Chapter 18: Bipper

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Mabel POV

I looked up and I could see Dipper. He was up on his feet and when I look at his eyes I couldn't believe it. His eyes were yellow with long pupils. "Bill." I mumble in shock. Bipper raise his hand and a blue flame came out of his hand and he threw it at Cade. Then Jume pulled out a knife Bipper threw another blue flame. I stubble back, "How?" I stuttered. Bipper snickered, "Oh it is easy Shooting Star. You see Tori that love demon weaken my powers and I was running out of time so I hop into Pine Tree's body to gain strength. Our connection is so strong that I can just hop in and still have my powers in this body." Then Bipper grab me by my arm and yank me up to his feet and pulled me in close, "you aren't going anywhere this time, Shooting Star."

Then a yellow flame snake came up and rap around Bipper and yanks him away from me. "You better leave Bill Cipher." Cade sneers "Leave the boy's body."

Bipper laugh as he got up to his feet, "You see Cade you tried and failed like what Pine Tree said. My plans are top secret and I will win."

"Not with Mabel." Jume said as he quickly grabs me and pull me close. Bipper laugh, "Shooting Star is everything." Then Bipper threw another blue flame from his hand at Jume and me. Jume grab me and dove to the ground. A fire started to break out of blue flames. "Oh it is a shame. Maybe you will have some time to think about it as you burn to the ground." Bipper laugh then he threw another flame toward the kitchen. Bipper laugh. Then Bipper was hit with a spell that pushes him to the wall. "Jume leave with Mabel! Quickly!" Cade order.

Jume help me up to my feet.

Then a wave of blue fire just came out of nowhere and it knock Jume and Cade down but not me. Then Bipper came out of nowhere and grab me. "Come one my jewel we must go." He sneers. Then with his hands he made a portal. "No!" I cried out. Then Jume tackled both of us to the ground. "Let go of her!" There was a fight and I was in the middle of it. Jume and Bipper fought over me, trying to see who will win. Then there was a bang sound and all three of us were lifted in the air, separated and then fell back down to the ground. Jume quickly jump up to his feet and jump up and tackle Bipper. Cade came up and helps me up to my feet and held me close. Cade bangs his cane to the ground and Bipper and Cade were separated by this invisible bomb.

Then Cade muttered something as he raise his hand. Then golden strings came out up his and charge at Bipper. They rap around his wrist and ankles and his neck and lift him help. Bipper struggle with the string, "Nice little puppet trick Cade." Bipper mumble. "Have you ever tried to go into the puppet? It is quite fun." "You enter the boy's body to gain your strength back and to gain Mabel back for the stone. You enter my house and trying to burn it to the ground." Then Cade waves his hand and all of the fire disappears and everything seems to be back to normal. "You will not harm this girl again! You will not! And I will make sure you won't hurt this girl. She is my property now." Cade said strongly. "Now return to your place and never return." Then Cade move his fingers and Bipper started to move toward the portal, "You will regret this! I will get Shooting Star and the stone. Just you wait!" Then Bipper was gone with the portal. Cade moves his hand and the portal was gone.

Cade but both hands on the cane and sigh, "Like I said before my lady, Dipper was under a strong connection I knew that something like this would happen. Sure I didn't get the information about Bill like I wanted to but as long as you are safe everything will be alight."

I nod my head sadly. I lost my brother again and I'm still a part of this whole thing. "Will he come back?" I ask. Cade shook his head, "He is a demon and I am a wizard. I have magic...the same with Dipper or Pine Tree, but Bill doesn't have magic just demon powers. The point is that he can't get to you right now. He can't teleport here because he doesn't know where, the same with Dipper or Pine Tree. He can't get into your mind because I'm going to lock it and plus that necklace helps to prevent Bill, Dipper, Pine Tree, me, Jume, and Tori for touching it. You are the only one from touching it but you can't take it off."

"Can you? You are a brother to the royal family." I ask.

"No my lady. I'm not royal blood, just the brother." Cade reply.

"What are we going to do Grandfather?" Jume ask.

"Well we are going to stop both Bill and Tori from taking the throne. By keeping you safe and for getting into the king universe."

Bill POV

I was force out of the portal and I landed on the cold tile floor of my house. The portal close behind me. I was felt with anger. "NO!" I snap as I hit the ground. There was this burning feeling but it didn't bother me. I then hop out of Pine Tree's body. I felt a lot better. I could feel my power again. I look over at Pine Tree, who was on his hands and knees. I really drain from him and he was already drained out, no thanks to that tori demon.

"We were so close!" I cried out, "With Tori after the throne, with us in, and now Cade is in it! I know Tori wants everyone to bow down to her, Cade wants world peace....I still think mine is better." Then I came up to Pine Tree, "What have you learn?" Pine Tree was gasping, still trying to find energy to answer me...or even stay awake.

"" Pine Tree mumbles. I cried out in anger, "This is a mess! A terrible mess!" Then I clap my hands and then two Bonnies came. "Take Pine Tree to his room. He needs rest. NOW!" The two Bonnies nod and they went up to Pine Tree and lift him, "Pine Tree I want you to get some sleep and tomorrow we are going to get back to work."

