8 : Palestine.

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Home. This is a place where you feel secure over any danger lingering over you. No matter how grave the danger seems.

But what would happen, when you are sitting in your home watching TV with your parents and suddenly, your abode, your happy place, your security gets breached?

We could never imagine this synario. The lone thought, scares me to the core!

The place you have been born in, your ancestors born in, the place which belongs to you from the start, gets colonized by some refugees of a person, who had manipulated, slaughtered, and shooed away. The people, who are, were and always would be strangers to the place they have unlawfully possesed.

The place, which is first Qaba to our holy religion, where Beloved prophet offered his salah for the first time. A place so sacred and spiritual for us gets manipulated by some refugees, who have no right in using Armed Forces in a Mosque!

Every Ramdan, our sisters and brothers who have come to visit the Al Aqsa Mosque, who are fasting and doing the Iftaar, suddenly they get attacked by people who called themselves Soldiers, they enter the Mosque, religious place with Armed Forces. Does this not look as unethical interfearance in their lives! Does this not account to unlawful use of their force! Does this not come forth as heinous crime!

Our Brothers and Sisters from Palestine have been facing this problem since years! And Wallah Kya kehne unn ki Himmat Aur Taqat ke!

They are facing situation, no muslim should ever face! We are sitting in our homes, laughing, watching reels, and they are fighting for survival, Deen, imaan and lives of their loved ones!

And still, we face difficulties in our fulfilling our obligatory things! Their kids have stronger Imaan than us!

Oh, our Brothers And Sisters of Palestine, Stay strong for the day of judgment is near, rightly so.

Israel attacks a hospital, more than 500 people are martyed. There are tons of people migrating from Gaza, their land, their home!

The issue in Palestine, is real and real grave. They need our prayers, our heartfelt prayers! And any other help we could make.

I feel scared, when I think abut the day of judgment, where Our brothers and sisters from Palestine will stand their head high up, sawaab filled in their Amaal Naama, how would we face them? Would we able to face them, and tell them that when they were being tested, we were happily switching news channels?

Prayers they need, and Prayers we can make for their ease!

We Stand With Palestine!

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