36. It's my fate

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Park Jimin POV

Once the H. T. S. W. Y. O was over, our schedule was full in just a wink!
Have to perform here, have to perform there, shooting new MV somewhere, prerecording and so on... I am already exhausted!

RM: let's eat! That's enough for today! It is just 7pm but it's ok! We need to sleep! 😊

[In Jimin's bed]

I am weak! 😑
I take my phone from the table and unlocked it, there I just found a new message in certain conversation!

Hello guys? How are you all doing? I already miss you! Me and Min Shin arrived safe and sound in Busan this morning! But we are still waiting for Haesoo to confirm she arrived in Daegu!!! Min Shin is right here with me! And we are talking about us again guys!!! Take care.. Eat well and sleep well! 🌜🌜🌜

What a relief to hear from you! I miss you more […]

I just decided to ignore! My mind is a true mess after all.... I don't know what to think when it comes to her! RM hyung said what I feel will not last longer! It will disappear with time! Still not sure.....

It took me a while to realize she has really left....
Did I do enough to let her know I felt something for her? Did I?
I don't have a clue about it, I never thought of asking her as well....
Choi Shin Yeon you are really, so far away from me....
And I feel sad and incomplete!

But don't you worry I will come to find you.......

Choi Shin Yeon POV

Jimin ahhhh.....
Is this how it has to be? You were just a part of an episode of my life? Mh? 😿
Why didn't we have the chance to stay together a little longer?
Stop crying Yeonnie *smile* *remembers JK* *sigh*
Maybe it all is just "Fate"! 😑😑😑


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