The Reaper's training part 4: The knight vs the Quincy

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Y/n Pov

The next day I  woke up then made my way to the living room where I was greeted by Asia,Akeno, and Koneko. I greeted them back then began making breakfast and after awhile everyone was awake. 

Isabella: Wait you can cook?

Y/n: Yep.

Akeno: Oh I haven't had some of your food in a while Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah well you all have a long day of training ahead of you so you'll need all the energy you can spar. So eat up everyone because you won't be getting a break to eat after this.

Everyone nodded then started to eat after Isabella took a bite her eyes widened.

Isane: Holy shit this tastes amazing i'm having a foodgasm!!

Kiba: *Chuckles* It does that to you.

Akeno : Your strong,handsome, sweet, and a amazing cook your the perfect husband material. you should be careful I might just have to take you for myself~

Y/n:*grins* I could say the same about you~

Rias: I missed the little moments like this, back when you were apart of my peerage Y/n.

Y/n: Too bad I'm no longer a devil, i'm a Soul Reaper now and nothing can change that.  I have duties now that I can't turn my back on.

Rias's face saddened then I turned to Kiba.

Y/n:Alright Kiba today you begin your training with Uryu. I'm going to give you this  one warning Never drop your guard ever. Uryu is extremely skilled and is one of the fastest people I know.

Kiba: *Nods* Right will do.

After everyone ate they got prepared  for their training then Uryu arrived along with Orihime.  I hugged Orihime then smiled.

 Y/n: I'm glad you guys are here sorry if it was inconvenient for you.

Orihime: Oh it's fine i'm glad to help however I can.

Uryu: As for me I had nothing better to do so I didn't see why not to.

Y/n: Well in anycase i'm glad your here. Orihime, Uryu let me introduce you to the occult research club or the ORC. This is Rias,Akeno,Kiba,Koneko,Isabella, and Asia. Everyone this is Uryu Ishida and Orihime Inoue.

ORC:Hello/Hi/Yo/Nice to meet you.

Orihime: It's nice to see you again Asia.

Asia: You too Orihime.

Uryu: Now that formalities are out of the way why don't we get started.

Y/n: Alright then Yukio could you get things ready?

3rd person Pov

Yukio nodded while looking at his console then spoke.

Yukio: Invaders must die.

Suddenly the area around the others began to form black digital walls. Soon a game like loading screen appeared then after it was complete everyone found themselves in new areas.

Isabella: What the hell? What happened where are we?

Y/n: Welcome to the inside of Yukio's Fullbring Invaders must die. His Fullbring allows him to put people into a pocket dimension while we are in here Yukio is almost a god. He can accelerate time, create creatures to attack, track everyone's movement,He can create weapons like missiles and machine guns even swords, and even create shields or clones.


Y/n: *laughs* Calm down it does have it's limits. He can only use it as long as his game console still has power meaning if the console dies it can't do anything.

A screen appeared behind Y/n with Yukio's face then he spoke.

Yukio: With that being said I have this thing fully charged so that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Unless Y/n says so your all trapped in here.

Y/n: Now everyone  begin!!

(With Kiba)

Kiba found himself in a  dark room with that was lite by small blue lights. Kiba got a closer look then he heard Uryu speak.

Uryu: This room was designed like the room I trained in to reawaken my powers with my father Ryuken. It's the perfect place for training you.

Kiba smiled before summoning a sword then stood ready for a fight. Uryu adjusted his glasses then aimed his hand at Kiba before a bow appeared in his hand.

Uryu: Lets go.

Uryu vanished making Kiba's eyes widen.

Kiba: He's gone where did is he?!

Uryu: Above you.

Kiba looked up then saw Uryu with a arrow before Uryu fired it. Kiba  jumped out of the way then Uryu turned mid air and fired another arrow causing the knight to slash it.   Uryu then appeared on a floor above Kiba then fired another arrow. Kiba noticed this then jumped out of the way before Uryu disappeared.

Kiba:(mind) He's so fast I can't keep up at all. How is he so fast?

Uryu: Hirenkyaku, It's a technique  similar to the Soul Reapers flashstep. That's why you can't keep up with my movements.

Uryu appeared infront of Kiba causing him to smile.

Kiba: That's a scary skill you have there. 

Uryu:  I haven't even begun to show you what i'm capable of.

Uryu then fired off another arrow then Kiba slashed it away before charging towards the Quincy.  Uryu jumped into the air then fired another two arrows at Kiba but the boy dodged them and jumped at Uryu used Hirenkyaku then fired a arrow hitting Kiba and then Kiba fell to the ground. Kiba's shoulder began to bleed looked at Uryu.

Kiba:(Mind) He manage to hit me with that one no, It's not that he hasn't been trying his best. He hasn't even been trying. I will have to use it if I want to stand a chance.

Uryu  fired four arrows at Kiba  but then the boy charged towards Uryu. 

Kiba: Sword birth!

Suddenly swords began to shoot up from the ground towards Uryu and breaking the arrows. Uryu saw this then jumped into the air then rained down a barrage of arrows.

Uryu: Licht Regan!

Kiba tried to run out of the way but barley managed to while his sword were destroyed.  Kiba looked at Uryu with shock as the Quincy stood with a arrow ready at point blank range.

Uryu: This is the end.

Kiba prepared for the shot but nothing happened then saw Uryu's bow had disappeared then he began to walk away.

Kiba: Your insanely powerful it's clear as day. You were never even trying and I can tell if you wanted me dead i'd be dead. 

Uryu: You are skilled i'll give you that much but with your strength and speed you can't come anywhere close to me. But with that said you have a long way to go, Y/n told me to train you so i'll do just that. When we are done you will be faster than you can ever you ever hoped of.

Y/n's face appeared before them then he spoke.

Y/n: Alright everyone training is down for today you've done well. Now Yukio you can let everyone go.

After that Everything turned back to normal then everyone began to make their way inside.

To be continued

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