chapter four

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After leaving Five—the rain started to pick up and Prime grabbed an Umbrella stepped out of the courtyard and walked over to Ben's Statue.

"Benny, I wish you were here" She said quietly as she bent down touching the engraving of his name. She closed her eyes listening to the rain as it fell on her umbrella.

Suddenly she heard the door behind her open. She turned to her siblings all walking out, with Grace also in tow. Prime got up and pat Ben's statue walking to them as they gathered.

Klaus had one of Allison's old umbrellas making Prime smile at it," Did something happen?" Grace asked smiling. Prime looked to the back as Pogo walked slowly over.

"Dad died? Remember?" Allision said

Prime looked away trying not to say anything," Oh, yes of course" Grace replied.

The siblings looked at her and then Allison asked," Uh, is Mom okay?"

"Yeah, she just needs to recharge, Allison," Prime said in her defence.

Pogo reached them and turned to Luther who held their father's ashes," Whenever you're ready, dear boy" said Pogo

He poured out the ashes and they all looked at him awkwardly," Probably would have been better with some wind"

Pogo then broke the tension," Does anyone wish to speak?" He looked at each of them as they all turned away from his gaze," Very Well" He cleared his throat and spoke," In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. or that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy—

Diego cut him off rudely," He was a monster"

Klaus laughed with smoke from his cigarette puffing out," He was a bad person and a worse father, The world's better off without him"

Allison then scolded him," Diego!"

"My name is Number Two" He cut her off with attitude, "You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it."

Grace then smiled and spoke," Would anyone like something to eat?"

Prime walked over to her patting her shoulder, "No, it's okay, Mom"

"Oh, okay" She replied with a smile.

Diego walked forward turning to them, "Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was"

"You should stop talking now," Luther said intensely

Diego as he scoffed turning to him and speaking louder," You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One"

"I'm warning you" He walked forward as Prime groaned at her idiot brothers.

"After everything, he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away" Diego said louder as he approached Luther.

"Diego! Stop talking!" Luther spat at him.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Luther screamed as he attacked Diego and the two started fighting.

Pogo then shouted," Boys, stop this at once!" They kept going on as all of them moved out of the way. The two got closer to Ben's statue and Prime started to get pissed. They weren't aware of how close they were when Diego dodged Luther as he punched down Ben's Statue.

something snapped—

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Prime's voice roared as she raised her hands to both of her brothers levitating them in the air, "YOU PIECE OF SHITS!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I DON'T CARE IF YOU FIGHT OVER DAD'S ASHES! BUT YOU DARE DESTROY BEN'S MEMORIAL?!!?"

They looked at the destroyed Statue on the ground and both stopped struggling in the air. Prime dropped them both on the ground harshly as they groaned in pain. She walked over to them kicking them both as she peered down to their level

"If it was not raining, I would burn the both of you to ashes to join Dad" She dangerously spat as she got up grabbed Grace and brought her inside with the siblings following in tow.


"Nietzsche once said, "Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting"

Vanya stood next to Sir Reginald as they peered down to the seven children at the bottom of the stairs. He looked at her as she nodded blowing the whistle.

"As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord you must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective"

The siblings all ran up the stairs in a race with Luther ahead suddenly Five Spatial jumped being the new lead as the rest kept running up.

Diego sees this as he passes Luther," That's not fair, Five's cheating!"

Reginald shouted from about," He's Adapted!"

"The ties that bind you together - make you stronger than you are alone"

The sound of pain and whimpering filled the room as the needle penetrated Diego's arm. The man was tattooing the Umbrella Academy symbol on his wrist. Prime held Ben's hand as they waited for their turn. At the corner, Klaus held onto a sobbing Allison as they were done being tattooed.

"They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard, it will be painful"

Prime looked over to the staircase and saw her sister Vanya, who was once again excluded from the group. She saw Vanya writing with a marker on her wrist and she frowned feeling pity for her.

"We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together."

"This is what creates trust"

Reginald sat in his office monitoring his children from the screens and to his final daughter, number 7 who was lighting up more than her siblings in her readings.

