For Mothers and Daughters: The Reaper's oath

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Y/n pov

Y/n:Dammit we have to find  Kunou no matter the cost.

When I landed I turned towards the others who rushed over.

Izzy: Y/N ARE YOU OK?!

Y/n: *Nods* Yeah don't worry about me I'll be fine.We need to hurry back and make sure Azazel and Serafall are ok.

Irina: I'll go on ahead!

While Irina  flew off I turned to Senna who looked down.

Senna: I'm sorry this is all my fault.

Y/n; No Senna I was the one who got careless. I should've had one of the others stay behind too.

Izzy grabbed my shoulder before I saw her face fill with determination.

Izzy; Don't worry we're gonna get her back. Those bastards won't get away with this.

Y/n:Yeah let's go tend to the injured first then I'll report everything to the Soul Society. With any luck Kunou may be sent to where her mother is.

3rd person pov

Within the Soul Society the captains and the Lieutenants gathered for a  meeting. Rukia walked inside where the others waited. 

Renji: Your finally here too Rukia?

Rukia: Sorry  am I the last one here?

Nanao: No we are still awaiting Mashiro Kuna.

Isane: Still I wonder what could be so important as to bring this sudden Meeting.

Momo: Perhaps something went wrong inside the world of the living.

Izuru; I have my doubts on that Momo, but  I suppose anything is possible.

Nemu: Master Mayuri hasn't caught anything on his sensors as of late.

Izuru: Perhaps it's possible this event is isolated. Like during the battle within the fake town we and with Aizen.

Shuhei: I'm with Izuru on this. It's more than possible given everything else we have dealt with as of late.

Rukia: If that's the case then Y/n must be fighting as we speak.

Rukia looked down when Rangiku grabbed her shoulder.

Rangiku;He'll be just fine alright Rukia?

Rukia; I guess your right Rangiku.

Yachiru: Aw don't sweat the small stuff!

As the door opened Mashiro came inside causing Shuhei to speak.

Shuhei: You sure took your time getting here.

Mashiro; Hey It's not my fault it's that idiot Kensei's fault!

Shuhei: No i'm sure its' your fault from not waking up from your nap.

Nanao: That's enough of that the Meeting should be starting any second.

With the Kensei entered causing Rose to smile.

Rose: Speak of the Devil, Let me guess was it Mashiro?

Kensei: Yeah  that idiot refused to wake up.

Shinji: Seriously Kensei you need to reel her in abit with this stuff.

Unohana: Now now let's focus on the real matters for now.

Yamamoto:  Yes now as I am sure your all aware since Muramasa's defeat over 3 months ago, All Zanpakuto spirit have returned to normal. However they have yet to go back to how things once were.

Shunsui: That's right I tried asking my Katen Kyokotsu  but she doesn't even know why herself.

Soifon: The same goes for Suzumebachi aswell.

Mayuri: This matter has become unsightly for me. Trying to find answers when I'm  interrupted by moronic spirits.

Yamamoto; I see then this matter may be more than we believe it to be. On top of that I am to believe something has begun in the city of Kyoto.

Byakuya; I see if memory serves Y/n brought mention to being brought there.

As the entrance was opened a member of Soifon's squad came in and bowed.

Stealth force member; CAPTAIN SOIFON-



Toshiro: Kyoto so something has begun there.

Yamamoto; Very well then show us his report now.

Stealth force member: Yes sir!

The Captains turned their attention to the screen as Y/n's face came through.

Y/n; I'm sorry to interrupt everything between you captains. But I figured this matter needed to be heard.

Yamamoto: Tell us everything regarding Kyoto's status Y/n L/n.

Y/n:Very well Head Captain  I'll be honest things aren't seeming so well. Azazel and the leaders of both the Devil and Angel Factions had lost contact with the Administrator of the Yokai;Yasaka. Due to this I chose to come and investigate it for myself. When we arrived however  her daughter Kunou had filled us in on her mother's kidnapping. Before a plan could be made I helped engage a man unknown to me. To my surprise it was another  revived   villain from your past;Ganryu and the dark ones.

Jushiro: What?

Y/n: I guess Kusaka had a back up plan upon his death. Alongside them his servants,the sinners Kokuto and Shuren, and even a warped version of Shusuke Amagai are with them. Luckily Loly and Menoly managed to defeat his servants, and Yasutora Sado killed Kokuto. 

Yamamoto; Have you suffered any causalities during the battle?

Y/n: Luckily not but the enemy has taken Kunou and we haven't found them yet. If she isn't found Yokai may end up destroying this city.

Yamamoto: I see this has become a grave matter indeed.

Y/n:Me and the others are prying any info we can from Kusaka's servants at the moment. the only other thing worth mention is we have a girl known as Nozomi in our care. That's my report but I won't stop until this matter is solved Head Captain.

