souls bound part 1: The quiet before the storm

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A/n pov ( weeks before the thousand year blood war)

In Hell Y/n and the others are seen dressed up for a big event with the faction leaders.

Y/n: I'm glad to know this whole event is just some formal greet. It suck hard if I dressed up like this only to have it end up tearing on me.

Rias: Well with us being our own household and me becoming one of the 4 Satans this is to be expected.

Yasaka: The factions all know that in order to make sure we don't ever turn against them.

Irina: Makes sense.

Y/n: Yep Even though we aren't their enemy it's only a just for the people right?

After all we're the strongest household there is. It's like having the strongest knight of a order. Should that knight ever turn on them and the people; the whole kingdom would be under grave danger if their secrets are exposed.

Rias: *smiles* Bingo! Your right on the money baby. That's exactly why this was called up to begin with.

Izzy: So in other words is just to remind the factions members were Friendly's. Got it.

Gasper: I'm still kinda nervous but if everyone else is willing to do this then I'll do my best too!

Y/n chuckled giving Gasper a fist bump while they walked.

Y/n: I got nothing but faith in you gasp my little bro.

Rossweisse smiled looking up into the sky before speaking.

Rossweisse: I'm only glad to show Lord Odin how much I've improved. I finally even have a loving and strong husband.

Y/n: Yeah it's pretty awesome to see you're not the same person who we met back then. Now you are a kick ass warrior goddess.

Serafall: *grins* Hey come on how about we do less talking and more walking.

Y/n: We know Sera keep your panties on k?

When headed inside they were greeted by the noble heads and leaders.

Azazel: Welcome to the club Y/n I see you healed up nicely.

Y/n: You got that right.. after the world breakers We all got to heal from that shit.

Zeoticus: Ah Rias I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you. Taking on the role of a Satan is no easy task.

Rias: Well I just wanted the best for the factions and Sirzechs.. He's done so much for everyone. So has Y/n and the others.

Y/n: Hell Rias don't count yourself out like you did nothing.

Raynare: He's right Rias without you're help in guiding us and allowing millet. Kalawarner and I a chance to redeem ourselves..

Kalawarner: Well I don't think we need to tell you how much worse things could've been.

Rias:*smiles* Thanks you two.

Venelana: You've grown into a amazing wife,woman, and leader my baby girl.

Rias: I know mother..and I have a wonderful group...and the best husband.

Y/n:*smirks* Hey now don't you think you stroked me enough last night?~

Rias:*blushes* Y-Y/N right infront of my parents?!

Venelana: *laughs* Oh Y/n it's always a pleasure to have you around.

Y/n: Heh I try mam.

Bowing Y/n turned to see Sairaorg standing behind him.

Sairaorg: Been a minute since we last met huh Y/n?

Y/n: Sairaorg wassup man I hope things have been well.

Sairaorg: I've been great which I see you've been lately. I'm glad to see you've recovered fully since that invasion.

Y/n: Yep if there's anything i've been lucky to have it's my recovery time and stamina.

Akeno:*giggles* Well that's something we all can agree on. hehe~

Y/n: *eye rolls with a smile * Haha very funny Akeno.

Sairaorg: Hahaha glad to know nothing can truly take you down my friend.

Y/n: Back at you Sai. I'll see you around man.

Walking away Y/n was seen talking with all the big names within the factions.

Odin: To know that Rossweisse has grown from the flustered warrior she was serving me...well it's quite a gift.

Rossweisse:*bows* Thank you lord Odin but it's only due to everything me and the others had gone through.

Odin: *smiles* I see that and I wish you a great future in the L/n household my dear.

Y/n:*winks* Well my darling Valkyrie shall we be off?

Rossweisse:*Blushes* Of course my precious husband.

Odin: (mind) The boy is undoubtedly the strongest warrior anyone of us will ever witness. .. it can make one cower at the thought of how powerful his children shall be.

Making his way into another room Y/n saw Sirzechs and Serafall turn towards him.

Sirzechs: Ah Y/n just the guy I wanted to see.

Y/n: Whats up?

Sirzechs: There's something I wanted you do try for me.

Y/n: Alright shoot.

Sirzechs moved towards his arm towards a throne and smiled.

Sirzechs: Please take a seat in it.

When Y/n slowly sat in the chair Sirzechs spoke.

Sirzechs: How does it feel?

Y/n: Heavy.... I can feel the weight of every king of hell whose sat in this throne...the weight of the legacy others I can't grasp.

Sirzechs: *smiles* It does that.. One day very soon... my father will stand down as the head of our house...the king of hell as you called it. And soon you will be able to rule beside Rias and the others.

