Chapter 21: No One Can Save You Know

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Alright so this is going to be the last Chapter. :( There is going to be one more book. It is going to be a short one to just rap this whole thing up. I hope you are in joying this book and the book before it. Thank you for the views, votes, and comments. They all mean a lot to me. Thank you and you've been great.

Dipper POV

I was going around, girl to girl and still nothing. It was starting to bug me.

You are the only one that is tick off? What about me!

Oh shut it I'm trying to search for the princes.

No dip puppet!

Don't call me that!


I looked around. I saw Mabel dancing with a Turner, I couldn't see Jume, or Tori. Then I saw that Tori walking around.

Boy I really just want to strangle her breath out. It would be amazing to see her drawing out her last breath.

Trust too.

Then there a tug on my sleeve. I look around and could see this little girl in a pretty white dress and golden blond hair. Her eyes were like goats. "Excuse me, do you mind if we dance? Can we dance is what I mean." I look at her. "Err...Sure." I reply. Then she came up to me. My guess is that she was about 10. "May I step on your shoes?" "Err...fine." I said. I don't even know why a little kid is at a ball. The little girl grabs my hands and got on my feet....and we started to dance.

"My name is Lilli." Lilli said, "What is yours?"

"Um Dipper."

Oooooooo someone got a little crush....oooooooo.

Shut it!

"Nice to meet you Dipper." Lilli reply.

"I'm not going to be mean but...what a little girl you are to be doing here at a ball. I know that you aren't a Benson." I ask.

Lilli giggle, "It isn't mean...I understand. I...I just get special accesses."

I looked at her and raise my eye brow. Lilli giggle even more, "You look funny." I couldn't help but smiled a bit and I even laugh. Then I looked down and I could see it. It was a necklace with a white stone.

Holly puppet! She is the princess! No wonder nobody found her because they are looking for an older girl not a little one!

I can't kill her.

Oh sure you can just get the necklace off and use that curse!

I could feel the coldness pounding inside of me ready to get out and to be used.

I can't kill her.

You will.

I won't.

You must obey orders!

Then I started to get dizzy and my head started to pound. I started to feel cold again, like before.

Tick Tock the orders or else you will be punish!

"Dipper are you alright?" Lilli ask.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.


Then I reach down and grab the necklace and then yank it off her neck. Lilli cried out as I shove her away from me. Then I felt down deep down inside of me and I felt the coldness. Then I felt the coldness going all around me, consuming me. I made sure it travels through my body and to my hands, like what I will normally do with magic. Then it reaches down to my hands. Then I threw the power down to the ground. Ice started to form onto the ground then quickly just became a wave of ice. It went to the whole room, freezing everything in its path...even people. People started to scream but everything was quickly silence.

Everything just got quite and cold. Everything was frozen and I lost myself.

Mabel POV

I was just dancing with this weird looking creature with three eyes and two toughs. The strange thing that each eye was a different color. Then a wave of coldness just came. I look and could see this wave of ice coming toward people. People started to turn into ice statues. The weird looking man backed away with me. Then the ice came and went through me. I got really cold but I didn't turn into a statue but the weird looking man did. I gasp. Then I looked around and everyone turn into ice. Everyone was frozen and the air was cold. I could see my breath and I shiver.

I heard a laugh. Then I could see Dipper...or Pine Tree by his white eyes. Pine Tree laugh, "That was too easy. Who know that the little princes is a littary a little brat? Ha!" Then Pine Tree tossed a necklace to himself.

"Not so fast Bill's assassin." A voice sneer. Both me and Pine Tree look back and we could see Tori, Jume, and four other men by her side. "Jume?" I question. "Oh isn't it the demon want a be...oh and you got drooling men by your side...what a surprise." Pine Tree rolls his eyes.

Tori snicker, "Well you would have been one of my drooling men but William taught you well. Now if you know what is best for you...give me the stone?"

Pine Tree looks at the stone that was rap in his fingers of his hand. "What" Pine Tree sneer. "Then it is a fight." Tori sneer. Then Tori snap her fingers and the men moved ahead towards Pine Tree.

Pine Tree laugh, "You will never learn."

Then the five men came after Pine Tree and they start a hand to hand combat. The fight was short between Pine Tree and four of the men, with Pine Tree and Jume was more of a fight.

I got to get out of here.

