No longer being usless

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3rd person pov

Y/n: What the hell is that thing?!

Y/n looked at the monster as it let out a another roar before it swung at Y/n who jumped out of the way. Trying again the monster tried to swing at Y/n but then he saw Ichigo wearing a black kimono and wielding a giant sword she blocked the strike. 

Ichigo: You need to get out of here it's not safe!

Y/n: But I can't just stand by and do nothing!

The beast opened it's mouth and began to charge up a beam of energy.

Ichigo:(mind)  A Cero?! Shit I don't have time to get Y/n out of the way of it!

As the monster fired the Cero an explosion went off sending Y/n flying threw a wall and blowing a hole through his chest. Coughing out blood Y/n loses His vision

Ichigo: Y/N!!!!!

(play song above here)

As Y/n floated in darkness his memories surrounded him memories of failure.

Y/n: Why...why is it that I can't ever keep those I care about safe? Why do those that help me have to be hurt?.....When will this cycle of pain stop? When will I stop losing those who matter to me? Akeno...Koneko....Kiba....even Rias...and now two people I barely know are being hurt because of me.

Orihime ran over to Y/n trying to heal his wound while Ichigo tries to defeat the beast.

Orihime: Y/n please stay with me.

The beasts grabs Ichigo's foot and slams her into the ground and makes it' s way towards Orihime.

Y/n: I have to help her I can't just lay here and watch them die. 

Y/n tries to move his body but to no avail but keeps trying.

Y/n: Move....move dammit... I refuse to be weak...I won't let my own weakness get them killed!

The beasts slashed at Orihime who made a shield to try an block it only to see it shattered.

Y/n: Power.....I want.more....power.......I NEED MORE POWER!!! 

(end song )

(Play this song now)

A figure appeared before him. The same man that had came to him before. 

Man: Your heart has finally made it's choice so I shall ask you again. Do you wish for power the power to stand and fight once more? Do you wish to protect those around you?

Y/n: Yes there is no way in hell I'm going to sit by and watch those around me get hurt anymore!

Man: Very well I will lend you my strength. I will Stand by your side through your struggles and your pain. I will do everything I will to see to your wish to protect all you must do is to say my name.

Y/n: Well whats is it?

Man: My name is

Y/n's body began to leak out massive amounts energy and he spoke.

Man: My name is...

Y/n/Man: Zangetsu!

The energy around Y/n's body bursted sending the Beast back. Orihime however put up a shield and looked in awe. 

Orihime: What incredible spirit energy it's so strong!

As the energy cleared a figure was slowly revealed to show Y/n. 

Y/n: Time for you to pay for hurting them you bastard.

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