chapter fourteen

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Prime was discharged the next day—thanks to Allison, using her powers to make them. Her sister was against it, but Prime had convinced her that they needed to all be together and talk about what Five had told them.

Prime was sitting in the passenger seat with Allision as she drove," How'd everything go, with the guy that is seeing V? Find any dirt on him?"

She groaned," No, I did find his address—I broke in but I didn't have enough time to check everywhere. I was going to check the attic but he came home"

"Shit, how'd you manage to escape?" Prime asked

"Easy— just through the door, he came through the front, and Vanya hates me by the way, before I went to his house. I decided to tell her something was wrong with him" Prime looked at Allison and rolled her eyes

"Wrong move, Vanya would be pissed, since that guy probably makes her feel special, she didn't feel like at home" Prime added

"Wow, it's exactly how she said it" Allison added

"Yeah, well remember, I was one of the people who tried to include her with us when you know—

"Most of us didn't, yeah, I'm starting to learn that the hard way, especially when I hung out with her and spent the night—it was awkward" She revealed

"Yeah, that tends to happen" Prime confirmed

Shortly after the drive, the girls arrived at the house as Allison parked," The boys are going to kill me for taking you out of the hospital" She said as she peeked at Prime.

"Pft, what are they gonna do, they can't do jack shit," Prime said opening the door and frowning," But I can't either, help me?" She said as Allison rolled her eyes getting out of the car to make Prime lean on her.

"No Allison—don't do it, don't take her out of the hospital, don't listen to her, don't use your powers" She mumbled harshly to herself as they walked into the house.

"Yes, Allison, do it, do take her out of the hospital, do listen to her, do make sure to use your powers" Prime teased as her sister glared at her.

"Prime?! What are you doing out of the hospital?" Diego asked seeing them enter the living room and stood up

"Allison missed me so she used her powers to break me out," Prime said grinning as Allison looked at her in betrayal


"Whhhatt?" Prime sang as she turned her head away.

"We are taking you back" Diego demanded and Prime raised an eyebrow

"And how? If you take me back, they'll all be" Prine raised my voice trying to mock one of the nurses," But Mr Hargreeves, your sister is perfectly healthy, we made sure, and she was ready to be discharged" Prine said dramatically using her hands.

"I can ask Allison—

"No! No more of Allision's powers" She said as she put Prime on the couch gently "I am closed for business"

"I win," Prime said to Diego who was frowning

"Prime?! What are you—"

This time, Prime saw her twin walk in and all she did was raise her hand," Nope no, no no, no more, already done, I broke out, blah blah, Allison helped yadda yadda, no need a lecture, I'm out deal with it" Prime alleged

"What happened?" Klaus said as he looked at her and then turned his head to the side.

"You got shot?!!" He shouted after going silent for a moment," Ben is pissed, by the way, LIKE REALLY PISSED," Klaus whispered yelled to her as she chuckled.

"Hi, Ben," Prime said to nothing but knowing he was there

"I'd lie and say he said Hi, but right now he is using such—sailor mouth words," Klaus said dramatically," Oof that one was harsh Ben" Prine rolled her eyes as she turned back to Luther crossing his arms.

"Deal with it—brother dearest, anyways, now that we are gathered at" She looked down at her watch," 8:15, we have three days left so we need to think of a plan, pronto"

"Three days?" Allision questioned

"That's what Five said" Luther added

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon." Klaus said sitting on the floor and making himself comfortable

"That's Five for you," Prime said leaning on the couch. She tried her best to hide the grimace on her face as she felt her wound throb.

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed, - but Five's a little" Allison whistled waving her finger at her head and calling him crazy

Prime chuckled and Klaus added," Our little psycho"

Luther sighed," He was pretty convincing"

Prime then stated," If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked

"Yeah, and I got a hole in my stomach to prove they are lunatics—oh and yeah my leg and arm too, damn," Prime said motioning to her wounds," I'll sink if I tried to swim—or well how does it work? Fuck I don't know, I don't even swim."

Klaus snorted and then looked at her," Ben said you need to be careful and also—still?? You haven't tried to learn yet?"

"Noted, sorry Benny. Also no, I work with fire—if I get drenched it's useless. So no swimming for me." Prime mumbled.

Allison spoke out," What did Five even see?"

Luther looked at her and then glanced around not sure if he wanted to speak. They all waited as he opened his mouth," Uh......Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible"

He said and Prime narrowed her eyes knowing he wasn't telling us everything—he left out the big part. He clicked his tongue and spoke," Okay, so, here's the plan, Uh, we go through Dad's research—

"Wait— Woah Woah," They all said stopping him from talking

"Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick," Klaus said," What actually happened the first time around?" They all turned out heads to Luther

"Yeah, brother, you're not good at trying to change the subject" Prime eyed him.