Serafall: You'll be a great king.

Y/n:*chuckles* You know I'll be honest with you both. I still can't believe I've ended up where I am. To be I'm this kinda life. Rias, she's nobility so I never doubted she'd end up a Satan eventually. But for me, some guy who grew up in a small town like's crazy.

To have to step up as a that really something a guy like me can handle?

Serafall: Y/n darling no one is really prepared for that kind of power.

Sirzechs: She's right Y/'s a little thing I learned from my time as a Satan. No matter what race nor status you come from; to be any leader comes from the faith others have in you. Your character and beliefs are strong assets to leadership... but a truly strong leader knows the faith others have in them.

Y/n: Thanks Sirzechs..I really needed to hear that.

Mini Timeskip brought to you by these

Y/n pov

When the others and I returned home I prepared for my training with Tatsuki. Throwing aside my shirt I cracked my knuckles and smirked at her.

Y/n: Alright Tatsuki you ready to rumble?

Tatsuki:*grins* You joking? I've been ready.

Y/n: Then show me what you got karate kid!

Rushing at Tatsuki I went for a punch causing her to block with her right arm. Tatsuki kicked me with her left leg causing me to grab it.

Y/n: Nice hit... but try this!

Throwing her into the air I jumped after her then axe kicked her to the ground. Right before she landed I saw her push herself back into the air with her arms. Landing back on her feet Tatsuki she surrounded her body in spirit energy.

Tatsuki: SHUNKO!

Y/n: Nice form Tatsuki! Damn good job. But let's see if you mastered it!

Grabbing Zangetsu I rushed at her in a clash. Swinging my blade I saw Tatsuki dodge then struck  me in the chest. Knocking me back a bit Tatsuki went to kick me in the head. I quickly used Flashstep to dodge her blow.

Y/n: That was a close one but nice try though.  You can certainly fight better than before.

Tatsuki: I've been training like hell but i'm glad it's paying off.

Y/n: Yeah it's definitely a improvement but still don't get so cocky before the fight- Urk!

I felt a headache hit me causing Tatsuki to stop.

Tatsuki: Hey are you ok?

Y/n: Y-yeah just a head ache that's all.

Tatsuki: Maybe you should lay down or something.

Y/n: Hey look it'll be fine no worries.

Tatsuki: If you think so.

Suddenly I heard one of the servants mentioned my name.

Servant: Eh sir one of the nobles wishes to meet you.

Y/n: Huh Alright.

Servant: Take note sir that he does not seem happy.

Y/n: Oh great another  possibly pissed guy who doesn't understand.

Making my way out to see them I noticed the guy looking at me .

???: So your that prick Y/n everyone ever is praisin huh?

Y/n: Yeah that's right,.and you are who exactly?

Noble: You fucking with me?! I'm one of the devil nobles your ass met at  the Summit and  hours ago! Bastard... DON'T GO THINKING CUZ YOU HOUSE IS  FULL OF STRONG PEOPLE THAT YOU CAN GO LOOKING DOWN ON ME!

Y/n: have a button to  calm down with the yelling?

Noble: You got some fucking nerve!

Y/n: Ok sorry....I mean shut up switch.  Just to be clear here I don't think i'm better than anyone...well other than 2 certain humans but for someone to go  bashing at my door. Well I don't think you have the right to be yelling like a damn dog behind a window.  ESPECIALLY looking as goofy as your wacky ass. 

Noble: HUH?! 

Y/n: I'm saying you look like a black elf clown. I'm sure i've actually seen your sister in a hentai before.


Y/n: I'm sure that's you but honestly I don't have to fight you. Put I know who can.

 Calling out for a certain girl I knew I saw the noble watch her come with confusion. 

Kunou: Yes papa?

Y/n: You wanna show this me what you learned with your mom and Uncle Riser?

Kunou:*nods* YES!  i've been practicing papa see!


Before he  could finish his sentence I laughed watching Kunou blast him away. Giving her a head pat I grinned then gave her a thumbs up.

Y/n: Great Job Kunou your getting  better every day!

Picking her up I put her up on my shoulders.

Y/n: Welp let's go get some ice cream or something I'm bored.

Kunou: Yeah!

???: Oh Y/n why don't you give me your cream~

I went pale then turned seeing Yasaka staring me down like prey. Not wanting to deal with that right now I ran off with Kunou.

Y/n: We're heading out Kunou come on!

Kunou: What did mama mean? Do you have cream too?


??? Pov

 Soon.......i'll be what i should've been....hehehe

To be contined

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