The past of the Reaper and the Exorcist

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3rd person Pov

We are taken back 10 years ago with a young Y/n who stands behind a man. This man was Y/n's uncle and the only family Y/n had left.

Y/n: Uncle where are we?

Y/n's uncle looked at him with a smile on his face then patted his head.

U/n: We're at the orphanage Y/n, your uncle works here and looks after kids who don't have parents.

Y/n: So they are just like me?

U/n:*Chuckles* Not exactly come on Y/n lets go inside.

Y/n: Ok.

Y/n followed the man into the the orphanage revealing a group of kids  who ran towards him. Y/n's uncle chuckled then hugged the kids with a smile on his face. The children looked at Y/n who shyly looked away from them.

Kid 1: Mr.U/n who is he?

U/n:Everyone this is my nephew Y/n, he is going to start coming here with me.


U/n: You see Y/n doesn't have parents anymore just like you all. I hope you all can treat him kindly.

Kids: Ok Mr.U/n!

Y/n  stood alone when a little girl came over to Y/n. She had golden yellow eyes and blue hair.

(A/n: I couldn't find art of a kid Xenovia so this is all I could find)

Xenovia: Hi my name is Xenovia what's yours?

Y/n:I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n.

Some of the kids began to laugh and smirk causing Y/n to look at them.

kid 2: Look at that Xenovia thinking that he can be friends with someone like her.

Kid 3: Lets be honest who would Ha!

Xenovia looked down in sadness causing Y/n look at them with anger.

Y/n: What's that supposed to mean?!

Xenovia: It's ok Y/n you don't have to their right.

Some of the kids began to laugh at her causing Y/n to step infront of Xenovia and  speak.

Y/n: Stop laughing at her! What's so wrong with her wanting to have someone to care about her! She has no parents just like all of us and yet you act like she's different from the rest of you! She has the right to be cared about just like everyone else!

Xenovia looked at Y/n in surprise as he tried to defend her.

Kid 2: Whatever you say she's just a loser as far as I see it.

Y/n growled then ran at the kid and punched him in the face. Everyone looked at Y/n in shock before Y/n and the kid began to fight. After a minute U/n and another adult entered the room and separated them.

Adult: What happened here?!

Kid 2: H-he attacked me out of nowhere!

U/n: Is this true Y/n?

Y/n: No they were picking on Xenovia!

U/n nodded then told the other adult to take the kid away  from the others. U/n let go of Y/n then crouched down to look at Xenovia.

U/n: Xenovia how long has  this been on for?

Xenovia: A few weeks.

U/n: Then why didn't you tell us sooner?

Xenovia: I didn't think anyone would care.

U/n: Xenovia never think like that people do care about you. If no one cared then Y/n wouldn't of stood up for you right?

Xenovia looked at Y/n who began to smile at her before she nodded. U/n turned to Y/n then spoke while rubbing his head.

U/n: What you did was a good thing Y/n, you stood up for someone when no one else would. Remember this Y/n a child only cares about himself but, a man chooses to help others and stands up for what he believes is right.

Y/n: A man helps others?

U/n: That's right Y/n promise me you will never forget that and help Xenovia when she needs it.

Y/n nodded at his uncles words before his uncle began to walk away. Y/n  and Xenovia smiled at each other. While U/n walked around a corner where he looked back with a smile. The other adult walked over to him and spoke.

Adult:You know that nephew of yours is something else U/n even if he's a little aggressive. 

U/n: He get's that from his father, his dad was the same way when we were young. He was always protective of other people. if i'm being honest with myself it's probably that same thing that makes it so hard to be mad at him.

Adult: You have a good heart taking him in like that. I hope whatever awaits the kid that he can find a happy life.

U/n: I can see it in his eyes clear as day. Y/n is destined to do extraordinary things and when he does I just hope that I can be able to see it.

Timeskip brought to you by these

Weeks passed since that day and U/n began to bring Y/n with him everyday so that he could see Xenovia. The two of them would play together and spend all of their time together enjoying every moment they could until Y/n had to go. Y/n took his uncle's words to heart as when anyone tried to bully Xenovia he would defend her. Y/n and Xenovia's bond began to grow making U/n happy for his nephew.  One day when U/n and Y/n came to the orphanage they noticed police  talking to the owner. U/n rushed out of his car with Y/n by his side gaining the owners attention. 

Owner: U/n your here!

U/n: What happened what's going on?

Owner: Some of the kids have gone missing  we can't find them anywhere!

 Y/n looked at the kids then noticed Xenovia wasn't among them.

Y/n: Where is Xenovia?!

Owner: I'm sorry but we have no idea.

Y/n put his hand to his chest before he ran off to look for her.

U/n: Y/N WAIT!!!

Y/n ignored his uncle's words  as he dashed off.

Y/n:(Mind) Xenovia please hold on i'm coming!

 While Y/n ran  off to find Xenovia she began to wake up to the sight of  the other kids standing around her with smirks on their faces.

Kid 2: Well look at this the freak is finally awake.

Xenovia: Why are you doing this to me?!

Kid 3: To get payback for what your friend did to us. Every since he started coming here we have done nothing but get beat because of you!

Kid 2: We are gonna make him pay by finally doing the world a favor and  ending you personally.

Xenovia: N-no please don't!

Kid 2: Don't worry we aren't gonna   end you  off now. We want to enjoy it by making your friend watch before we kill him!

30 minutes past before Y/n ran into the building then looked at Xenovia to see her tied to a chair.

Xenovia: Y/N!!

Y/n: Don't worry Xenovia i'm here to save you.


Before Y/n could react he was suddenly hit in the back with a rock by one of the kids. Y/n let out a scream in pain before he fell to his knees and looked up at the two.

Kid 2: So you finally made it here good.

Y/n: What the hell do you think your doing with Xenovia?!

Kid 3: Forget about her all you need to focus on is what we are gonna do to you.

The kids pulled out a knife then ran at Y/n and tried to slash him. Y/n grabbed the knife trying to prevent it from going deeper as blood fell down his body. Y/n growled as he knocked the knife out of the kids hand leaving a  scar on Y/n's chest when he knocked the kid out. Y/n ran at the other kid trying to forget the pain  as the kid ran at Y/n with a punch. Y/n fell to the ground causing the kid to get on top of him and beat him.

Kid 2: Your nothing but a worthless piece of shit! Your just a punk who doesn't know his place.

Y/n looked over at  Xenovia  who's face was full of horror. Y/n felt energy begin wash over him before he grabbed the kids next punch with a look of anger. The kid looked in fear  before Y/n punched him with enough force to knock him off him and break his nose. Y/n weakly walked over to Xenovia and untied her. Soon after Y/n collapsed  as Xenovia cried holding the beaten Y/n.

Xenovia: Why did you do that?! Now your hurt because of me!

Y/n gave Xenovia a weak smile then spoke.

Y/n: Xenovia I don't care what anyone says. No matter what happens i'll be your friend. When you are upset i'll be their to help you find your smile. I promise you i'll always do what I can to keep you safe.

Xenovia looked at Y/n in disbelief before she held him. A minute later U/n and the police arrived  to and Y/n was taken to a hospital so that he could be treated. To Y/n's surprise Xenovia took this time to visit him everyday. A month later Y/n was told that Xenovia would be taken in by the church. Although Y/n had lost a friend he was happy knowing she was safe until their meeting now. With one a exorcist and the other a soul reaper they stand  unknown for the battle ahead.

To be continued

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