Chapter 1:Tragedy

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Playmaker18 is back with another story! I'm so sorry I haven't been on, but writer's block is all over my butt! It sucks! Anyway, this story is for my dear cousin! Warning: some of these chapters may trigger heartbreak and tears. I hope you enjoy this! Also, I do not own Akiza, Yusei, Jack, Carly, Crow, or Kalin. I only own my OCs. I also own the plot to this story as well!

Yusei wakes up to his alarm clock blaring at his side dresser. Groggily, he opens his eyes, and turns off the alarm clock. He then turns his head to see the most beautiful woman in the world at his side, Akiza Fudo, his beloved wife of three years. With a small sigh escaping his throat, he leans in, and kisses her lightly on her cheek, rousing her from sleep. She opens her chocolate brown eyes, and smiles at her husband. She wraps her arms around his neck, and kisses him tenderly, and softly.

"Morning, Aki," Yusei says, stretching his arms over his head, and cracking some joints, before wrapping them tenderly around Akiza. "How did you sleep?" Akiza smiles, unwraps her arms, then sits up, and answers,

"Like a babe, honey, but I got to get dressed and go to work. I'm probably going to work late again, but don't worry. I'll be home in time for dinner." Yusei sits up as well, showing off his bare tan muscular chest, arms, and broad shoulders. He looks at his wife, and smiles broadly.

She's wearing a burgundy nightgown with spaghetti straps, and a pair of burgundy shorts.
She looks so beautiful, even without the pin she always has in her hair. The love she has in her brown eyes can really take your breath away. How did Yusei end up with such a lucky woman?

"What?" Akiza asks, a blush forming on her pale heart-shaped face. "Do I got something on my face?" Yusei chuckles lightly and shakes his head, before kissing her sweetly.

"No, my love," he says calmly, pulling away, and letting his blue eyes examine her. "You are just so beautiful. I love you, Mrs. Fudo." Akiza smiles, then pulls him by the arm in for another kiss, before saying,

"I love you, too, Mr. Fudo. Or, should I say, Dr. Fudo. Go get dressed. You don't want to be late for work, and if you make me late, you're cooking tonight." Yusei laughs, as she slaps him lightly on the arm, then jumps off the bed, grabbing a towel as she does.

Twenty minutes later, Akiza is dressed and ready to leave. Yusei takes a quick shower, before getting dressed really fast, and popping some cinnamon rolls in the oven. Once they're in, Yusei kisses Akiza again.

"You, my awesome man, are going to make me late for work," she says, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing him. Yusei just moans in the kiss, but doesn't pull away. Then a ding sound comes from the oven, and he has to pull away to take out the golden-brown cinnamon rolls. He puts the frosting on the cinnamon rolls, then hands one to Akiza.

"Careful," he tells her, "they're pretty hot from the oven." Akiza just smiles, then bites into the gooey pastry. She gets some of the frosting on her fingers, and Yusei wastes no time in licking off the frosting. She giggles, then grabs her jacket, fuzzy hat, and gloves.

"Come on," she says, opening the front door, and turning to him. "Get your jacket on, let's go. I don't want to be late for work." Yusei quickly pulls on his jacket, then his gloves, and boots really fast, before they head out the door, right before they sneak two more cinnamon rolls off the pan.

Snow sticks to the ground outside. The trees are bare naked without their leaves, except for the pine trees, those keep their green all year round. Icicles hang from the roofs of houses, and branches from trees. When Yusei and Akiza trek through the white snow, they leave shoe and boot prints behind them. There are also tire tracks on the road from people driving back and forth. Snowflakes gently fall at their feet, as they walk.

"I've always enjoyed the snow," Akiza says, one hand intertwined with Yusei's as they walk towards their car. "It's beautiful, it's like a whole new world." Yusei nods as he fishes his keys from his pocket, and walk towards the car.

The Ford F-250 pickup truck sits at the edge of their parking lot, snow tires embedded with snow and small icicles hanging from the wheels.

"In you go, Doctor." Yusei says with a smile, opening the passenger side door for Akiza. Akiza smiles, and with a little boost from Yusei, she's seated inside the truck, pulling on her seat belt, as Yusei closes the door, walks around the truck, then hops in on the driver's side.

"Alright," he says, pulling on his gloves a little bit, before grabbing his keys and turning the ignition. Soft country music plays on the radio, as the truck comes to life. "Here we go. Off to work. You know, to be honest with you, I can't believe your boss is making you work this late. Heck, I can't believe I'm going to work!" He bangs his hands on the steering wheel and clenches his hands into fists.

"Honey," Akiza says, running a hand through his black and gold locks. "Look at me." Yusei turns his head to look straight into the eyes that make his heart melt.

"I can't believe it, either. I'm working from 9:30 in the morning, till 7:30 at night. You're a scientist, I bet you work longer than I do." Yusei continues to look at her, then sighs.

"Kind of," he answers, "depends on what I'm working on. Tell you what, tonight, maybe after we both get off work on time, you, me, Jack, and Carly, double date, movie night? I'll call Jack, see if he can bring some popcorn, and I'll get the sodas. How's that?" Akiza smiles, before leaning over to kiss him.

