For those I love: The Reaper returns!

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3rd person pov

Y/n jumped at Zangetsu with a spin  before slamming his blade down. Zangetsu blocked the blade  causing the ground beneath to shatter.As Zangetsu tried to knock Y/n back Y/n spun around with a kick: stunning Zangetsu.

Y/n: What's Zangetsu losing your nerve?

Zangetsu: (mind) He's getting cockier..but his skill can back it up now.

Y/n If that's all you got then i'll end this fight now!

Y/n pointed his finger at Zangetsu before firing a hado blast at him.

Y/n: Hado # 63: Raikoho!

As the reaper's blast was unleashed Zangetsu flashstepped out of the way:taking Y/n by shock. As Zangetsu appeared behind Y/n  he spoke calmly.

Zangetsu: Your right this match is over....Y/n.

As Y/n turned around he was met with the  site of Zangetsu driving his blade towards his face.

(Meanwhile in the Soul Society)

As the Soul Reapers clashed with their Zanpakuto Spirits everything around them were slowly turned to rubble. Those who came out on top seemed slim with those who have fighting tooth and nail. Kenpachi laughed as he mowed down the weak spirits  who stood in his way.


On his shoulder a laughing Yachiru enjoying Kenpachi's blood lust.

Yachiru: This is so fun isn't it Kenny?!

Kenpachi only smirked when suddenly something crashed infront of him. As the figure rose from the ground Kenpachi stared at it with interest.

Kenpachi: I know who you are..your that women's Zanpakuto.


Kenpachi smirked once again then aimed his blade at the spirit with a chuckle.

Kenpachi: I've always wanted a shot at you.Now let-

Before Kenpachi could finish both Yachiru and him were knocked out suddenly. Minazuki stared at the one responsible only to see Unohana staring back. The usually compassionate Captain undid her hair before speaking in a icy voice.

Unohana: I apologize Kenpachi Zaraki... but I cannot let you know my secret just yet.*to Minazuki* Now then Minazuki if we are going to battle you should know one thing.

Unohana's eyes opened revealing a emotionless stare filled with blood lust. A glare unknown to most Soul Reapers  who only saw her stare like that of  a mother like saint. Unohana drew her Zanpakuto before blood began to ooze from it.

Unohana: I'm afraid I won't show you mercy. For the next few seconds I'll use "this" to end you revolt against me.

While that battle was under way Rukia  stood trying to fight off three of the spirits until one spoke to her with a smirk.

Suzumebachi: Give it a rest you'll never lay a hand on someone as fast and small as me!

Rukia:(mind) Captain Soifon's Zanpakuto is too small to hit. At this rate I'll end up killed.

Suzumebachi went to attack Rukia once more until a voice called out.

???:Hikostu Taiho!  

Suzumebachi quickly flew out of the way as two more Soul Reapers stood next to Rukia.

Rukia: Renji Ikkaku?

Renji: Let us give you a hand Rukia.

Ikkaku: Who needs speed to deal with a fairy like you? All we need is some power!

(Back in Kouh)

Isabella watched from the side as the other's fought.  Isabella looked down and clenched her fist in sadness.

Isabella:(mind)Everyone of them are so strong. They're all fighting tooth and nail  to protect Y/n but now here I am unable to anything. DAMMIT WHY AM I SO WEAK!?!?! WITHOUT DDRAIG I CAN'T DO A SINGLE THING TO HELP THEM FIGHT! Y/N PUT HIS FAITH IN ME AND NOW I'M LETTING HIM DOWN!

Before Isabella  could react she saw Gasper get sent to the ground.

Isabella:G-GASPER NO!

Isabella ran over to try and help Gasper up before she noticed Ddraig standing once more. As Ddraig prepared a blast she held Gasper tightly until someone got in the way of the attack.

???: Are you ok?!

Isabella:Wait I know you, you were from the summit. Your Rossweisse Odin's Valkyrie.  

Rossweiesse:  Lord Odin sent me to assist you all. Isabella Hyoudou you must leave her now it's becoming too dangerous for you.

Isabella wanted to be able to argue with that. She wished she could do put only clenched her fist. Isabella picked p Gasper and tried to hurry him into the Hospital.  Ryuken fired three arrows at Senbonzakura only for him to knock them away with his blade. Much to everyone's shock one of the arrows were sent flying at Isabella then pierced through her stomach.

Everyone: ISABELLA!!!!!!!!

Isabella dropped Gasper then looked at her bleeding stomach in disbelief.

Isabella:(Mind)W-what just... happened?

Isabella fell to the ground as she reached out towards the hospital.

Isabella:(mind)No...T-This..can't be it...Am I g-going to die only afew feet from where he is? N-No..I-I don't wanna die..not l-like this. I..I...I haven't even told Y/n..h-how I feel about him.

