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You and (Crush) didn't really know that you liked each other, and it was breaking you. It made you think you were a creep. A weirdo. A freak. When (Crush) saw you crying and breaking down at a party, they started to mumble things that they loved about you to you, hugging you close. Then, they said this: 'I love you. Don't forget it.'

Your daughter/son/family member/lover was on the brink of death. They only had a few minutes to live. You then started counting to them in the only language they really understood. They started to repeat you, as you mumbled out a small 'Good'. When you said the numbers again, they didn't repeat it. They were dead.
(Ack ghost au maybe-)

You were pregnant. You have been for about a month. (Crush) has been so busy, you didn't get to tell them. But now since they had a week off, you were waiting for them in your bedroom. "Look around, look around at how lucky you are to be alive right now. Look around, look around..." You hummed to them, putting your hands on your stomach as they did too. "How long have you known...?" They ask shakily.

//i apologize for doing so much Hamilton-;;//

You/(Crush) hated your/their body. You/they didn't like it at all. So, to rush all of the emotions out, you/they wrote a small poem. It was about body love. You said it to yourself every night. Now that you/(Crush) is feeling insecure, you said this out loud to them.

(Crush) was very shy around you. To the point that other people had to talk to you for them. You knew they had a crush on you, and it was adorable. So, one day, you asked them to follow you. You then slowly took them by the hands. "I...I know you like me, ok? I wanted to say I like you too."

Continue from there.

I'm using the third one for Lana. Have fun!!


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