Mable POV

I sat outside on the grass. Jume came and sat by me. "What do you want?" I ask. For me I wanted to be alone. Dipper was gone back to Bill; well not willingly because he was Bill's puppet. I was in the middle of this whole thing and I truly didn't want to be. Jume shrugs, "Just want to talk." Then he bit his lip, "That time when Dipper old man also got out."

"Grunkle Ford." I interrupted him. "I don't know where he is. I do truly wish I knew where he is. I miss him and the same with my Grunkle Stan." I rap my arms around my legs and rest my chin on my knees.

"I don't know what happen to your...Grunkle Ford, but I'm sure that he is alright. He wasn't much used to Tori. He was older. Younger men, like Dipper, would mean more to her for her experiments." Jume said.

"Is that supposed to help me? If Tori have no use for Grunkle Ford then she will kill him."

Jume made a sheepish smile, "yeah...Well don't worry. I bet your Grunkle Ford is full of tricks. He will make it."

"I hope."

Jume sighs and looks at me, "Mabel, how did Dipper come to be Bill's assassin?"

I sigh as I sat up a bit more, still having my arms around my legs, "I was 12, and he was 12. Bill wanted help to get into the royal universes. He thought he could use me as a maid...not the good kind of a maid. When he was going to take me, Dipper came and offers himself. He pleaded to Bill to take him and not me. Bill took it. Then Bill made a deal with Dipper saying that Bill can't touch me with the involvement trance or anything like that and the second part of the deal is that I forgot everything that happened. I was safe. For four years, everyone thought that Dipper was dead but I knew he wasn't. About a few weeks ago I went off to find him and came into this world and that is how I got involved. There was a demon named Chalka who used me and two of my friends to get to Bill and Dipper. Chalka failed. At the end I went home while Dipper stayed here."

"Because of the trance." Jume finish for me. "That is ruff and I know. Lan and I were close and then he went off, thinking he could do whatever he wanted and ran into Tori and got into bad spots and now was under a spell. At least Dipper was just doing this to protect you...Lan was just dumb."

I curl up in my legs, "I just want this to end. All I want is to be home with my family...with both of my Gurnkles and Dipper. I just wish that this will end." I started to cry. I felt Jume's arm rap around me. "It's alright Mabel. Everything will work out. Trust me." I lifted my head, "How do you know? Can you promise me that everything will be alright?" Jume bit his lip, "I can't promise that. I'm being honest with that."

I looked away, "I just want this to stop." I then grab the necklace, "I just wish I never went to that party. If I never went to that party then I will be safe at home with Grunkle Ford and Stan. Then I wouldn't be in pain knowing on what Dipper was doing. I just want to be blind on what he does. He...he is a monster. A monster that is out of control when he thinks that he is controlled. He tries to help the ones that he was sent to kill but he fails. He kills willingly for the past few deaths. Maybe...Pine Tree was right about Dipper. Dipper is gone. There is no hope."

"Hey don't say that." Jume said. "Being an assassin for a demon isn't easy. I know. Dipper is trying that is all that matters. Don't let Bill trick you on thinking that there is no more Dipper. Dipper is still there. There is still a chance for him."

I shrug, "How can you be sure?"

"I...I just have hope that is all. I don't what the same thing happen to you." Jume seems to look away, "Going up with Lan, we were close. We were bonded together, not only through birth but through magic. We were closer than ever. Then Lan wanted to meet girls and party instead of his studies. He gotten into trouble and I had to get him out of them. Then he left because he was done being my puppet, the one in the shadows. I couldn't leave him so I stock him. Then I found out what Tori had done to him and took him away from me. I knew I had to help him. So I went undercover and saying that I want to serve Tori by the side of my brother. She tried to me under her spell but I was ready so I made an anti-love potion for me so it didn't work but I acted like it worked. I tried to get Lan back. The potion didn't work because he was too in love with Tori. I lost him. I am kind of glad that Dipper killed him. Lan would be in a happier place. I just hope that he is in the right place."

I look at him, "I'm sure that he is."

And he looks at me, "And I'm sure that Dipper is still there and needing help and you are the one to do it." I gave a small smile. I look more into his eyes. Boy they were pretty. They were a pretty starry night color that deeply sparkles. His eyes are so kind. At first I thought he was a servant to Tori who wanted to kill Dipper from killing his brother but I was wrong. There is always more to the story.

Jume gave me a look. I could see it how deep his eyes were. I got lost in them. Then Jume started to get close to me, as leaning in for a kiss. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there and I slowly watch as my eye close and I could feel him getting closer.

Then the door open and Jume backed away and I open my eyes and looked away. "Children we need to talk." Cade order. Jume cleared his throat, "Coming grandfather." Then Jume quickly got up to his feet and he helps me to my feet. We look at each other for a moment then quickly looked away. We went inside.

"What is that you need to talk about grandfather?" Jume ask.

"Well we need to move. Tori will be moving on and so will Bill. Now since we have Mabel and the dream stone we can do something. We are going to the last Princess universe."

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