Orphanage au

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Basically everyone is aged down and in a orphanage-


-12 years old
-His parents died from a car hitting them. They pushed Unsavi out the way before they died...instantly.
-Has a teddy bear named Alexander Hamilton //wink winkz-//
-Anxious boio
-'W-we shouldn't do this...'
-Always very blushy around Lana


-His mother died from cancer, while his father had already left them both.
-He's pretty energetic really
-13 years old
-Unsavi is like a brother to him
-'Oh come on, It'll be fine!'
-Can cheer up anyone in minutes
-he loves new orphans
-He'll cuddle someone when he needs to-


-Unsavi's right hand man
-Only 11 but he acts 14
-He has a teddy bear named John Laurens //AgReSsIvE wInKiNg-//
-Cares for Unsavi so much he will jump in front of a car for him-
-He doesn't talk about his parents a lot
-Always asleep most times
-A hugger
-'Whatever Unsavi says, goes.'


-Very snappy and sassy
-Does not like Lana. At all.
-She hogs people to herself
-Her parents just neglected her really-
-'Come on Savi!' 'Don't call him that-' 'Shut up Nina!'
-Can be a sweetheart if she wants to
-She's an eh-
-A stuffed animal named Maria and Angelica


-His parents were doing a project, and died suddenly. No one knows how.
-He's determined to find out what happened to his parents
-'Yo, stop fighin'....'
-A smol bean
-Now draws non-stop
-He named one of his teddy bears Thomas
-He says his bear likes Mac and cheese
-An oof
-Has a sketch book


-Scared of everyone
-Loves chocolate
-She always has her necklace her mother had around her neck.
-Her parents died from brain trauma
-She's usually found in Lilly's arms or on her shoulders
-Has a light blue bear named Eliza
-Also another one named Peggy-


-Happy and bubbly
-Even when her parents died, she was still happy.
-Even in the face of danger she has a smile on her face.
-People rumor she hated her parents, maybe because they were abusive. That's why she was happy when they died.


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