chapter eighteen

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Prime and Ben were sitting in bed, reading a book. Their curfew had been extended as they had performed well in training that day. Suddenly, Prime exclaimed, "Urgh, that's so gross!" and turned away from the book they were reading together.

"Why is it gross?" he asked her, struggling to hold back his laughter.

"Come on Benny! That's her brother!" She whined as he gave her a look

"I'm your brother"

"Ugh, but we're not blood-related! Only Luther and I, but this girl is with him—Incest!" She complained

"You suggested the book," He said blankly as he shut it.

Prime huffed at him, "Well Klaus said it was a good book"

"I am really worried that you gave Klaus's book suggestion some thought again, Prime," he said, amused.

"Well, sometimes he has good suggestions! Like—

"Like?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow as he set down the book on the bed.

"Like, um...erh...okay, I lied nothing he suggests was good, I'm so horrible" Prime wailed putting her hands on her face.

"Hey," he said as he removed her hand from her face. "Just because you don't like the books he suggests, doesn't mean you are a horrible person. You're always on his side, even when Dad is too hard on him. But that doesn't change anything." Ben comforted her with a smile.

"Am I making him rely on me too much?" she whispered to Ben.

"Ah, I wouldn't say— okay...maybe you do," Ben admitted to her. Prime sighed and threw herself on the bed. "It's just that he can't fight like the rest of us, and he has such a hard time seeing the dead. I understand it's his power, but it can be frustrating sometimes."

Prime was cut off with the Mission alarms and she shot up," What?! Right now?" She said nexasperated as they both got out of the bed.

"I guess I should get ready too," he said as he kissed her cheek and ran out of the room. She walked over to her trunk, opened it, and pulled out her suit. She stripped off her clothes, put on the suit, and reached for her mask.

Prime rushed towards the main entrance, following Luther and Diego who were already there. After a while, the rest of the group arrived and lined up, with Prime standing at the back as usual, since she was not an assigned a number.

"Your mission is Relicmore Museum, there is a raid of at least 20 robbers, I want you to stop them before any of them get out" Vanya peeked down the stairs, and Prime noticed the hurt expression on her face.  Grace stood next to her sister and put an arm around her, comforting Vanya.

After their father finished explaining the mission, they all nodded their heads in agreement and followed him to the car. He drove off, and they sat in silence, confused about their first mission so late at night. The heavy rain pouring outside didn't help their anxiety either. Prime peered out the window and saw lightning strike, followed by the sound of thunder.

Klaus muttered under his breath, "That sucks," not wanting to draw attention from their father."Tell me about it"

"Allison agreed with him, and Prime sighed, 'Twenty, huh?'"

"Are you scared, Prime?" Diego teased as she rolled her eyes behind her mask.

"It's ridiculous how much they need to raid a museum," she commented, as Ben snorted.

"Really? Are you pulling a Five right now?"

"The others laughed, and Prime nudged Ben's stomach, saying, "Oh, be quiet, Benny."

"Yeah, it sounds like you're just like Five right now," Allison joked, and Prime smiled.

"Oh, shut up," she said playfully as they talked quietly. Luther peeked from the front seat a few times.

Prime whispered jokingly, "Luther is jealous because he can't talk like us'."

"He can do it, but if he does, Dad will lose his temper," Allison whispered, nodding her head behind.

Prime sat back on the chairs opposite Allison who was in the middle. Ben was talking to Diego on his left and Klaus was on Allison's right.

"Did you see Vanya?" She asked quietly

Diego rudely remarked, "Yeah, but she can't join us since she's just ordinary."

Prime kicked his leg. "Stop that, or else I'll burn you," she threatened.

"Just saying geeze," He said rubbing his leg

"Please keep it to yourself."

Klaus was caught rolling a joint by Prime, who snatched it away from him while asking what he was doing.

She scolded him, saying, 'Are you serious right now?' He shrugged his shoulders in response."


Prime rolled the window down a smudge and threw it out as he leaned forward," Ah! Hey Primey!! What the he—

"Enough talking," Dad said loudly, as Klaus looked at her in betrayal, mouthing, "This isn't over."

She mouthed back," I-love-you-too-brother" and he grumbled leaning back crossing his arms.

Ben chuckled, nudging her and whispered, "Maybe I was wrong. I think you've got it handled," he said, referring to her worries of Klaus relying too much on her. Prime smiled, leaned back, and felt better than earlier.

Reginald brought the car to a halt and spoke, "Now, go and get them." As the rain fell on them, they all got out of the car and quietly approached the museum. Prime raised her hand and unlocked the window, allowing them to climb in one by one.

