A Couple Days In The Hangin' Judge's Chambers.

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Early the next morning, I woke up at 5 am like I did yesterday morning and looked to my side and found a sleeping soundly Ash.
So I went to the living area of the hotel room and did my workouts in there so as not to disturb my girls sleep.

I was barely into my second set of diamond pushups when I heard the door to the bedroom open and saw a pair of legs coming towards me. "Morning, Ash." I greeted.
"Morning, Dan." She giggled.
"Almost done." I huffed as I neared the finish of my morning workout. After another ten diamond pushups. I stood up and toweled off using the hand towel draped over the back of the sofa only for Ashley to play keep away with it. She laughed as I chased her all around the hotel room. As we rounded the bedroom the fourth time. I pretended to have a charley horse in leg and she came up to me. And I snapped my arms around her and pulled her onto the bed. "Gotcha." I laughed as did she.
"You asshole." She giggled as I grabbed my towel.
"Well maybe you'll think twice before you take my towel and play keep away from me with it." I smiled as I kissed her neck.
"Oh, ho, ho, ho. Don't start what you can't finish, your honor." She bit her lower lip.
"I'd never dream of not finishing this." I lightly kissed and bit her neck which made her gasp in surprise. "Maybe we can continue this at my place in Fort Smith, Arkansas?"
"I'd like that." She smiled.
"Good. Now. I have to shower and change as do you your majesty." I kissed her as I continued, "Before we hit the road to my home."
"Okay, Dan honey." She kissed me as I got up and headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

While I was in the shower. Ashley started packing and leaving a change of clothes out and heard the door to the bathroom open and looked up to see me with a towel around my waist. Steam coming off my body and she looked me up and down examining every inch of me. At least what she could see.
She smiled as she got up, grabbed her change of clothes and walked into the bathroom kissing my cheek as she went. I slapped her ass and she turned her head and grinned. "You really need to excercise a little judicial restraint from time to time." She said with a little smirk.
"Where's the fun in that?" I asked her.
While she was taking her shower, I got dressed and packed my duffel bag and waited for her to finish her shower.

Once she was done with her shower, she came out towel drying her hair and wearing the change of clothes she took into the shower with her. She looked great as she approached me and tossed the towel she was using on her hair onto the bed. "Looks like your all packed and ready to go."
"And what about you my Queen?" I asked.
"I'm ready to go as well. I just need to pack up my sleep wear before we go." She smiled as she kissed me. Then returned to the bathroom and retrieved her sleep wear and packed in her suitcase. And once her hair dried, we gathered our bags, the hotel room keycards and headed down to the front desk, retuned the keycards and went to my chopper, I tied down my duffel first, then hers as well and tied her suitcase behind the back bar. I grabbed my helmet off the accelerator handle and she grabbed the spare from the saddlebag and put it on then I got on my bike and started it up as she got on behind me.
"Ready back there?" I asked.
"Let's ride, Dan." She grinned as she wrapped her arms around me and we headed to my home in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Every ninety miles or so we took a break and just rested, ate and used the bathroom. We rode all the way to Fort Smith well into the next morning.

When we arrived at my home, I parked it the garage and untied Ash's suitcase and our duffels. Then we headed into the house. The moment we walked into the foyer she gasped in amazement at the sheer size of it. "Wow."
"Yeah. I had the same reaction when I first walked through the house." I told her. As I showed her to the master bedroom.
"Why did you decide to settle in Fort Smith, Arkansas?" She asked.
"Well it's a little known fact that I love history. And I moved from Miami to here because of I would say I love the fresh air hare. But it's the history here that really made it easy to make Fort Smith my home." I explained as we came into the master bedroom and put our bags and her suitcase down for a moment.
"Well, it fits a judge like you." She joked.
"And maybe it will fit a queen. Because I have found mine." I slid my arms around her waist as she slid her arms around my neck.
"Are you asking me to move in with you?" She grinned.
"You did say you wanted us to be moved in together by Summerslam weekend." I reminded her.
"Your right." She smiled as she kissed me. I returned the kiss with a touch more passion and heat. When we broke the kiss she bit her bottom lip and smiled.
I yawned and said, "Well, before. I show you around. I think we need a nap."
"Agreed." She giggled as we just laid on the bed with our jackets and shoes still on, me on my back and Ashley, with her left arm on my chest and her head on my shoulder with her right arm nestled between her chest and my ribcage.

When we woke up from our nap, I showed her her around the house and she loved the gym and the pool in the backyard. Once the tour was finished. "You know. This is a nice place. You have great taste."
"Thank you my Queen." I smiled.
"Your welcome, babe." She kissed me and smiled.
"Well, I got to get dinner ready, so my home is at your disposal." I kissed her and headed to the kitchen. She got changed and decided to go to the gym first and workout.