"I like the sound of that, Stardust," she says. Yusei smiles, returns the kiss, then pulls away, and drives towards the hospital.

"Promise me this, Blooming Rose, that I will always love you, even when we're old and have gray hair." Yusei says calmly. Akiza smiles, and says,

"I promise, Yusei Fudo."
*Time Skip*
Yusei shrugs off his white lab coat and hangs it up for the night. He calls his wife, and tells her that he's leaving now to go to the hospital to pick her up. It's already 7:35, Akiza having gotten off work five minutes ago. Yusei is praying that she isn't outside in the cold.

When he parks the truck in the front of the hospital, he can just catch a glimpse of Akiza's red hair in the distance, before she catches the headlights with her eyes, and races towards him. Once she's inside, she literally slams the truck door shut.

"Gosh, woman," Yusei says sarcastically, staring at her. "Keep slamming my doors shut like that, you're going to break the doors off my truck." Akiza just rolls her eyes, before leaning in to kiss him.

"So," Yusei says, as they pull out of the hospital parking lot, and they're on the road home. "How was work?" Akiza turns her head to look at him, and shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay, I guess," she says, turning her head so that she's looking out the windshield. "I mean, if you count losing two patients, and your boss is breathing down your neck, and you just want to strangle the life out of him, then, yeah, work was awesome." Yusei tries not to let his eyes off the road, but can't help but look. Then, Akiza yells,

"Yusei, look out!" Too late-Yusei doesn't swerve the truck fast enough, and they end up flying into the truck in front of them. Then, both their worlds go black.

*Trigger Warning: Feels and Tears*
As soon as they crash, Yusei's head hits the steering wheel, hard. Akiza, due to her not having her seat belt on, had gone flying into the windshield, her body feeling even more fragile than it did earlier. Yusei opens his eyes to see his wife on the hood, blood staining her head where it hit the windshield. Yusei's head is bleeding too, but not as bad as hers is.

Sirens go off, and Yusei struggles to get off his seat belt and crawl on top of the hood to see Akiza.

"Akiza," he whispers, kissing her bloodstained forehead, getting some of it on his lips. "Wake up, sweetheart, my rose, please baby girl, open your eyes, please!" He's yelling now, his hands are stained with blood from wiping the blood off her head.

"Someone, please, help us, help my wife," Yusei cries, his tears spilling on the truck hood, as a paramedic gets Akiza off the truck and into a stretcher, pushing her into the back of an ambulance. Yusei quickly climbs in, and he doesn't stop whispering to her, holding her left hand, kissing the silver diamond wedding band on her left ring finger. "I'm staying with you, honey, I'm right here."

*Time Skip to Hospital*
Yusei can barely take the pain anymore. He can still remember the promise he made to her just hours before the accident. Now, his wife's in a hospital bed, probably in a coma, and he can't do anything but sit here in the waiting room and wait until the doctors come back with news of her condition. Hopefully, it's good news. Finally, the doctor comes in.

"Mr. Fudo," he says, walking up to him. "Your wife is in a coma right now, she's had a bad concussion from hitting the windshield of the truck. Luckily, we're hoping there's no memory loss. If there is, God help us all." Yusei nods his head, ashamed. He doesn't even see Jack and Carly come walking in, Carly with tears in her eyes, Jack just emotionless. Finally, he, too, breaks down, wrapping his arms around his best friend, both men sinking to their knees, crying.

*Time Skip to Morning*
They don't know how long they were at the hospital, but through the windows, rays of sunlight beam through on the sleeping forms of Yusei, Jack, Carly, and Crow.

Yusei sleeps with his head on his arm, his arm resting on the armrest of the chair he's sitting in. Crow sleeps on the floor at his friend's feet, his head on top of Yusei's boots. Jack sleeps on the couch, Carly snuggled tightly in his arms. The doctor comes in, just as a brown-haired man with a brown beard, and brown eyes similar to Akiza's, and a woman with hair the same color as Akiza's, and red eyes bursts through the door, frantic, their eyes filled with fear and heartbreak. Their thudding footsteps stir Yusei from sleep, resulting in him kicking Crow in the back of the head with his boots, waking him with a yell.

"Doctor!" The man says, rushing him. "How is she?" The woman has tears in her eyes, she's about to cry any minute. Yusei follows the couple and the doctor, just as Akiza opens her eyes and looks at the couple.

"Mom? Daddy?" Akiza says, looking at them. Her mother bursts into tears, dropping her husband's hand, and racing towards her daughter, and wrapping her arms around her.

"Oh, my little rose, we were so worried about you!" Her mother sobs, pulling her into a tight warm embrace. Yusei clears his throat, so that he can get their attention.

"Akiza?" He asks. "How do you feel?" She stares at him quizzically and turns to her mother, then her father, then turns back to her husband. What she says next, though, shatters Yusei's heart to bits.

"Who are you?"

And that is the end of this chapter! You guys probably hate me for doing this, but I had to change up my style a little bit. So, please comment, rate, and vote! See you guys later!

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