Chapter 2: The Monster

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Dipper POV

I went over the balcony and landed on the other balcony, right on the railing, in front of the couple. Then I grab their collars of their shirt and dress and their cloaks, and yank them over with me. I knew who they were. They were the king and queen of one of the princesses universes out of the royal universes. So I know I wouldn't hit the ground because there is a shield. So just in case a royal would have fall, it would bounce then right back up to the second floor balcony.

We fell and then we bounce and landed on the second floor. We rolled on the ground. I quickly got up to my feet and to the door. I close it and broke it so nobody could leave or get in.

The King got to his feet and helps his wife to her feet. "How dare you kidnap us!" He snaps. "I didn't kidnap you. You didn't leave your house so it isn't kidnapping." I reply as I went up to them, "Listen and listen closely. I need the Forever Stone. Listen you could give it to me nice and easy or someone else will come and they will torcher you horribly to get the stone. I'm making it easier, believe me. You just got to give me to stone and just to go into hiding. I'll fake your death."

"What are you talking about boy?" The King snap.

"I'm talking about I was sent here to kill you and to get the stone. I need to stone but I don't want to kill you. That is why you must give me the stone and go into hiding so he doesn't kill you." I reply almost pleading, "There is someone coming and he is coming fast to kill you and to get the stone."

Then I look down at my watch, 100:03. "Honey, what is he talking about the stone?" The Queen asks. "Nothing. There isn't a stone." The King replies. "Please just give it to me and leave. You are running out of time." I pleaded. "Honey just gives him the stone." The Queen pleaded. "NO! I must protect the stone. No matter what the coast is. Nothing could make me." The King replies. "I had years of training to keep my secret."

"Well the person who is going to kill you had years of killing and torcher and magic. If I were you just tell me now and just leave." I said. Then I looked down at my watch 100:04. "You only have a minute before he comes!"

"Honey!" The Queen reply.

"I'm not going to do it. He is just making this up! He is trying to scare us! He is just a great actor."

Then the clock went to 100:05. Then I felt myself to go limp but really I didn't. "Oh, I'm not a great actor and I'm not making this up." I sneer even though I didn't. Times up. Then I pulled out a knife and quickly slice the Queen's throat then I stab the King on the leg. He fell to the ground crying out in pain.

"What are you doing?" He cried out, "You...You just killed my wife!"

"Where is the stone?" I demanded even though I didn't. I couldn't watch but I was being force to. I can't look away or close my eyes. "I'm not saying!" I twist the knife and he scream in pain, "Times ticking for you kingly. This could go well for you or terrible. I'm fine with either one but I just want to get my order done." I sneer.

"Go to hell!" He sneers. "The hard way it is!" I laugh. Then I pulled out the knife and a snake blood came out following my knife. "Come my little pet." I snickered. The king was in shock on what I was making his blood do. "You aren't familiar with this spell. It is a Kill Myself spell, cause your own body kills its host." Then I gave a dark almost sounded like Bill's laugh. "First the blood snake will travel up to your brain and slowly drowns it and the same with the rest of your organs. It burns and it kills you slowly even though it doesn't feel that way but truly it is killing you very slowly. That isn't the best part! The best part is when you slowly burn into nothing. Isn't that going to be fun?" Then I jerk my knife and the blood snake strike up the king's nose. He screams in agony.

Then I stab his other leg and another blood snake came out and up the other nostril. "Stop! Stop! Help! Someone PLEASE HELP!" He screamed. "Keep on screaming kingly! Nobody could save you! Only you could save yourself from the pain. Tell me where the stone is and the pain will stop!" I snap.

"Never! devil!" He screamed. Then I stab him on the arms and two more blood snakes came out and went into his ears. He screamed any more. "Scream all you want. The party is too loud and nobody will know that right now their king is dyeing!" I sneer. Then I heard some banging on the doors trying to open it. "Great." I muttered. I even muttered that in the inside. You may think that when guards come and stop 'me' from killing their king will bring me joy. It doesn't. If they take me away they will kill me for something I'm not doing willingly!

I then got close to his ear, "Listen closely and listen well. Right now your own body is killing its self. You got nothing left. Your wife is dead and you kingdom will fall. Just tell me where that stone it and all will just go away. All your troubles, all your pain, everything will just disappeared. This pain will stop and I'll leave. Everything will just perfect." I hiss. "Tick tock kingly. Your body is killing its self. You are worthless so you shouldn't live just you don't deserve to die like this? You are being a weak king. You are just punishing everyone. Tell me where the stone is and I'll make sure that you will be remembering as the best king that happened in Star Shades."

I heard the boor bang. They were trying to break in. The king screamed. "Neck! Around my neck!" He screamed. I looked down and I could see a necklace and there was a small green stone. I gave a dark smile and yank it off his neck and I look at it. "Thanks dear friend. Well I must go. I hope you in joy your death of pain. You will burn into nothingness in about a few minutes and nobody could stop the spell but me, and I won't. It is sad that I'm going to miss it. I would have loved to see you melt into nothing. Sorry I'll miss it." I snickered. "You. You monster!" He screamed. "Oh thank you!" I smiled back. Then I got up and I walked up to the edge of the balcony. I hop on the railing. Then the door burst open. "Don't move!" I laugh, "So long suckers!" Then I jumped off.

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