"Yeah, what are you not tellin' us? Come on, big boy, spit it out" Diego suspected

Luther lifted his cup of coffee to his face and sighed mumbling," We..." He drank his coffee

"What was that?" Allision questioned.

He coughed and cleared his throat," I said, uh, we died"

They all looked at each other in silence at the news.

"Well shit," Prime said as Diego stood and started pacing around.

Klaus was running his hands through his hair and Allison drank her coffee over and over.

Prime felt bad that she knew the truth, but she didn't have the stomach to say it. It was horrible the first time she heard it and hearing Luther repeat it made her feel sick.

"So, your...what?!" Klaus added as he stood up.

"Just now, you're telling me that we died?" Diego questioned

"I think he did," Prime said

Diego shook his head," No we need to figure this out"

"Is it just us?" Allision questioned

"Yes, it's everybody" Prime looked away thinking about how Five didn't see Vanya, but she didn't want to say it.

"In the house?" Diego asked

"The whole planet?" Allision interjected

"No, outside the house—everyone died"

"Hey" Prime turned her head at Vanya who came in," What's going on?" she asked

"It's a family matter," Allision said and Prime furrowed her brows

"Family matter" Vanya repeated rejected," So you couldn't bother to include me"

"No, it's not like that" Vanya turned to leave and Klaus shouted

"Prime was shot" Prime shot her head to him as Vanya gasped," What? Wh—Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"For the record—I only found out now," Klaus said lifting his hand. Vanya ran over to Prime," I got myself in a mess"

"Are you going to tell me?" She asked as Prime sighed about to speak but Diego interjected," Just the normal saving the day"

Vanya stood up and looked at all of them," Don't let me interrupt" She said walking away but Allision called out," Wait, I'll fill you in when we're alone" As she said that Prime noticed she meant the guy with her. Prime looked at him feeling completely weird vibes. She can see now what Allison meant.

"Please, please, don't bother. And I won't either" Vanya said angrily

Allision scoffed," Vanya, that's not fair"

"Fair? There's nothing fair about being your sister. I have been left out of everything for as long as I can remember. And I used to think it was Dad's fault, but he's dead. So, it turns out you're the assholes" Prime felt really hurt that she didn't correct herself at the last part. She included her.

"Ouch," Prime said as she walked out

Allision was about to call for her "V—

Prime cut her off," Don't bother" She looked back at her confused that Prime stopped her.

"I'm pissed that she called us assholes, so right now, let's just discuss this without her. There isn't time" Prime said getting up as Klaus ran over to her helping her over to the bar.

"Maybe that's the reason her body wasn't with us. After all, I have done for her, I get this in return? Maybe I'm just being silly, but I feel hurt, I can't help being a little bitter.," Prime thought to herself.

"We need to figure out what causes the apocalypse," Luther said," Now, there are loads of possibilities. Nuclear war, asteroids. But I'm thinking this is about the Moon, Right?" He said turning to them

"What are you saying? Dad sent you up there for a reason?" Prime questioned furrowing her brows

"I was giving him daily updates on the conditions, I sent field samples. The first thing we need to do— is find his research" Prine groaned remembering that the things Klaus threw away were the notebook that had everything, it was gone.

"Hold on. Hold the phone. We all died fighting this thing the first time around. Remember?" said Klaus

Diego who was tossing his knife in his hand spoke," Klaus, shockingly, has a point. What gives us a win this time?"

"Five" Luther added "Last time we didn't have him, we weren't altogether"

Klaus gagged and Prime turned to him worried. He waved her off as he walked over to the couch. She kept glancing at him as Luther continued talking," This time, we'll have the full force of the Umbrella Academy. That's what we need."

Allison walked over," So, where's Five now?"

"Well he had a plan to change the timeline, He'll be back soon"

Diego sighed and walked away, "I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha" Prime looked over at him

"Wait right now?" Prime questioned

"Hell, yeah, they nearly killed you Prime, those bastards need to pay," He said and Prime felt grateful, but maybe it wasn't necessary since the world was going to end soon and they should work together to stop it.

"If I'm gonna die, I need to know I killed those bastards first" Diego stated walking out of the living room. Prime sighed and turned to Klaus who was mumbling to someone and she reckoned it was probably Ben.

He then got up walking away," Klaus?" Luther called out for him and then yelled," Klaus!"

He turned and raised his hands," Yeah! Sorry"

"So what? You're giving up on the world, too?" Luther asked upset

"Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Mm-hmm." He replied

"So that's it, you're cool with us all dying in three days?" he groaned as he walked away.

Prime got up following after Klaus as Luther looked at her, "Prime?"

"Klaus needs help right now, I'm sorry," She said walking away slowly

"Are you giving u—

"No—Luther I'm not, but right now, I'm not in the state of mind on wanting to save the world, my brother just left really troubled and bothered. I want to make sure he's okay, is that fine with you?" She said bitterly as she walked away.

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