Isabella's eyes filled with tears as the image of Y/n came into her mind. She saw him smile while offering his hand to her. Isabella reached her hand out to grab it with her struggle  visible.  She wanted to see Y/n again she desired nothing greater in that moment.

Isabella: P-please..I-I want to Y/n..I-I..NEED to see you again. p-please don't leave me alone like this..Please Y/n. you..I don't want

As her vision began to slowly fade some hugged her closely.Isabella felt the warmth of their body before they spoke in  caring and soft voice..

???: You won't be alone Isabella because I'll always be here for you. I swear your not going to die here no matter what.

Isabella weakly smiled  as she used some of her remaining energy to kiss the figure who's voice she knew. The figure returned it  as she blushed at them.

Isabella:T-Thank m-much


Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

I picked up Isabella gently then moved her hair out of her face.

Y/n: I'm sorry I couldn't make it a second sooner Isabella. You've fought enough for me so please rest up. I promise I won't let them get away with it.

Sode no Shiraiyuki: Your my master's lover Y/n L/n.. I see you've awakened at last. Being able to see you in person now I am surprised. I never expected someone of your caliber to be dating her. 

I said nothing back to her deciding to bring Isabella to Orihime so she could heal. I quickly flashstepped towards Orihime seeing her staring at Isabella with worry.

Y/n: Orihime please tend to Isabella's wounds for me.. I have a fight to end here and now.

Orihime:*nods* Alright just please be careful.

As I went to Flashstep away I hear Ichigo call out to me causing me to stare at her.

Ichigo: Hold on a second i'm coming with you.If Rukia and the others are in trouble then I can't sit here and do nothing.

I saw the look on her face knowing she wasn't going to back down. I smiled then nodded before answering.

Y/n: I know you wouldn't just try to keep up alright my Strawberry reaper?

Ichigo:*blushes* Hey W-Who the hell said you could call me that?

Y/n: I'll take care of things here first you go on ahead to the Soul Society.

Ichigo: But how am I supposed to do that?

Kistuke: Leave that matter to me Ichigo.

The two of us turned seeing Kistuke standing with his hat off.

Kistuke: I have one already open back at the shop go right ahead.

Ichigo nodded as she entered her Soul Reaper  form then left. Kistuke and I stared at one another before he spoke.

Kistuke: Listen Y/n i'm sorry for everything i've done to you.I should have told you about everything with Aizen alot sooner.

Y/n: No Kistuke I get why you did it. You were only trying to look out for me and the others. After how I reacted in Hell I know If I would have seen him earlier knowing what I do; Everyone would have died.  I don't hate you for what happened and I'll forgive you on 1 condition.

Kistuke: Of course what is it?

Y/n: I want a fight you when everything is over here. No sparing my feelings by going easy but a all out battle. After that No more secrets, no more lies, just the truth got it? 

Kistuke bowed to me respectfully before nodding.

Kistuke: Deal...thank you Y/n..

I turned back then flashstepped to where everyone else were. When I came back a second later everyone looked at me in surprise.

Senbonzakura: Your speed has changed from how I remember it.

Sode no Shiraiyuki: Not only that but your eyes seem different from before. They seem more more calm but yet animalistic .

Y/n: I didn't know Rukia's zanpakuto  cared this much about me. It makes the beating i'm gonna give you feel slightly undeserving.

Senbonzakura: Your awfully arrogant for someone who's only just woke up boy.

Y/n: Heh I can call you the same thing. Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to disturb sleeping patients in a hospital? Well that's enough talking to you.. I'm make sure your sent back to Byakuya and Rukia  beaten in only a minute.

3rd person pov

Y/n raised his hand out with Zangetsu in hand before taking a deep breath. Y/n's body glowed with his spirit energy before it turned black then wrapped around him. When the energy dispersed Y/n stood once again in a familiar form.

Xenovia: What.b-but that is-

Akeno: Y/N NO!

Y/n: It's alright I'll be fine. While I was recovering I learned to harness a small fraction of my unknown power. That fraction is all I need to keep my Spiritual pressure from killing me.

Kuroka stared at Y/n with a flirty expression as she blushed.

Kuroka: May aren't you a something.Smart,Strong,Handsome,and caring.  If Shirone doesn't have your kittens I will~

Y/n raised his eyebrow in confusion before speaking.

Y/n: Shirone who the hell are you talking about? Do you mean Koneko?

Y/n watched Koneko run infront of him then hugged him possessively.

Koneko;He's mine Kuroka you can't have him.

Kuroka: Aw Come on Shirone couldn't we share?~ Sharing is caring you know?~

Koneko: But I don't care.

Y/n saw Koneko pout cutely causing him to grin as he patted her head.

Y/n: Your so cute sometimes you know that Koneko? I'm grateful to have someone as loyal as you here. Your like my adorable little guard who's helped  me alot and that's a trait I love from you.

Koneko:*Blushes* I would  do alot more than that for you...My mate.

Y/n: Oh what was that last bit I didn't think I heard you right?

