30. Please, Forget!💔

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[Next day]

[9:15am] [Big Hit Ent]

Choi Shin Yeon POV

Finally back in my ancient room, back in rehearsal, it's like I didn't sing for an eternity.

Mr Jung Min: Well, before we get started let's welcome back Choi Shin Yeon! The 2 days of rest are over now and she is getting better, isn't she?

Girl1: Hah!Troublesome is back!😒

Mr Jung Min: Respect Mrs Hyuna, respect!

She is the one who hates us like hell...
She maybe a sasaeng!😕

Girl2: We missed you Eoni!😊

Choi Shin Yeon: I missed you too guys!

Mr Jung Min: OK! So welcome back, we have few days left until the final so we must work hard! Everyone agrees!?

Everyone: Ne!!!

Then he gave some voice lessons, It was a little bit hard for me to reach some high notes, 2 days it was a lot!😄

After rehearsals and most of the girls left, me and my two friends were heading to the cafeteria to have a break but Mr Jung Min called me!

Me: Yes,sir?

Mr Jung Min: Can you pass by my office later?

Me: Of course, I will after lunch!

We left him...
I just hope he won't restart with his stupidity again! I just feel ridiculous when he talks about his feeling to me.
I try to think of what I feel towards him, but no answer! Just a Trainer!

Min Shin: Let's go to your room first! The cafeteria is still crowded right now,

Haesoo: think so!

[In my room]

Min Shin: so! Why does he want to meet you in his office?

Haesoo: Why do you ask that? (As she lays in the sofa)

Choi Shin Yeon: Well I don't know! Maybe to catch up or I don't know...

Min Shin: Oh, OK! Haesoo, isn't he handsome our trainer? Isn't he rich? Isn't he talented? Isn't his matte black car so extra? Anyways who's the one who's been already inside?!😒

Haesoo: why do you ask me?I am exhausted😵

Min Shin: I forgot how wrecked your software is! I mean, Choi Shin Yeon, you would be the luckiest girl if ever he asks you out!😉😉😉

Choi Shin Yeon: No chance for him! Unlike you, I am never good at pretending! When I say I don't want, then I really don't!

Haesoo: Cool! But he is rich duuuhhh...

Min Shin: Do you have a crush on him?😕

Haesoo: Never! I don't know how to date a teacher! Isn't that the weirdest thing to happen?!

Choi Shin Yeon: it is! Let's just eat! I am hungry!

[In the afternoon]
[Mr Jung Min 's office]

Mr Jung Min: oh, you came! How are you now?

Choi Shin Yeon: Yes!I am getting better, I am not dizzy anymore...

Mr Jung Min: That's great! I asked you to come because I wanted to know if you would like to have a private final rehearsal with Jimin or you will be OK with the others!

Choi Shin Yeon: 😨! Private rehearsal? I am OK with the others, what's the problem? Why do you suggest me that?

Mr Jung Min: Choi Shin Yeon, you know I love you right?

Choi Shin Yeon: Sir! Please sir! Don't you begin again! Please! By the way, why do you involve Jimin in that?you love me so what?

Mr Jung Min: Listen to me! This will be the last time I ask you to! I've noticed these few days, that you are happy around him! Even if I don't say anything, I know everything! Because I love you, I want you to be the happiest person in the world!

Choi Shin Yeon: I wonder how did I end up doing this? Are you hurt? Do you suffer? Tell me what should I do to make you forget that feeling, you don't have to consider it that much... I can't love you, I know I won't be able to love you like how you want!

Mr Jung Min: Are you sure of what you are saying? Is that your final decision?

Choi Shin Yeon: All you can do to make me happy is to let go of what you feel! I don't wanna hurt you, but sometimes that's the only option! I'm sorry if I make you suffer!

I stood up from the chair and walked to the door, I stopped and continued:

"I don't want a private rehearsal, thank you!"

I closed the door and walked downstairs being weak, my soul left my body!
I don't want to tell anything about this with the girls, I just don't want!
I am sick of this! I hope he will finally stop!🙀

Back in my room the girls left a note saying they are watching Drama in Min Shin's room and invited me to come! But I prefer staying here for now...
I took the teddy bear in the sofa, sat down and put it on my lap! Sighed!
My phone rang.
I unlock it and check the notification!
From a group chat!

~We are BTS~

Christian ChimChim added you.

Oh! Hey guys!Thanks for adding me!😊
-Choi Shin Yeon

GoldenBunny set your nickname to Yeonnie

What's that Jungkook?
-Worldwide Handsome

A nickname! Of course
-Yeon Ki Min

Jebal Hyung 😹😹😹

Where are the other girls?😕

Why do you have heart on your nickname?

I did it!

I am gonna add Haesoo and Min Shin!

I think it's time to change your nickname duuuhhhh...

Min Shin will do it!
-Yeon Ki Min


They are so funny! I can't believe it, I am now one of BTS's friends! I remember those times when they used to say "you are crazy!Stop dreaming!You'll never meet them!Move on idiot!..."
But now,see! I am here!
Awwww.... Love the feeling!

Mr Jung Min POV

*Thoughts/deep thoughts*

Forget that feeling! It seems easy to you Choi Shin Yeon! You think it's easy!
Back then, when I heard your voice from the first time, I fell hard!
I don't know if that's what they call "Love at first sight" but who cares...
I loved you, I loved many girls in fact, but since the day I met you, you became on top of the list!
Girls used to confess their feelings to me, and I used to play with them... But I don't wanna play with you, I even gave up on those unfinished games!
But I spend my time dreaming of what we would be!
Today, you rejected me! You finally rejected me!😏
Everything is clear now... Maybe I will finally learn to forget you but I still don't think I can!
The reason is clearer than clear no matter how much you'll deny it...


I wanted to pick Choi Shin Yeon up to go back to her room but there was no one inside when I knocked! I thought she was already gone but then I saw Min Yoongi going out from their room, I told him I was looking for her so he answered "you better leave " with a bothered look, I thought he wasn't in mood.
I heard her voice and the other girls' too inside of Bangtan's room, I heard everything!
I heard JHope scolding Jimin like "Did you just say cute Jimin?Repeat it again!"
I heard laughter, I felt happiness!
The worst part is that, I waited for her in her backdoor, waiting for her to come back! I just wanted to assure she was alright, but here she came with Jimin, accompanying her! I hid myself somewhere near...
I saw and heard everything!😑 My ear burned when he pronounced her nickname as "Yeonnie"...
My heart stopped when I heard him saying "Choi Shin Yeon, please take care!".
She was standing there for a while, she watched him leaving until he disappeared! Then she went in her room...
I was frozen! It was like ten bullets went through my heart!
I went back to my home... I couldn't even swallow anything!

{End of flashback}

It will be hard to let you go, Choi Shin Yeon!



Happy new year 2018 🙌🙌🙌

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