No more doubt

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Adrian pov

Its been 2 weeks since Marinette lost her memory. I want so badly to make her remember me. I know that will only hurt her. It seems that she has not forgotten me as chat. She does not remember chat is me. I sigh. I need to get dressed and go to school. I end my thoughts and get ready for school.

Marinette pov

I wake up yawning. I glance at my clock only to see I'm going to be late for school. I hurry up and get ready . I kiss my papa and momma on the cheak. Grabbing a donut i run to school. I am climbing the stairs to get to the school door when i trip on the last step. Bracing for the fall i close my eyes. I curse my clumsiness. After a few seconds i look around me confused. I am not hurt in fact i am laying on somthing hard but soft at the same time. Its warm and makes me feel safe. I look up. Geting out of my daze when a sweet kind voice asks if I'm okay. There holding me in his tight imbrace is a handsome boy. His hair is the color of honey and his eyes are emrald green. I continue to stare at him. Somehow i feel like this boy is someone important to me. When I look at him my heart hurts. I blush and quickly squirm out of his hold. "I am so sorry"i say. "I didn't hurt you did i?" He gets up off the ground dusting his pants off. " No you did not hurt me, more importantly are you okay? " he asks me worried. I smile. Thank goodness. He is okay i feel relieved. I tell him I'm okay and thank him. Remembering what time it is i go back to walking up the stairs. Before i can get to the top i feel strong arm's holding me princess style. I look up and there again was the green eyed boy. smiling as he runs to the school doors. He lets me down carefully when we are in the building. He smiles one last time. Before leaving i thank him and he winks.

Adrian pov

I finally arrive at school. I see Marinette falling from the stairs. I catch her in my arms before she could hit the ground. My hearts pounding. The girl i love is in my arms. I look up at her to see blue bell eyes reflect in my green eyes. She blushes and gets out of my hold quickly. She appologizes asking if i am okay. I tell her i am and ask if she got hurt. She replies no. stuttering a thanks she goes back to running up the stairs. I was scared that she was going to fall again. I walk up to the third step sweeping Marinette off her feet. when i am inside the building i reluncently let her down. She thanks me and blushes scarlet. I wink at her and head to class. I already miss Mari being in my arms. Her warmth and heart beat racing in sink with mine. A couple of minutes go by when the school day ends. Everything is peaceful in the classroom until i hear Ayla talking to Marinette. "Girl seriously Adrian swept you off your feet and carried you here?" Ayla asks excited. Mari blushes and twiddles her fingers. "Shhhhh" she replies. "I cant help but feel like i care for him alot but when i look at him my heart beats so fast and it hurts so much." Once i hear those words i feel happy that she still cares about me but i hate that when she looks at me she feels saddness. Time goes by and i can hear Mari crying. I walk up to her but she scooches away from me. Fear is in her eyes as she shivers. "Who are you?" she shouts frantic. "Why do you make me sad yet i feel like i need you by my side?" she continues sniffling. "Why?" "Why cant i remember you." I dont know what to say. I am shocked to hear her ask these things . I back up to give her space. She suddenly grabs her head in her hands hyperventilating. I rush to her worried as she faints in my arms. "Ayla i call out." She runs to where i am. Looking at her friend in my arms she asks What happened? Afraid for her friend. "She tried to remember me." "But she could not and started hyperventilating." "After that she fainted" i reply. Ayla gives me a simpathetic smile. She grabs her phone calling Marinettes mom. A couple of minutes pass. Finally Mari was picked up bye her parents and sent to the hospital.

Marinette pov

I run into the boy called Adrian again. Tears fall from my eyes for no reason . As he gets closer my instincs take over and i scoot away from him. I cant take it i have to know who he is to me. Why does my heart hurt when I see him? Why does this boy afect me so much? I look at him and shout out all my questions. When he does not answer my head starts to hurt. I cant breathe and before i know it i blank out. Looking around i see that i am in my room on my bed. There is a bandaid on my arm. I can only assume that it was from a needle. I slowly get up when i hear screams outside. Great another akuma i thought to myself. I shout spots on and head on the roof to save the citizens.