As I was trying to leave an arm grabs me and it was Tori, "Hello dearie." I threw a punch at Tori's face Tori release me, "That is for Jume and Dipper." I snap. "You aren't going to get the stone." Tori straighten out, rubbing her jaw, "Fine if it is a fight you want...then a fight you will get." I turn around and tried to run but I slipped on the ice. Then Tori climb on top of me. I tried to get her off of me, "you are coming with me!" She sneers.

"Jume! Jume help me!" I cried out struggling with her. "Jume can't help you know. He is under my control." Then she reaches down my throat but then the necklace shocks her. "Ahh!" She screams. Then I push her back off of me. Then I struggle to get to my feet on the ice. I didn't get too far. I can't run on ice with heels on. Then Tori climbed on top of me again. "Get off!" I screamed. Tori and I rolled over on the ice. Then someone came and ran on top of us. It was Jume. I then look up and I could see Pine Tree wiping his mouth from blood. "Nice try." He sneers. Then he reaches down and grabs me by the hair and lifted me up. "Ah Shooting are you liking the party? I'm saying it was a chilling' good time don't you think?"

Tori got up, "Give her back!"

"No." Pine Tree snap, "She is mine and my masters."

"Oh yeah...with her you still won't get the throne. You don't have all of the stones of the royal universe. I have must of them....ha!" Tori brags.

Then there was a bright yellow light behind us and a laugh which starts to tick me off. Bill Cipher. "hahahahah!" Bill laugh then he appeared behind us. "You really think so?"

Tori held her ground, "Of course I do William."

Bill laugh then he float right next to Pine Tree, on the other side. "Well while Pine Tree was distracting you...I got into your place and I got your stones!" Bill laugh as he mess with Pine Tree hair. "What a bluff!" Tori cried out. Bill laugh, "I don't think so." Then he raises his hand and 10 stones appear in his hand. "I got all the royal stone aaallll right here. All 10 here." Then Pine Tree raise his hand with the necklace, "One right in Pine Tree's hand," Bill continue, "And one around Shooting Star's neck. I win!"

Both Bill and Pine Tree gave a dark laugh. Tori seem to be in shock, " can't do this! I'm supposed to win! You can't do that! I'm a powerful demon!"

Bill laughs harder, "What a bluff! I've looked you up Tori. You are a weak demon infect you are just a half of a demon, not by blood but by power. You are not even close to becoming an all and powerful demon quite yet Tori. You are still a young one...both in the demon world and your age. You aren't the real demon that you claim. People might have known you because they think that you are your mother...Torii. You look like her and have the same name...different spelling, but you are just in your mother's shadow. I know your secret Tori. You are not that all powerful demon....your mother is. Everything that people fear and know is all your mother....nothing about you! You are nothing! Nothing at all! hahahah!"

I saw Tori had tears in her eyes. I never thought about this. So Tori isn't a demon? This throne thing is very complicated.

Then Bill form a blue flame from his hand then threw it at Tori and Jume and they flew back. I didn't want to go back to Bill. "Bill you can't win this! This whole thing will fall apart! You butt face triangle!" Pine tree cover my mouth, perfect. Then I bit his hand. "Ahh!" Pine Tree cried out. Then I threw my elbow down to his ribs then I tried to leave but then Bill grab a hold of my, "Not so fast Shooting Star."

"Let go of me Bill!"

"Not a chance Shooting Star." Then Bill threw me to Pine Tree and he held me tightly. "You know what while I was in search for these stones ...I found a way to get if off of your neck. Then Bill snaps his fingers and the stone disappeared and a knife appeared with jewels in it. Bill grabs it from the air.

Then he brought up the knife to my neck then he cut the necklace off with a hard tug. Bill holds the necklace in his hand, "now 12 and now two more to go..." Bill said then he looks at me, "That means that there is no need for you!" Then he raises the knife then he stops himself, "I can't do that." Then he pauses and floats away from me, talking out loud. "Darn that deal." Then he faces me, "Alright I can deal with you living. You can watch helplessly as me and Pine Tree takes over the world."

Then Pine Tree shoves me to the ground and the ice didn't help it.

"You will watch as the world becomes dark and all of your worst nightmares come to life as me as the king! " Bill laugh. "Come Pine Tree, we got two other universes to take down." Pine Tree gave a dark smile, "Of course master." Then a portal opened up. "Take a good look around this world is going to change. This world will end and it will be mine! Hahahahah! No one can save you now! hahahahahahah!"

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