"Together, you will stand against the reign of evil"


Prime walked down the stairs after a night's rest, and saw Vanya talking to Pogo," Diego's right, I shouldn't have come"

Prime scoffed joining them," Diego is never right, you don't have to leave V, this is your home and always will be," She reassured her sister, using the nickname she always called her.

"Should I get you a taxi?" Pogo asked as she smiled shaking her head.

"I already called one, but thanks," She said and following her words, there was a car horn honking.

"That's me," Vanya said

Prime sighed and walked over pulling her in a hug," I love you V, stay safe—and please don't be a stranger,"

"I love you too, P," She said as Prime grinned at her

"Uh, I hope you know your father loved you very much. In his own way" Pogo tried to reassure Vanya but Prime wasn't so sure about what he said. Their Dad was—well—almost incapable of loving them if he did it was a horrible way, he showed it back then

"Yeah, well, that's kind of the problem, isn't it? Take care of yourself." She said walking to the door

"You as well, Miss Vanya" Prime wanted to stop her knowing they needed her but she couldn't force her, it would not help at all.

"Dad could have found another way to have us unite, not this way," Prime said quietly to Pogo.

"He has his flaws, I agree" Pogo responded.

Prime walked down to the kitchen in the basement and saw Klaus hugging an electric guitar. She sat next to him as he smiled," Hey Primey, nice of you to join us" He said and she smiled.

"Well, it's more like nice of you all, since I been here for years" He looked at her and scratched his head

"Sorry?" He questioned

"Eh, it's fine" She looked over to Five who was rummaging through the cabinets," Hey Five, what's up?" He ignored her as she scoffed," You'd think I was the ghost" She joked to Klaus who snorted

"He says he misses you" Klaus whispered to her as she shot her head towards him.


"Where's Vanya?" Allison asked walking in as Prime cursed mentally wanting to talk to Klaus.

"She's gone," Prime said as she looked at her.

Five walked over holding an empty canister," That's unfortunate"

"Yeah," Allison said, but Prime noticed he didn't mean Vanya leaving and she cocked her eyebrow looking at the empty canister he was holding.

"An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee"

"Dad hated caffeine" Allison replied

Klaus laughed," Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us"

Prime laughed as Five sighed," I'm taking the car"

Klaus leaned forward," Where are you going?" He looked at Five also worried he'd leave and never come back.

He looked at them and spoke," To get a decent cup of coffee, I'm not going to disappear" He said

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison questioned

"Allison, he is 58 years old" Prime explained.

He looked at her, and then smiled, "I know how to do everything" He spatial jumped

Prime snorted," Goodness that boy, he is going to be the death of us all," She said as Klaus looked at him laughing but then got up changing his mood

"I feel like we should try and stop him, but then again, I also just kinda want to see what happens"

"Just let him be," She said patting his back before getting up from the chair," I'm going to be—

"All right, I guess I'll see you guys in, what, ten years? When Pogo dies?" Diego said interrupting her.

She glared," Not if you die first" She seethed as he chuckled

"Still mad at me?" Prime pointed her finger at him and sent a small fireball to him," I take that as a yes" She was about to send a bigger one, but then Klaus grabbed her hand shaking his head.

"Don't want to burn the house down" He teased as She forced a smile lowering her hand

"Yeah, you're right" She hesitantly nodded as he chuckled.

He turned to Allison knowing it was safe thanks to Klaus," Good luck on your next film, hope it turns out better than your marriage" She scoffed walking out of the kitchen.

"As if you can talk—with your job and all" Prime added walking out and kissing Klaus on the cheek goodbye.

"What did you say?" He questioned

She smirked looking back," What did you think, I didn't know? Come on, even if Dad was an asshole, he still kept track of every single one of you, and how? Me, I went to check all of you, and I got to say, Allison's situation, is not as bad as yours, can't even keep a girl, and a job without your horrible attitude"

He pulled out his knife throwing it to her. She stopped it with her powers and turned it letting them fly back to him as he caught it.

"Dear brother of mine, did you forget, your knives will never touch me—I'm worried for that poor woman," She said leaving the room.

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