Luther whispered to us, "Split up and be careful," as they all nodded and separated.

As Prime walked through the halls of the museum, she noticed three burglars stuffing their bags with some of the precious relics. She looked around carefully to see if there were any other intruders, but she confirmed that there were only three. She then lifted her hands, and the burglars were lifted off the ground, shouting and cursing. Prime walked out , leaving the burglars struggling in mid-air. Finally, she dropped them to the ground, and they all groaned in pain.

She tightened her fist, causing them to faint. She checked to make sure they were still breathing and sighed in relief.

Prime reacted quickly, dropping down as she heard the sound of metal cutting the air. She looked back to see one of the burglars pinned to the wall by Diego's knives.

She heard Ben's voice coming from down the hall and ran over to open the door. He was lowering his shirt as four men, who he had just handled, fell to the ground unconscious. "Good job, Benny!" she said as he smiled and walked over.

Diego, Ben, and Prime defeated five enemies and rushed to the museum's main hall, where they heard groaning. They saw Luther standing amidst four incapacitated men.

"That's 17, there is three more," Prime said and Allision walked in

"I handled them," she sang, skipping and humming.

"Where's Klaus? We have 20, right?" She asked, looking worriedly at the others.

"I'm fine"

Prime rushed over to him and grasped his arms. "Are you hurt?"

"No, just— He seemed a little off and Prime sighed

"Did you see the dead?" she asked quietly. He nodded and she hugged him in relief. "Goodness, I shouldn't have left you alone."

"I was fine, Primey. It was only one," He said as they walked over to the rest, while the police arrived to gather all twenty men.

Luther smiled and crossed his arms, saying "Well done, everyone."

"Yeah, I'm exhausted," said Prime as they both laughed and nodded in agreement.


Prime woke up to the sound of a bell ringing. She frowned as she looked at the clock and realized it was very early.

"Wakey, Wakey!" She sat up as she furrowed her brows," Eggs and Bakey!" the voice sang and Prime recognized it as Klaus, Upon opening her door, she noticed Luther wrapped in his blanket below and Klaus walking ahead without noticing her.," Oh, there's the man, someone pulled a disappearing act last night" 

Prime walked out of her room, and Klaus turned around upon hearing her."," Morning Sunshine!"

"Morning Klaus, what does he mean disappearing act last night? What happened?" Prime stood with crossed arms, tiredly questioning before her eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"What trouble did you get yourself into?" Klaus asked with amusement while Prime remained in shock, staring at the naked woman lying on Luther's bed.

Luther firmly denied," W-What? I didn't"

"Is that so?" Prime exclaimed, suddenly coming out of her trance. She looked at Luther with a confident grin. "Well, maybe I should ask her," she said with a hint of amusement, unfazed by his glare.

"Hello!" both Klaus and Prime said simultaneously as the mystery woman waved back, smiling. Luther groaned and ran, closing his door.

"Oh, come on, don't be so shy, big guy. You needed it! Not a lot of ladies on the Moon, I assume" Klaus taunted" And all that" Prime made a disgusted face as he inhaled, not wanting to imagine anything," pressure resting on those big - hairy shoulders"

"Ew! Klaus, gross! Stop!" Prime exclaimed, covering her ears as he started to laugh.

"Klaus enough!" Luther said holding his blanket covering himself. Prime pulled down her hands thinking it was safe when Klaus spoke," Wait. Was this, like Is this your— Luther looked away embarrassed as Klaus gasped, "No way!!" He then hooted and whooped," Whoo!"

"We are not having this discussion!" Luther dismissed

Klaus rang the bell cheering," He popped his cherry!" Prime gagged not wanting to hear this, |Ugh, what a gross way to kick off my day! Like, seriously, I never needed to know that."

Prime cried as Klaus kept laughing and then gasped," Now you're gonna have to marry her!!" putting his hands on his face teasing him

"Would you keep your voice down?!" Luther whispered yelled

"Hey, you know, I remember my first— Prime turned not wanting to be a part of this as he grabbed her collar and she deflated," Oh, no, you don't" he said as Prime looked over as he was off thinking

"Klaus, what is it?" Luther asked impatiently

"What? Oh the— important family business"

Prime turned as he let her go and questioned," What? Really?" and he nodded

"Meet me downstairs, okay?" He turned to grab herwrist dragging her but stopped and pointed to Luther," And, Luther No dilly-dallying, all right?"

"Chop, chop!" Prime exclaimed with a grin, as they walked away and laughed.

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