While I was in the kitchen cooking some roast beef. I could hear the clanging and banging of the weights and I smiled as I knew that Ashley was enjoying herself immensely. When the roast was done along with my diced potatoes and brown gravy, I went upstairs to the gym and found Ashley. Using the oversized resistance band that would usually hang from the barbell and was using it as it was attached to the leg of the bench press and she was had the other end attached to her right ankle and was pulling the band by moving her right leg back and slowly letting the band pull on her leg until it became slack. I knocked on the door frame and she turned her hed to the left and grinned. "If you majesty likes. Dinner is ready." I said as I approached her. She smiled as she pulled the band off her ankle and pulled the other end off the leg of the bench press and put it back on the bar bell.
"Good, I'm starving, babe." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.
"Well, get showered up and I'll see you downstairs." I tried to leave but Ashley pulled me in for a passionate kiss.
"I think we both could get a shower in. Besides. I think my Judge has something to finish that he started yesterday morning?" She smiled as she said the last part.
"You know, I think I do. But I want my Queen not only in the shower but also either in the bedroom or on the sofa. I'll let her choose." I kissed her as she pulled my by the hand to the master bathroom and we both stripped down to nothing. I turned on the shower and she grinned as the water got to the perfect temperature for us and both of us got in and just let the water from the shower head wash over us both. I grinned as I leaned in close to Ashley as I rested my forehead against hers. "I love you, Ash."
"I love you too, Dan." She smiled as she lifted her head and kissed me and I returned the kiss with a litlle more passion and heat, which evolved into a heated and passionate makeout session, which as you may have guessed turned into an hour round. After it was all said and done. We soon found ourselves on the floor of the shower breathing heavily and grins covering our faces from ear to ear. "Wow. If your this good in the shower. I'd love to see how you are in the bedroom." Ashley said as she kissed me.
"You were no slouch yourself, Ash." I grinned as we got up and just washed the fresh layer of sweat off ourselves and once I turned off the shower, she got out first and started to dry herself off and I followed suit. Once she and I changed into some clean casuals, we headed downstairs for dinner. Which we warmed up but the roast we didn't have to worry about too much. As it was still warm enough to eat at least. Once dinner was ove we decided to call it an early day as we were still a little tired from the trip to get here by staying awake for the last hundred miles of the trip.
But Ashley wasn't about to go to sleep as she wanted test my ability in the bedroom. I wasn't about to disappoint her. We had a four hour round and by the time it was over, she was more than satisfied as she had this serene look on her face that she had achieved a whole new level of absolute bliss. "Wow, babe. I have never cum that much or that many times. Even when I was with Andrade. You must have made made me cum twenty six times." I grinned as she had the right amount of times she orgasmed during our four hour round. "And you my Judge. Came inside me ten time. I wouldn't be surprised if our four hours of fun. Had some, interesting results." She grinned as I kissed her forehead and lips.
"Your not the only one, my Queen." I said as we just barely moved to where the pillows that were still on the bed were under our heads as Ash pulled a blanket from the floor and covered us both with it. I kissed her neck as we were in the spoon position and said, "Goodnight, Ashley."
"Goodnight, Dan." She yawned and we both fell fast asleep.

The next couple of days were fun as I showed her around Fort Smith, even went shopping for some clothes she could wear until she came to a decision on moving in with me. We both then spent the rest of the day in the gym just working out. The last day which was Friday, we had a little pool party and barbecue. She looked so alluring in her red and black bikini that I had a hard time keeping my mind on cooking the burgers and hot dogs. When we were done eating the burgers and dogs. Ashley and I kissed near the pool only for her to push me in. I surfaced and heard her laugh, "I'm sorry babe. But I felt so bad that you didn't get to have fun in the pool all day as you were at the grill cooking." I swam up to her and held out my hand. Once she grabbed my hand, I pulled her in and she surfaced to my laughter.
"Now we're even." I said laughing harder than I ever had before in my life.
"Yes, we are. But I have an idea as to how we can break this tie so we're both really happy." She grinned as she bit her bottom lip.
"Does my Queen want me here and now?" I asked knowing full well the answer to that question.
"Ooohhh, yes, I, do." She cooed as I swam up close to her and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss with enough heat and passion to actually turn the water in the pool to steam.
We had a very steamy makeout session that ended with us in one of the loungers poolside. Which gave way to a very hott hour and a half round that spilled into the house, or more specifically into the living room. When it was all said and done. We were on the sofa, caked in sweat and she looked up at me.
"Did I ever give you my answer to your veiled invitation to move in with you, babe?" She asked breathily.
"No. I don't think you did." I told her honestly.
"Well, I hope this counts as my answer to it." She kissed me long and hard and I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her waist.
When she pulled away. "I'd say that more than answers the invitation." I grinned as I kissed her for a second or two. "Your saying no." She lightly slapped my chest, making me chuckle as I recanted. "I know, I know. Your saying yes to moving in with me." I giggled as she kissed me, once we brroke the kiss, she laid her head on my right shoulder and just fell asleep. I wasn't far behind as I fell asleep as well and dreamed about the possible future me and Ashley had ahead of us.

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