Main Characters' powers

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First thing first. Let's introduce our newest character. ⬆️

Ñame: Echo Adalisk Cullen
Gender: female
Species: Half demon and half vampire
Sexuality: Bisexual/ leans more towards girls but only has eyes for one person.
Personality: She's the silent member in the Cullen family, Echo tends to be a bit overprotective of children and has a temper that requires her to take many walks around the woods to let steam out.
Likes: Reading, drawing, animals, her family, loves mysteries, also the history of the world and traveling around.
Dislikes: People who take advantage, such as rapists, abusers, and people who try to hurt the ones she loves.
Background: Echo was born in the year 1860, she was born of a single mother and no other family member. Her biological father was a demonic being that recently perish before her birth, since then she got on the bad side of the law. One day she came home to find her mother killed by a vampire and was nearly killer herself which is how she was turned by Carlisle and was adopted by them as one of their first children. In result of this, Echo changed her name. Originally it was Echo Athena Adalisk, but she changed it to Echo Adalisk Cullen.

Valeria Pierce:
Powers: Valeria's ability isn't much. She has the ability to shape-shift into any creature she'd like. Once she sees the creature, be it books, or in person, she could think about it and voila.
Weaknesses: Valeria could easily get drained if she shapeshifts into an animal she doesn't know too well. She'll most likely won't be able to keep that form for long. Maybe 30 minutes before her body collapses from fatigue. It's best if she practices shapeshifting into that form little by little. Maybe two minutes before moving onto five minutes, and so on. Only on different days. Pushing herself overboard can permanently damage Valeria into mixing with whatever creature it is and letting the call of the wild take her mind over.
Cons: Valeria, as mentioned before, can't keep a new form for long. The newer it is, the more it drains her. She constantly feels the call of the wild beckoning to her, offering freedom. It takes a lot of power to refuse primal instincts. She has learned to control this. Because she only focused on accepting her primal instincts, Valeria does not know how to fight, unless she lets her inner beast take over and by then, she'll most likely kill the whole town she's in. Another thing, the newer and the bigger the form, the less change she can do. If she were to shift into dragon for the first time, she would only be able to change her eyes at first. Then later her claws, then a few scales and so on. Until eventually she gets the hang of it and can fully shift into a dragon without getting drained.

Pros: Strength, endurance, great sense of smell and hearing, reflexes are like second nature now

Fighting skills: 3/10

Endurance: 8/10

Speed: 9/10

Strength: 5/10

Control(Acceptance) of the beast: 10/10

Mateo Pierce:
Abilities: Just like his mother, Mateo can shape shift, but because of his demon heritage, his powers are unstable and dangerous. He doesn't need practice like his mother to change into a new form. He can do it in a blink of the eye. But for now, Mateo's powers are mostly dormant unless something major happens.

Shadow manipulation:
He can use the shadows as he wishes. Be mending then to do whatever he likes along that they can help teleport him to different places.

It's where Mateo can't catch on fire and it doesn't burn him.

Conjuring Fire and Plasma:
He can bend fire to his will but Mateo can make it different colors, the hotter it is, the more lighter it is. Because of this, if he gets it hot enough, the fire turns into plasma.

Mateo can make contracts with people/creatures to become stronger, as he then later on can eat their souls when they die. It's a lot like Black Butler in sense. He makes a contract with someone who has a goal. Once they complete that goal, that's when it marks the death for them. Mateo takes their soul and eats it. The more souls he eats, the stronger he gets.

Mateo can cause himself/subjects/objects to hover/float in the air unassisted, allowing him/objects/ subjects to carelessly float in the air and prevent his/their bodies from making contact with the ground below.

Mind manipulation:
Because of his demon side, Mateo can manipulate the minds of humans. If he ever used this ability, his demon would be the one in control. Flowing from both of his eyes would mostly be dark matter.
For example:

I will more likely add new powers later because I can't think of anything anymore.

Weaknesses: He has no control of his abilities. Mateo can easily kill anyone if he gets mad enough or upset. Especially since he has two beasts inside him, fighting to get out.
Pros: Mateo has incredible hearing and eyesight, along with his sense of smell. He isn't easily hurt if he falls.
Cons: It takes years for demons to learn how to control this powers. It's usually by trail and error, including murder that demons learn how to use them.

Fighting skills: Unknown. Most likely 30/10
Endurance: Unknown. 30/10
Speed: Unknown. 30/10
Strength: 30/10
Control(Acceptance) of the beast: 0/10

That's all for now. Thank you and goodbye!

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