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The awkwardness was unbearable as Roger and I stood at the bottom of the empty stairwell in total silence, being alone in each other's company for the first time since that regretful evening over ten months ago.

Things had finally started to return to what they used to be before things went cock up with Stephen, and I couldn't have been more glad of that. It took a while, but I was able to fully emerse myself in my work and actually enjoy it again. No more distractions, no more interferences. Just continuing to build my reputation as a concert photographer; that was what I'd told myself. And when I'd landed this job, it felt like I'd been given the chance to get things right, and to create a feeling of stability in my life again which I so desperately wanted.

But now that Roger was on the scene, I knew that was going to be difficult to achieve. Every time I looked at him, I felt nothing but shame and embarrassment. Memories which I'd managed to almost completely forget about had resurfaced and continuously played in my mind like they were happening at this very moment. It was bad enough that I had to see Roger again, but having to work and travel with him for the next eight months was going to be my idea of hell.

'Did you do this?' I eventually broke the silence as I stared down at the floor.

'Do what?'

'This job,' I explained, glancing up at him, 'You'd better not have had anything to do with why I was given it...'

'What are you talking about?' Roger looked at me like I was crazy, 'I had absolutely nothing to do with this, I'm just as surprised to see you as you are to see me!'

'Are you really?' I replied, unconvinced.

'Yes!' he exclaimed, 'I had no idea Gerry had hired you until I saw you standing in his office ten minutes ago. I mean, I knew we had a new photographer, but I wasn't expecting...'

I cut him off, 'Yeah, I know - me,' before sighing deeply, 'This all could have been avoided had you just said that you were in a band in the first place. Why didn't you tell me?'

'I didn't think it was that important.'

'Not important?! Well, take a look where we are now, genius. Stuck with each other until May next year whether we like it or not,' I exasperated as I rubbed my forehead, 'God, this is a total nightmare...'

'Gee, thanks, glad to know you missed me.' Roger responded sarcastically.

There was another long silence between the two of us as the traffic roaring outside echoed around us. After further awkwardness, Roger asked me a really stupid question.

' have things been?'

Lighting up a cigarette to decrease my stress levels a bit, I rolled my eyes at him, 'Like you care...'

Roger seemed offended by my statement, 'Actually, Charis, I do care, even if you might not think it. We may know fuck all about each other, but you were in a right state when you came wandering into The Three Arrows that night. You walked in on your asshole of a boyfriend cheating on you - how could I not be concerned for you?'

'Well, you obviously weren't that concerned as you were still more than happy to jump into bed with me.' I said viciously, whilst also trying to keep my voice down.

'That is not fair,' he snapped, taking a step closer to me, 'If my memory serves me right, it was you who jumped into bed with me. I felt awful about kissing you at first, after everything you'd been through that day already. But you kissed me back and agreed to come back to my place nonetheless. I gave you what you wanted, I don't understand why you're so angry?'

'Maybe it's because I didn't know what I was doing that night and it was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made?!'

Roger's face fell as he stood there in silence, hurt evident in his eyes. I'll admit, what I said was harsh, but it was the truth. I wasn't proud of what I'd done, and wanted to make sure he knew that.

'I-I enjoyed it...'

I shook my head in disbelief as I took a drag from my cigarette. Roger may have been wondrous in the bedroom department, but as soon as I woke up the morning to see his head laying on the pillow next to me, I quickly realised what I'd done was wrong - very wrong - and wasted no time in throwing on my clothes and running out of his house as fast as I possibly could.

'Whether or not I enjoyed it is irrelevant, Roger,' I crossed my arms, 'It doesn't change the fact that it was a pathetic, meaningless and embarrassing one-night stand...and I wished it never had happened. It may have just been another harmless fuck to you, but I hate myself for it. Y'know, I've tried everything to forget the past and move on with my life, but now I feel l'm being punished for what I did by be around you again...'

By this point, I was starting to get a bit too hysterical, so I stopped talking and regained control of my emotions before closing my eyes and taking much needed deep breath. Once I felt slightly better, I opened my eyes and looked at Roger who was gazing back at me anxiously. I sighed.

'I've gotta go.' I told him, popping my cigarette between my lips and making my way towards the double doors to my left.

'Wait,' Roger stopped me, grabbing ahold of my wrist, 'Look, I know you don't want to be anywhere near me, I get that. But we're going to be on the road together for the next eight months regardless. We could at least try to get along - we're going to have to unless you want the others to suspect something. And who knows, maybe you'll find I'm not as intolerable as you think...'

Staring at the drummer blankly for a moment, a sudden burst of confidence came over me as I let a small smirk appear at the corner of my lips whilst looking deep into his eyes.

'I'm going to make something very clear to you, Roger Taylor,' I said, taking a step forward towards him and leaning in, 'I'm here to do my job, to take photographs of you and your band. I am not here to make friends, and I am certainly not going to let anyone distract me from what I'm doing.'

A smirk also appeared on Roger's face, 'Not anyone?'

'Not anyone.' I repeated coldly.

And with that, I pulled my wrist from out of his grip and disappeared out the door, making my way past the reception before exiting the building through the main entrance, and walking down the street thinking to myself - what have I gotten myself into?


Hey guys!

Bit late with this chapter but oh well it's here now. Hope you liked it, a vote/comment would be appreciated as always and I'll see you all in the next part.

Thanks so much!

- Anna :-)

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