Koneko hugged him before she looked down and answered.

Koneko: I said your my mate..Y/n..I love you just like the others do. I want to have your children one day.

Y/n:Well I don't think that sounds so bad honestly but first.

Y/n used  his other hand to slash away attacks sent from the Zanpakuto spirits. As spirits looked in shock Y/n who  held Koneko close let her go.

Y/n: Koneko I want you and the others to leave these two for me. I can't risk seeing you hurt like Isabella ok? I need everyone to focus on Ddraig ok? Once you've beaten him try to bring him back to Isabella. Everything will be better for both her and Kouh.

Koneko and the rest of the Orc nodded before they left to deal with Ddraig. As they did large Hollows appeared in the distance.Riser place his hand on Y/n's shoulder before he smirked.

Riser: Leave them to the rest of us my brother. Riser will never let your town fall to pieces.

Ginjo: Yeah just leave the weaklings to us while you save the day.

Y/n nodded before they flew  off to deal with the growing amount of Hollows. When they arrived at where the beasts were Riser clenched his fist before summoning his peerage.

Riser: We'll show you beasts what happens when you try to attack a friend of the Phenex household !

Ginjo and the others began to tear through the Hollows until suddenly the Fullbringers along with Raynare,Millet, and Kalawarmer arrived.

Riruka: Ginjo...

Ginjo: Hey it's a  long time huh? I know I have alot to set right with you guys but for now we need to fight-

Jackie:Save it  will ya we already planned on helping out.

Yukio: Yeah whether we like you or not this town is important so we'll fight until we die for it.

Ginjo:*Smiles* I wouldn't have it any other way. ALRIGHT XCUTION  IT'S ABOUT WE SHOW THESE BASTARDS WHO'S BOSS!

( minutes later in the Soul Society) 

After beating the spirits Y/n crashed through the Soul Society gaining everyone's attention. Y/n stared Muramasa who raised an eyebrow at him.

Muramasa: So we finally meet..Y/n L/n.Your as strong as I've heard.

Y/n: I know all about you from these two.

Y/n threw the unconscious  Zanpakuto spirits to the ground infront of Byakuya and Rukia before they vanished into their masters. Muramasa chuckled before he sent the other Zanpakuto to fight him.

Y/n: I'll try to go easy on you all for your master's sake.

A group appeared infront of him before a woman among them spoke.

Haineko: I wouldn't count us out yet there hotstuff. Unlike that old hag Rangiku I'm not gonna be easy to fight sexy.~

Hyorinmaru: Haineko he's our enemy stop trying to flirt with him and fight.

Haineko: Oh don't be a stick in the mud who says he HAS to be our enemy? I mean look at him he looks a amazing guy.

The other charged at Y/n with a sadistic  smirk as he went to swing his blades at him.


Y/n  blocked the attack with ease before he sent the Zanpakuto flying through a forest. The other two not wasting time charged at Y/n who took them down with a single swing. One by one Y/n took down every Spirit leaving some of the Soul Society in shock. As Y/n struck down a giant one in his path Muramasa appeared behind Y/n before touching him. Y/n stood paralyzed as Muramasa ripped Zangetsu's spirit out of Y/n's body.

Muramasa: I may not be able to tear that other half of you out but this half will more than work.

As Y/n was knocked out of his Mugestu state he stood with heavy breathing for a second. Zangetsu quickly swung at Y/'n leaving him with no choice but to block. Taken by surprise Y/n was suddenly sent flying when the voice of his Hollow echoed through his mind.

Y/n(Hollow) That old bastard thinks he's got us beat HA! COME ON KING SHOW HIM WHO'S THE STRONGEST! I'LL GIVE YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED!


Y/n's body began to ooze out with his Hollowfied energy Zangetsu charged up a attack.

Zangetsu: Getsuga Tenshou.

As the blast leveled the forest everyone looked in disbelief as Y/n shot out of it in a new form.

Muramasa: Interesting so this is the power of your other half? It's half baked but even so I can tell how strong it is. Even so for how long do you think you can control it for without Zangetsu?

Y/n:You think I only need  Zangetsu to keep control of this? Heh Sorry to break it to you but I'm not nice enough to fight like that. I'll cut you to strands with only my instinct moving my blade.

Muramasa: Very well then I'll try to make your death quick.

 Muramasa charged at Y/n with a slash causing the boy use Sonido to move out of the way. Before Muramasa could react Y/n quickly fired a Bala at him sending him flying back a bit. As Y/n charged at him Muramasa came back to his senses then stabbed at Y/n. When he did however he was met with the sight of Y/n's skin untouched.

Muramasa:(Mind)What is that....Heirro I thought stronger Hollows and the Arrancar were the only ones capable of that. This power is greater than I expected just who is this boy really?

Y/n: This rebellion ends here Muramasa  I'll end this with my next attack.

To be continued

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