7- Flashback

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Still can't digest the fact that I was chosen... I am so happy!
But you know,just 2 people will be chosen next week,and they will really go to Seoul and perform with Jimin. 😻😻😻 Surely they will spend few weeks in BigHit apart 🙊🙊🙊
I am about to look for a song again,stuck in the net all day long.

Oh,my cellphone is ringing! A video call


-"Hello sweety 😽"

-"Eomma... It's been a while! How are you? What's up?"

-"Nothing,just heard somewhere you succeed,so Chukahae!"

-"Thank you mummy😘" I said as I kissed my phone's screen...

-"So will you go to Seoul?"

-"Ani... Not yet! Mum,there will be another selection again before going there! And it's like I, I am struggling!😥"

-"Oh,darling! It is gonna be ok! If it is how it is ought to be, that you will meet BTS one day,then you will"

-"I know but I have a feeling that I will meet them but I don't know how? Is this competition the right path to get there?"

-"The most important is your participation!"

-"It's important,but not enough!"

-"You wanna win,right? I know you babe... I know you more than anyone else!"

-"Eomma,I wish you were here with me! Enjoying life together like we did long time ago.. 보고 시버....!"(Miss you)

-"Love you Shinnie-ah! I should hang up now,Your father will pick me up after few minutes, He will call you asap!"

-"Arrasseo Eomma! Love you!💓💓💓"

She hanged up! I felt overwhelmed, I really miss them...



Kim Jun Ki's best friend won a flight ticket to Korea during a competition about a project for protecting the environment at school. The ticket had a validity of 2months.
Unfortunately,her mother had a heart condition (Kim Jun Ki's bf). She fainted quite often, she was always taken to the hospital. So her father denied her flight to Korea. He thought that if she leaves her mother in this condition, it can make worse the situation.
They talked the following day.
(Let me always use the Korean name even though it's totally different from names here in M/car... I don't want you to be confused!)

Kim Jun Ki POV

-"I feel so sad, but I don't wanna lose my mother! She can get better but only if I am here. She needs her family around her.😿😖" said my best friend

-"Yes,that's true! We just have one mother in life and no one can never take her place!" as I wrapped my arm around her.

-"Jun Ki" and we made a short eye contact!

-"Ne, sweety?"

-"Do you remember that I won at school last time?"

-"Oh yes! How to forget such a victory! Proud of you!"

She smiled and took my hand!
-"Listen! I have to choose between going to Korea and my mother's life 😑! If you were me,I think you would have done the same thing as me! I..."

I stopped her and asked "what do you wanna do?"

-"Here! I give you this!"

I took a look and OMG, my hearteuuuu💔
The flight ticket!

-"Is this for me? Really?"

-"Ne! It has a validity of 2months so, you should get ready!"

-"I should not accept this,it's too much! I can't..."

-"But me too I can't keep it even though I want to. I was never interested in going there as well!",and she smiled again.
But inside I prayed "How to say N.O?"😕

-"I am speechless, I don't know what to say, how to thank you enough... This can be the best thing ever that happened in my life. Thank you for helping me to fill my life's diary!😊"

-"You're welcome! It's just nothing! If it was not you, I would just drop it! So don't mention it, For our friendship!"

The most difficult part of it all is persuading my parents to accept, but as it was just for 1month they accepted! I was just living with my mum because my father worked in abroad too,in New York! He never wanted me to leave my country but then he allowed me to go,dunno what happened in his head❔"


Korea was never in the list of my dream destination, but it's just that I wanted to visit lots of countries...
From that moment,I became so curious about that one! I searched everything about it, but when I fell at the topic "MUSIC" I was stuck there for a while, 7 cute boys singing and dancing at the same time. They stand on the chair and dance,but they don't fall???🙉
Extra! And look at this boy with grey hair,he raps damn good!🙊
Who are they BTW?oh,BTS? BTS? What kinda name is this?😕


As I listened to their music, Choi Shin Yeon came in my room. She wanted to pick me up for a walk,but suddenly she looked at my PC and saw the boys. She was like:

-"Holy sh****! Who are they? Are they human at least?😨😨😨"

-"Shinnie,ofc! Do you remember that I will go to Korea soon,so I searched about it! And this is the result. See,they are just like others group!"😣

-"Not me! Give me their name and I will learn more about them!"

