them... I will have my own house with which I can do what I want...
Life is so wide! Even though there are times when I don't know what to do with ❔❓I feel like just to focus in one thing in one year or more! And then get bored.. But you can have fun even if you had set goals!

Life contains marvellous thing undiscovered yet... You,no matter how old you are, I swear there is still something in your life that you yourself didn't know from your life's first cry...
But with time,you will go through it all unexpectedly!
That's life again!Life is full of surprises!
I don't know how many surprises are left for me in the store, because I have received a lot this year😻😻😻

Wait?Why am I thinking of all of these things?Am I really gonna die?Anio,anio!Not today!
But- I've never thought of those before... Emh,I did but not this deep...😕
No!What's wrong with thinking?We are human!That's what makes us special,we think!
It's not that I'll die!😑
Well Choi Shin Yeon, stop and sleep or your headache will get worssss----!


[The morning]


Everyone is awake... We are getting ready to do sports activities with the H.T.S.W.Y.O Team today... Well,I don't know who had that worst idea! None of us would like that,I tell you!(#JM) {Like in Twitter, It's Jimin 's statement😀 Sorry to interrupt -Author}

Taehyung: -"Hey hyung! What happened yesterday?I heard some maids and people talking about a called "Fight".. Like, they fought the 3 girls and.... I don't know but have you any idea about that?"

Jimin: -"What?Fight?Like they really fought?for real? And they are "Girls"?Stupid!
Wai- the girls Taehyung-ah!😨"

Taehyung: -"Yahhh... Don't scare me! Do you think it's because of us?"

Yoongi: -"Aish... I am ready to get a call from Mr Sejin gyus... Don't waste your time,try to find excuses instead!😒"

Taehyung: -"No, it won't go this far! No! Jebaaaaal.... No no.. Let's just hope it won't!
He faked a smile, a smile full of worries.... Maknae line are experts in faking smiles!✌

We left our room to join the girls in the sports room... They all gathered in a circle while waiting for us, we came in, NO Mr Sejin or any responsible yet! Maybe they won't come,anyway don't they have something else to do?
It's Okey even if they won't attend,at least we can just do what we want!

But the girls started fangirling around ... Aishhh...

Yoongi: -"What the f***! Sleeping is more healthy!" He said, yawning.

Girl1: -"Oh,Yoongi Oppa is so cute when yawning!😍"

Girl2: -"How can he still being cute when yawning?"

Jimin laughed hard....

Jin started playing around,

Jin: -"Hey you!What's your name?"

Girl3: *blushing* J- JooYoung!

Jin: -"Nice!I just asked her that because she wears those very cute pink sneakers 💟 It fits you so good JooYoung!" as he touched her chin... The girl is half dead and half alive now I'm sure✌

Someone: -"Hoseok Oppa, ask me some questions too!pleeeassse!"

Someone2: -"Jin Oppa,my underwear too is as pink as your li-" she got cut by Mr Jung Min going in... Plus we all stared at her giving her a what-are-u-saying look...😂😂😂

Mr Jung Min: -"everyone is here! Let's start!"

Choi Shin Yeon POV

It was not really hard... We played football!
And I didn't think Jimin is such a bad footballer!really😂😂😂
He is just hitting his hyungs all the time...
This is not sport,it is having fun!
Maybe that's the goal!Having fun!😆😆😆

I decided to have 5minutes of rest as I felt dizzy... It's normal, I haven't run and made sport for a century!
I watch them all playing... So cute!
They boys ' laughter is like music in my ears!
I noticed that Min Shin is shy because Taehyung never leaves her in peace! He is flirting around! Cuuute😍
But I see those girls who bad mouthed us yesterday being furious af! I just laugh inside!

Jimin is running to catch the ball, but oops! He bumped into a girl!
The girl immediately stood up and gave him hand as he couldn't spell any word;
Girl: -"Oppa!Mianhabnida!" She gives him her hand... But Jimin shook his head and I can see terrible pain in his face! Everyone is speechless! The BTS are asking him if it's okey but he doesn't answer clearly!
😨😨😨 Oppa! Jebal!Answer them or...
I couldn't handle anymore so I shouted as loud as I can:
-"Jimin Oppa, tell me you're fine!" In an horrible voice because I trembled a little bit!
Now everyone looks at me!🙊
The BTS with a strange look in their faces, Mr Jung Min with a surprised one, the haters over there giving death glare, while Jimin smiled wildly at me, maybe because of my voice!😹😹😹
Then the boys brought him to his room and apologized!
I don't know what really happened because I was far from them but I think Jimin can't stand on his feet after the accident! Poor him! That girl is the girl who led the group of "Jealous" yesterday! Good for her! She cries like crazy!
Girl: -"What did I just do?Jimin Oppa's gonna hate me! No, it can't be!😭😭😭"
Another girl: "Stop crying!What if he will remember you from now on... You know what usually happen in Drama!?"

Pabo!😂😂😂 That's right, who knows?! But I don't wanna be revealed yet!I bumped into him too, but I don't know how comes that anyone talks about that!!! Lucky me!✌
Min Shin and Haesoo joined me and we left too...
Me: -"Min Shin!You run like a frog!😂"
Haesoo: -"Oh!Frogs run???😨"
Me: -"No! I mean she didn't run normally!😂"
Haesoo: -"Yah Min Shin! Are you on your period?😆"
Min Shin: -"Ani! It's just that I was tired!"
Me: -"Aishh... Geosjimalyo!I know why! Taehyung never stopped to look at you and he always bothered you during the game!😍Kyeeeeoooptaaa!"