Yamamoto: Very well Lieutenant L/n we shall send you aid if called for. This matter rests in your hands.

Y/n: I understand.

As the broad cast ended Y/n sighed when Serafall came into the room.

Serafall: Are you feeling ok Y/n?

Y/n: I will be after we get Kunou and Yasaka back.

After Y/n sat down he remembered Kunou's last words towards him.


Kunou: Y/n..........papa.

(Flashback over)

Y/n: I still can't wrap my head around it all. Why does any of this have to happen to her? Kunou is so pure but yet she's forced to deal with losing her mother this young.

Serafall; You really care about her huh?

Y/n: Well can you blame me? When I lost my mom I was heartbroken and felt all alone. My uncle was the only one to try and fill that void; but a loss like that can't go away.

Serafall: I guess your right Y/n, I can't imagine what she's been feeling.

Y/n: Losing a mother is the hardest thing a child can go through. But even so she chose to trust me.Because of that she was taken away before I could help.

Serafall placed her hand on Y/n's leg then smiled.

Serafall: Well atleast your not alone Y/n, if anyone can help save her it's you. We all want to help rescue Kunou so let's do what we can.

Y/n smiled before he stood up then walked towards the door.

Y/n:Thanks for that Serafall, even if your goofy sometimes  I can count on you.

After Y/n left Serafall looked at a picture Y/n brought with him. 

Serafall;(mind) This was from the first time I met Y/n; back when he was a pawn. He used to tease Sona with me sometimes. He really has changed alot since back then.

While Y/n walked into a sealed off room he saw Loly and Menoly inside.

Menoly: Oh Y/n you finished up your report?

Y/n; Yeah so did you guys get anything from Ying and Yang ?

Loly; Not much sorry Y/n.

Y/n gave her a head pat causing her to blush as he smiled.

Y/n: Don't be I wasn't expecting things to go so easily. I doubt  Kusaka would have their help if they fell apart so quickly.Look i'll take over things from here alright you go rest up.

Loly: Y-You mean it?

Y/n;Yeah you two have done enough for now.

Menoly: If you  say so then come on Loly.

After the two of them walked out of the room Y/n stared back.  

Y/n:(Mind) Kunou...I get your pain. It must have taken alot from you to put as much trust as you did in me. I will use all of my power to bring you and your mother back. I'll keep my word to you no matter the cost.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Rias pov

It's been a week since Y/n and the others had left for their mission. During that time I began to get worried about them.

Rias;(Mind) I really hope their all doing ok. 

I heard someone knock on my door before Akeno walked in.

Akeno: You seem stressed Rias, still worried about everyone?

Rias: I can't stand being away from them like this Akeno. I trust Y/n but it's just-

Akeno: I know you just want to help them aswell. The trust is so do I but there isn't anything we can do; but have faith right now.

???: Y/n wouldn't let anything happen to them would he?

Akeno and I turned to Ophis who smiled before I shook my head.

Ophis: Then we have nothing to fear. I chose Y/n as my mate for more than his strength. When I looked into his eyes I saw something, Something most don't have in this world.

Akeno: What do you mean?

Ophis: He has a burning resolve unlike any other. I can see he won't break over something so small. His compassion outweighs his regrets and will always find a way to bring hope.

Rias: Your right Ophis, no matter what Y/n will bring us all hope. He's more than the man we love, he's a hero for all.

3rd person pov

Raynare listened from the other side of the door with a smile.

Raynare;(Mind) He raises everyone around him so much. Even when Kalawarmer , Millet ,and I were blinded by darkness. Y/n shined so brightly that he showed us a path worth walking.

While Raynare walked away she ran into Kalawarmer and Millet.

Kalawarmer:  You seem awfully happy Raynare.

Millet; *grins* You thinking about Master Y/n again?

Raynare: Yeah..he's given us all so much without wanting anything in return. How can I not be happy?

Kalawarmer: That's true ever since that day he welcomed us with open arms. He allowed us to repay our debts and even gave us a home.

Millet: We really have a lot to repay him for huh?

Raynare: It seems like it.

(Back in Kyoto)

Izzy walked around the girls  rooms with a sigh.

Izzy; All of this time and we haven't found anything yet?

Roseweisse: We need to be patient Izzy.  We can't get anywhere by rushing in without answers.

Asia: Your right Roseweisse but i'm with Izzy. I'm also worried alot about Kunou.

 Xenovia; As am I but what can we do aside from search for clues?

Irina;  I spoke with Lord Micheal and he's offering whatever aid he can to us.

Murayama and the other humans looked down in sorrow.

Murayama: I just wish we weren't so useless to you all.

Aika: None of us can do anything like the rest of you. Even if we tried we'd probably only end up caught.

Tatsuki: Your not wrong Aika, I doubt if we did my karate alone will do anything.

