Sleep Paralysis

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Ok, currently I am interested in Sleep Paralysis. It's when you 'wake up' but you can't move or talk. You think your awake, but all you can move is your eyes. Sometimes, people see scary figures or shadows climb on their bed or watch them, while the person tries and tries to scream or move, they can't.

(Ok that got creepy)
Well, I shall share a story I had and if any of you have, tell me! I want to know! But anyways, here is my story:

I was around two or three, and I don't know how, but I knew about the scary movie 'Scream'. And you know the Scream mask? I'll show a pic just in case:

(Oh my gosh it's creeping me out right now)
I went to sleep, but later on, I 'awoke' in the middle of night. I tried to move, but couldn't. I then shifted my gaze towards the front of my bed, and there stood the Scream guy, slowly walking forward. I tried to scream, but couldn't. I tried to run, but couldn't. It slowly crept onto my bed, inches from my face, until I actually woke up.

That was horrible to write. True story, and please tell me your experiences if you had any.

(I'm Tagging cause I really want to know)
(I REALLY want to know!)

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