-"As you can see,BTS! Weird! Whatever! Don't wanna care!"

And one week after that,Choi Shin Yeon told me that she became a true ARMY! Why the hell doesn't she go to the military service if she wanna be an Army?(😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)
But she explained that it's not like that,ARMY is the name of BTS fandom! Poor me! But nvm!😏😏😏

Then later, I went to Korea! My first flight ever!✈✈✈

Arrived there,3 persons came to pick me up at Incheon Airport and led me to my hotel! It was sooooo great!😻
During my stay,the 3 people are always with me to be my translator.
One day,I met 2 girls at a restaurant! At first sight I knew that they are not Asian! Saved!🙌
I talked to them and they were really kind. We became friends because they didn't live far from my Hotel.
I talked to them about my stay. They said one morning,"why don't you come to work with us?😋"

-"Mwo? Work? What is it for? I will come back home soon"

-"that's okay,you speak English so surely our boss will accept you!It's well-paid 💸"

Good idea! I accepted!
I signed a contract at my new job and started to work the following day. So happy!🙋🙌


One week before I go back to Madagascar, I said goodbye to the boss.
His eyes widened and he asked:"neo micheoseo?" (which mean "are you crazy?")

I was like,"Waeyo?"

He showed me a paper with my signature and said "Read!"

I read, "Eomeona!🙊🙈!"
I signed a contract for 2years! ➡➡➡2YEARS⬅⬅⬅

I tried to tell him about my stay in Korea. He was angry against me and said "why did you do this to me! Me who thought that I finally found the right person to have that post!😬"

-"Sir, Mianhaeyo! Jeongmal..."

-"Sorry, no one can do this to me! I will do anything so you can stay here! I can't go back anymore!"

I couldn't do anything,my parents were in trouble after hearing the new. Last sentence that came and go in my mind "JESUS, Help me!"😥 I lost my words...

Few times later, The boss called me while I was at work yet. I met him in his office, he smiled and told me "Your problem is solved,you can stay here as long as you want! Concerning your parents,you can visit them after 2 years and then if you wanna leave your work you can or if you want to stay,you can renew the contract!"

Sh***! That's not my problem😠😠 I will miss my parents af!

Then I called them,they just smiled and say "maybe it's an opportunity,the amount you send us each end of the month really helps us! It is gonna be okay! Relax! We are praying hard so that Heaven may give you the strength to achieve the 2years. And we will meet again,by the way we will call you everyday."

As time flew fast, I was in the middle of the 2years!
One day,I received tourists at work,I felt dizzy,and I fell down.
I was taken to the hospital,and the doctor said "you have a serious problem young girl"!

My friends,the 2 French girls were always with me and took care of me!Fortunately I had them🌹

I was unable to work for long time, but the boss told me "You have to find someone to replace you at work, quickly."

I tried but I couldn't, my friends had their own work. So that's how Choi Shin Yeon joined me.

It was always her dream to visit Korea, and do you realize how great is this fate?😋

After 2 years finally I was already better,we went to see our parents in Madagascar 🌍🌍🌍

Then we decided to come back,in reference of our parent's situation , but we moved to Busan. Living in Seoul requires too much so we decided to move.

And we both,Choi Shin Yeon and me had our own work here! And we can say we are happy until now. Especially Shinnie,because Korea is her dream destination after she became Army.🌈🌈🌈

But we don't live in Seoul,so she never had the chance to meet the Bangtan yet. Still waiting for the chance to smile at her.☀☀☀

{End of flashback}

Author's Note:

Are you wondering why did Jun Ki give the flight ticket to her bestie,not to one of her family member for example❔❓
Because she has a very rich family and surely she knew they wouldn't be interested in it. It's just like a vacation like others,and they go for holiday abroad each year! Soooo....🔷🔷🔷
Don't you wanna have friend like that? Don't you wanna live something exciting like that? Really unexpected and suddenly hit you➰
It can but only if it's your FATE🌠

Next part SOON🔜🔜🔜

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