Let us protect you: Spirits reborn

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3rd person pov

Y/n stood by Gasper as he noticed Rias and Rukia beginning to move. Taken by surprise  due to this fact Y/n charged towards them. Y/n knocked Rias back before Rukia appeared behind him. Rukia went to slash Y/n only for Gasper to freeze her in time once more. 


Y/n nodded before surrounding his blade in his spirit energy. With blood dripping down his chest Y/n let out a roar as he pierced her body with his blade. Filling her soul with his own energy 2 souls blasted through her body and to the ground. As Rukia lost consciousness  the young reaper turned to see Rias's body flowing with massive amount of energy. Y/n looked into the Devil's eyes seeing her glare.

Y/n: Rias just hold on for a second longer ok?  I refuse to leave you as some bastards puppet so fight. I need you to fight it just a little bit more please. I PROMISE WE'LL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS SO PLEASE COME BACK TO ME RIAS!!!!!

Rias's energy lowered before under her helmet her eyes widened.


Y/n summoned his Hollow mask before bursted towards Rias. Rias losing control tried to go after Y/n only to be stopped by Gasper. Knowing Gasper was struggling to keep her frozen Y/n increased his speed. Y/n  raised his Zanpakuto into the air before slamming it down and finally shattering Rias's armor. Falling to his knees Y/n caught the falling Rias in his arms and looked into her eyes. Rias looked at Y/n with tears falling down her face.


Y/n:*weakly smiles*  No...Rias your n...not to blame. I did this to myself so please d-don't cry. I told you I...would to w-whatever it takes to save you.


Y/n pulled the sad Rias into his arms to comfort her before he began to pass out. A few hours later the orc took Y/n back to the world of the living after defeating Loki. Uryu who had stumbled upon them took them to his father's hospital. Y/n eyes opened seeing a passed out Rukia in the bed next t him.His attention soon turned to the door as Gasper and the other orc members entered the room. Gasper cried as he went to hug Y/n who spoke through his bandages.

Y/n: Gasper... please wipe away your tears I brought this upon myself.I can heal from these so don't beat yourself up.


Y/n: No you did amazing during that battle Gaspy. You took control of your power and I couldn't be prouder of you buddy. Gasper..I know I haven't told you this but I love you like a brother man. You've been so brave for me that I couldn't be more happy to call you family. I know things don't look so good but please  keep your head up for me ok? Listen..I need you to do me a favor alright?

Gasper: What is it?

Y/n: I need you to help look after the others for me alright?  I need you to be brave and protect the others in my place while I recover. You won't be alone Gaspy through this and I believe you can do it. Can you promise me that buddy?

Gasper wiped away his tears before nodding at Y/n.

Gasper: I promise i'll be the man you believe I can be Y/n!

Y/n smiled at Gasper who was then taken out of the room by Isabella. Soon Y/n and Rias were the only ones left in the room.

Rias: Y/n.. .I-

Y/n: Rias you shouldn't feel regret for something you were not able to control. I promised you and the others I would protect you no matter what didn't I? When I said those words I mean it even if it would my life.

Rias walked over and hugged Y/n gently trying not to hurt her boyfriend any farther.

Rias;:I know you you would Y/n....thank you. Thank you so much I don't know what I did to deserve you.

The doors to the room opened showing a nurse entering.

Nurse: I'm sorry to interrupt Ms. Gremory but visiting hours are over now. Please come back another time.

Rias looked at Y/n before kissing his forehead and standing up. 

Rias: I guess I have to leave now. Before I go Y/n I want you to know; that I'll repay you for what you did. For now now just try to stay and recover for me honey. 

Rias walked towards the door  with a smile as she left. As she walked down the halls she smiled to herself mentally.

Rias:(mind) Y/n..you almost gave everything up to save me again. You always do your best to protect us until now. This time things are going to be different I swear; This time it's our turn to keep you safe. 

Timeskip brought to you by this

3rd person pov

2 weeks had pasted since Y/n was put in the hospital. Since then Rukia had managed to recover and has joined the others in keeping Y/n safe when they could.While they  knew about it the humans who considered Y/n worried greatly about him. Murayama and her friends began to visit him. They would talk to one another and help him with his school work seeing as he had no means of doing so. Tatsuki would come and bring the boy  food she knows he loves. Ikumi would come to check on him as she  her business had little work today. She  never said so but Y/n was her favorite employee. He had always showed up on time and did what he was told without trouble. It even came to a point where Isshin would bring Ichigo's sisters to see him with gifts. Y/n as much as he liked it had something else on his mind. Something seemed off to him; something he didn't understand. As Y/n tried to sleep he found himself in his inner word once again.

Y/n:What the hell am I doing here?

Y/n saw his fused Zangestu standing infront of him. While that happened things in the Soul Society were turning for the worse. The Soul Society stood in flames as the Soul Reapers stood face to face with enemies they never expected.

Bayakuya: If you truly have returned then it seems we can't afford to be careful. 

???: Let's see if you still have the power to back those words.

As the battle there begun The Devils stood in shock at their enemy standing before them.

Isabella:H-How can this be happening? What's going on with you


To be continued

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