Katase: I just can't imagine how Y/n is feeling. That poor girl is lost out there and he's trying everything to find her.

Koneko: Don't worry about Y/n, even when he's down he's always found hope in a situation. As for you guys you have nothing to be sorry for.

Katase: Huh?

Koneko:*smiles* None of us care about your strength, your our friends and that's what matters.

Asia: Yeah Y/n sees you as family and we do too! Even if you can't do what we can;you all support us emotionally!

Aika: You guys really feel that way?

Xenovia: Of course  your more useful to us than you know.

Izzy: Xenovia and Asia are right. Your family and no matter what that will never change. You helped us when we are down, so we'll do the same for you.

Tatsuki: Thanks for that you guys. I guess that's what we needed to hear.

Katase;We will continue to help you and Y/n the best we can from the sides.

Loly and Menoly rushed into the room with smirks on their faces.


Izzy: REALLY?!


The girls rushed over as fast as they could  while Y/n stood infront of Ying and Yang.

Ying; They are using a place towards the center of Kyoto. Tonight they and the Hero faction plan to destroy the barrier between the Dangai and the  human world.

Y/n; What do they have go gain from this whole thing? With Kusaka and the other Aizen dead it doesn't make sense. If they plan on wiping out both the  world of the living and the Soul Society;,why go through all this trouble?

Yang;The Precipice world  is only Ganryu and the others target. The Hero Faction only want to destroy the peace you've created.

Y/n: You mean the peace between the other factions? Why the hell do they want that?

Ying; They think it's built on lies, lies made by you. For them the Devils,Fallen angels,God,and Angels were never  meant to unite. They will stop at nothing to make sure that is broken; starting with Yokai.

Y/n: *Sighs* Great so I have to stop a possible all out war from forming. All because of a delirious bunch of  extremist  fighters.

Yang: You really  think you can stop them?

Y/n; I don't think I can, I WILL stop them. I don't care what they think their goals will achieve. They fucked with Kunou and her mother; that's something I won't let go.

As Y/n entered his Soul Reaper form he walked out seeing Senna standing ready.

Y/n:What are you doing here Senna?

Senna: I want to help you out Y/n. Even if you don't see things that way I feel responsible.


Y/n looked into her eyes seeing her determination   before he  chuckled. 

Y/n; *smirks* You think you can keep up?

When the others made it to them she smirked back then nodded.

Senna;Yeah you bet I do.

Y/n:Alright then everyone we've got our targets. Let's go to save Kunou and end this shit together!


As everyone left to find Kunou Y/n stared ahead with a glimmer in his eyes.

Y/n:(Mind) I'll return that innocent smile to your face Kunou.  No matter what happens I won't let you despair anymore.

A few minutes later Kunou sat in a cage as one of the Dark ones  kicked the cage. As Kunou fell over with  tears in her eyes she screamed out.

Kunou: W-Why are y-you all d-doing this to mama and me?

Ganryu stopped them before he walked over to Kunou.

Ganryu: Make no mistake young one I have no hate for either of you. What I cannot forgive is  the Soul Reapers who ruined this world. Kusaka gave me  and other extraordinary powers because he too felt the same.

Kunou: T-Then why h-hurt my mama s-so much?!

???: We can't have our goals stopped so easily. I'm afraid your mother's  power is all that's worth using. Your  too weak  to be of use to myself.

Ganryu: You've arrived Kageroza how are the preparations going?

Kageroza; Thanks to Shusuke and Shuren's assistance they are nearly complete.

Ganryu: Good  once they are finished I'll leave your machine's activation to you.

Kunou laid in her cage then hide her face in her hands.

Kunou: P-please h-help me..Y-Y/n

As Ganryu left one of the Dark ones dragged  her cage away. When the Dark one went to kill her he was overwhelmed by a strong spiritual pressure. Before he could react someone slammed into the ground and hacked off his arm. While the man screamed in pain Kunou's cage shattered,causing her to look at her savior.

Kunou: Y-You r-really c-c-came for me...


Y/n:I heard your prayers for me....Kunou. Don't worry....from here on out your safe.

The other dark ones aimed their weapons at Y/n who stood glaring at them. Kageroza saw this then ran towards a panel.

Kageroza: Dammit he arrived sooner than we expected. I suppose it's time to unleash the results of my efforts!

As the ground began to shake Kunou ran over and  grabbed onto Y/n. Suddenly the ground shattered causing Y/n to jump upwards with Kunou on his shoulder.

Y/n;What the hell are those..

Kunou: S-So that's why he h-hurt my mama...

h-he made t-twisted c-copies of her!

As the Clones of Yasaka roared Y/n stood back on the ground then spoke.

Y/n:I'll make you bastards pay for this got that? From this moment I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH ALL MY POWER!!!!

To be continued

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