I asked them to go faster because I feel dizzier than before!😫

[In my room]
Haesoo: -"you okey???"
Min Shin: -"You look so pale!😦"
Me: -"I am okey!It must be because of the tiredness! Just bring me my dinner please!"
Haesoo: -"Okey!Let's go Min Shin!"

They left me...

Oh Lord! Please don't tell me my high blood pressure problems are back!!😭😭😭
When I was still in Madagascar, my doctor even recommended me not to do so much efforts that may cause my pulse fastening! That will increase my high blood pressure!
Omg!I don't want it to be back!
Tomorrow is Inkigayo!😭😭😭

[After 30minutes]

Haesoo: -"We are back! I've just brought you soup and meatballs with it! Hope it will make you feel better!!"

Me: 😍😍😍 "Yay!I like that! Thank you, wait! What are all of these?" I gave them a weird look because they were bringing heavy bag!"

Min Shin: "We got the permission to sleep here with you... I saw Mr Jung Min when I was waiting for Haesoo and asked him, then he called someone and agreed!😆"

Haesoo: "That was the best idea... We don't wanna leave you here, you seem to be sick! We'll take care of you!"

Me: "Awww girls! Thank you..."

Min Shin: "Omo!My phone?!It is charging so I forgot it in my room!Aishhh... Have to go back, don't worry I'll bring this flashlight!🔦"

Haesoo: "Are you sure? Anyway it's still noisy..."

Min Shin: "Sure! I'll be right back!"

Me: "Don't even think of meeting Kim Taehyung!😂"

She just laughed and left! ...

We are in Jimin's room looking after him...
His right ankle twisted and he can't walk,the nurse told him to stay in his bed today but he should try to get back on his feet tomorrow but still he can't walk for more than 2minutes...
What to do?Tomorrow is Inkigayo!

Jimin: "Taehyung!Will you look for something to eat?I am pretty hungry!" as he touches his tummy

Taehyung: "Okey!What do you wanna eat???Croissants?Pizza?Macaroons?"

Jimin: "Whatever!"

He left...

Kim Taehyung POV

I couldn't say NO to Jimin...
I didn't do anything while the other hyungs and the maknae played cards!
Okey!I put on my jacket and walk out the door...

Oh it is dark!where's my phone?I should use flashlight!
Here it is!
Everyone is inside... They may have dinner now...
I am the one to be outside and it is dark! Well we should add more lamps in this garden area!
As I walked,I spotted a girl; she is wearing her pyjama already but she locked the door of her room with keys! Surely H.T.S.W.Y.O!

She is going this direction ... Where is she going? Well I will just ask...
But suddenly she felt, maybe she tripped on something!
I ran to help her...

Me: "Agassi!Are you ok?"
Her: "Gwaenchanayo!" with pain in her voice,I knew it was not that fine!
Me: "Are you sure!?"
Her: "Yeah!"
Her hair covered her face so I didn't know who was she until...

Min Shin POV

I recognized his voice.. I didn't want to look at him...
I am afraid we are gonna make a story again... The girls are having dinner in the cafeteria right now so there should be anyone to spot us...
But still I am afraid!
Him: "Stand up then!"
I tried,
Me: "ouch... Appayo!"
Him: "let me see, "
He knelt down in my level and touched my leg! Omg! Kim Taehyung touching my leg;
Allkpop and Koreaboo should be somewhere in here holding camera!😹
He removed the strands of my hair from my face to the left... Then he leant down again lighting my awful legs with his phone's flashlight!

Him: "Don't be so clumsy, Min Shin!" he said as he stood up.

Me: "I , I- I am sorry "

Him: "Sorry why?Go back to your room!Now!"

Me: "but,"

Him: "No ifs and buts! You will not be able to walk tomorrow if you get tired tonight!" He said worriedly.

Me: "Jinjja?You sure!Kim Taehyung!" Hearing that I immediately stood on my feet as if nothing happened!

Him: "Finally we recognize who we are talking to... You wanted to ignore me!right?Or you knew I was coming and you made a scene, So I can save you?!Pabo!"

Me: "Aishhh... No!I didn't expect you to be here!But I felt, it was a real accident! Why did you come to save me, you really hadn't to!" 😒

Him: "Really?An accident?so how comes that you can stand properly right now?? Huuum???"

Me: "I stood up because I can't be sick!I will MC tomorrow!😣"

His eyes went bigger! His mouth opened slowly to say "Mwoya?"
But I repeated!
"I will be the MC of Inkigayo tomorrow!Heard that???"

Him: "Omg!No reason to yell!We are in the same struggles!"

Me: "Whuutt d... Don't tell me you're gonna be my MC partner!! Don't tell me that please!"

Him: "Too late!You told what should be told!"

Aishhh!I wish I couldn't stand up that fast... I regret it, I wanna be sick!
Because I will be even sick-er if I will be on the stage with a guy like him...
Lately he took care of me!
Wait!What am I saying?He just took care of me once! Aishhh, you make my world a mess Kim Taehyung Oppa!

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