Adrian pov

All of the things Marinette asked and said ran through my head. I have mixed feelings. She cares about me and she wants to know who i am. But she also faints when she tries to remember. Why do i have such bad luck? I sigh in my pillow. Soon i fall asleep. A sudden banging and screaming wake me up. Another akuma was on the loose. I get up and shout claws out. Changing into chat i hop out my window to stop the akuma. I am in the city streets. I see the akuma who was wearing a vampire cape and had fangs. "I am Vampa"she says as she shoots something red from an arrow. "Everyone will become vampires." "This will prove vampires exist." "No more making fun of me" she shouts again. I jump up to where the lady is dodging the arrows. I see ladybug trying to get the object that contains the akuma. "I dont think that a vampire suits my style i am purfectly happy as i am. But it suits you i say with a wink." "Shut up" the akuma screams at me. Everything is fun and games until fear grabs ahold of me. I see the woman realizes what lady bug is trying to do. she turns glaring. "Oh no you dont" she says in a evil tone of voice. I knew that if i didn't go in front of lady bug right now that she is going to be shot. I could see an arrow aiming for her. I sprint in front of her gasping as i felt pain in my chest. Looking down i see crimson on my hands and body. Lady bug screams and cries no as she runs to me. Scared she grabs me jumping out of the way from the next arrow. She turns around. Dashing from building to building until she lands on her balcony setting me down. Tears flow from her eyes as she holds me. Saying chat in a concerned way. I hate how sad she looks. I put my hand on her hand and she looks up at me. "I'm sorry" i say with a look of guilt on my face . "At least I could protect you." I do regret the things i said to you and wish you would forgive me." "However time seems to be out for me." Coughing i say my last words before falling into solid darkness. Those words were i love you Marinette.

Marinette pov

My head is spinning. Before i can react to dodging the arrow chat sprints in front of me and the arrow pierces his chest. He is bleeding alot and breathing hard. I cant believe this is happening. Crying i grab chat and jump on the roofs to my balcony. Once there i set him down. He is curled up in my arms his heart racing as he trys to breathe he coughs. Now balling i call his name. I feel his cold hand hold mine. Looking up at me he starts to speak. "I am sorry" he says in a sad voice. "At least i could protect you." He continues "i do regret the things i said to you and wish you could forgive me." "It seems time has run out." Coughing hard he says 4 words and they suprise me. I am confused, and happy. Before i could say anything chat falls unconscious. I pick him up and put him on my bed. I know that if i leave him like this he could die. But if he goes to the hospital his identity would be revealed. I glance at chat suddenly pictures flashed in my head of all of the events that happened before i lost my memmory. Adrian i start shaking as reality sunk in. Chat is Adrian and he's in crittacle condition. Paniking I wish he would Stop being Chat and back to Adrian. That way I can take him to the hospital. "Please" i ask desperately "please change back." After saying this green mist surrounds chat and leaves Adrian in its wake. I can't wait anymore it is dangerous. I pick him up again and Sprint to the hospital. Once I get there I cry for help. The nurse calls the doctors and he is rushed into the emergency room. "How did this happen and who should I call?" The nurse asks. I tell her a altered version of what happened. I tell her to call Gabriel Agresst. The nurse nods dialing the number. As much as I want to stay i can't i have to stop the akuma. I look at the place Adrian was taken and feel regret. I leave and few minutes later. I finally defeat the akuma releasing the white butterfly. I go back to the hospital and sit on a chair beside Adrians hospital bed. He is pale and has a breathing tube in his nose. My heart stings from seeing him in this position. I think back to all the things he said to me. Then i think about all the things I said to him. I can't believe he said he loves me after the terrible things I shouted at him. what if he does not wake up. What if the last words I spoke were of hate. I start crying there is no doubt that I love Adrian and his side as chat. I love him more than anything else. I need him please be okay. I kiss his cold forhead and lay next to him.

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