Old times

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*Mia's P.O.V*

"Are we having rehearsal tomorrow?"

" Highly unlikely," Kat replies to me, hitting the snare.

"Ya, I have family movie time," Kean mentions, "Easter tradition."

"We should even be relaxing at home instead of this, " Dalia huffs, climbing off stage with Harry's help.

He chuckles, " To be fair, we're not the only ones in school."

As if on cue, we start hearing hoots from the football field. After our disgraceful defeat in basketball, the coaches for other sports have made it their paramount obligation to drill the nonsense out of all sports kids. The football team suffers the worst since their game is next on our school's calendar.

"We could have practised at Anna's." I press, but Harry scowls. "It's too far for Madam Leslie."


" Girl, she's here!" Kat cuts me off. On impulse, Harry pulls our tiny pianist back up, and we all stand like obedient children. The door opens, and Madam Leslie reveals herself and one of the male judges from our audition. We greet them, and she replies," Just call me Leslie, for pete's sake. Anyway, this is Zio. I'm sure you recognise him."

We nod before she continues, "So Kean, Mia, Harry, he'll voice-coach you while I handle the rest of you."

This news earns us three sympathetic smiles from Kat while Dalia sticks out her tongue.

"Y'all think we're worse off?" Kean scoffs as we depart them, "See how he's standing. He's probably nicer."

An hour into our voice training, the seeming cowboy proves her surmise. He lauds us every five minutes, even for our flaws.

"Urm dear," he addresses me, " is your voice has a bit of a scratchy flare. Is it natural?"

"No. It's cold, sir." It's my singing in the club.

"Well, I like it. Keep the cold, then." He grins. When he is not observing, the three of us exchange incredulous looks.

"Oh, and Harry, Kean." Instantly, they compose themselves. He makes hand gestures. "Can you guys retake the bridge?"

For a moment, they awkwardly make eye contact, then start. "And if I ever have regrets..."

"Now come on, boy, we know you can go higher than that. Kean, please hold," the man holds his knees, focusing on Harry. "Especially at 'I ever had', not through the nostrils, but the gut; remember. Ok. One. Two. Sing."

"And if I ever have regrets or a semblance of my love decays..."

Jaws drop.

He opens his eyes afterwards, and Zio shrieks. "Les, you heard that?!"

"Oh, I did!" She laughs between our mesmerised pianist and subtly impressed drummer.

Harry hides his face as if it's obvious he's blushing. Leslie allows a water break, and while we ransack our bags, Kean nudges him. "That was wicked."

"Thanks." He opens his water bottle, acting casually.

"Ya, your voice is great," I chime in.

He gives us a beam, "I guess so ... But like, all this singing will put too much attention on me. A duet will be better. Kean?"

We tilt to her, and she shrugs. "Why not Mia?"

"She's got a cold," he says, sparing me a glance. "Let's still try the bridge together, maybe after rehearsals?"

"I have a curfew."

"Oh." His tone deflates briefly. "What about tomorrow?"

Kean furrows her brows, asking, "Where? My place will be chaotic."

"Mmm ... my house?"

"Oo, won't I get lost?"

His head shakes with a charming grin." I'll make sure you won't."

I cringe. What the hell is happening?

She sips her water while he finishes his. It takes a tense stare-off for her to retort," Noon, like two?"

"Sure, if you want."


"Cool. Byeeee..." He waves to her like royalty. She receives my most affable 'what-the-heck' face before I retreat, falling in step with him.

"You have a girlfriend." I point out.

"It's an open relationship." He shrugs.

"She has a boyfriend."

"So?" A mischievous glint dots his eyes.

"He's my friend, so don't do anything funny."


"Cut the crap." I quit my diplomatic tone.

He clicks his tongue in amusement. "Don't worry; I'm definitely not thinking about second base or anything. This is just harmless flirting."

"Harmless?" I snarl. "How so? Is it like how you almost made me lose my job, or how your girlfriend terrorises -"

"- Geez, you've not forgotten?" He cuts me off to groan.

Your beloved Autumn made sure of that, I think, yet say, "Ya, so if you want me to forget. Harry. Behave."

"Ok, geez." He backs away till it dawns on him to wonder, " Wait - did you say my girlfriend terrorises? Are you sure you know Autumn? She's like Dalia's size."

"Dalia's a little cuter, though -" I am on the verge of letting the cat out of the bag when this crosses my mind: "Dude! You're into tall girls."

"Pardon me?"

"Casey, Kat, Kean, me, we're all your height or more, and you don't flirt with Dalia."

"We are keeping the man waiting." He whispers in Zio's direction, returning to his seat.

There's no opportunity for me to revive the conversation. Even during lunchtime, Harry avoids me, so I focus on my promise.

While my bandmates organise some pizza, I beeline for the pool area. No one is there. I stomp to the field, too reluctant to notice when Josh finds me instead.

"Hey!" Some guys make way for him to catch me at the entrance.

Caught off guard, I blurt, "Hey! Can we talk?"

"Ur..." His shock reminds me of my vendetta against him. Blocking the thought of it, I nod as he gathers four words. "I ... guess we can."

We march into an empty classroom. "So, what is it?" He shuts the door.


"He's still in the singing thing?"

"Yes," I reveal, "and the band worries about his drug problem, so we need a means to keep him in check."

"So, what? I'm his mom, huh?" Josh sets down his football helmet.

I gasp. "No, but -"

"- His parents are away."

" I know -"

"No, you don't know anything. Harry doesn't have a drug problem."

I frown at that, but he remains nonchalant. "Mia, he just uses for fun. It's not that serious."

"He's once offered me weed in this building." I vex. "So, can't you just help?"

His lips purse. A low grunt emanates. "It's still not that serious."

"Will you help or not?"

"Fine," he huffs, pondering. "I ... can talk to his sister about it, but then you'll have to take my shift on my mother's birthday."

My eyes widen. "Aww, it's true. Her birthday is coming soon!"

"Uh-huh, but Claus thinks it was a week ago, so, deal?" He stretches his hand quickly.

I shake it, albeit disappointed. "Liar."

" Takes one to know one." He ruffles his wolf cut. "So, how should I tell the sister? Where do I start?"

" Urr, ok -"

"Should I just be like, 'oh hi, your brother's a junkie,' or scandalous like, 'oh, his babe's meds are actually his,' or -"

"Hold up!" I cut him off, instantly slipping off a table. Joshua also stands while I mull. "So, he isn't attracted to his girlfriend..."

"That's a bold assumption, Mia."

"...and you're saying he takes her meds -"

"No, no, she just provides for his parties. That's all."

"She's part of the problem." I concur. When Josh doesn't show an ounce of disagreement, I gape in horror.

"Woah, woah woah, before you ask," he bellows, "No, I'm not gonna break them up based on assumptions."

"Dude, you just admitted she gives him drugs."

"Their relationship is none of your concern."

"But you're his friend! It should be yours if it's harming him!" I gasp, "Warn her to stop."

He folds his arms. "You warn her herself."

I wince. I'm not going to risk getting stabbed twice. If he's scared of her, so am I, but he should be the one to deal with her, for his pal's sake ... Though, I can't leave it all to him...

"She stabbed me. In the freaking hallway too, so you can say there's an eyewitness. Threaten her."

Josh's jaw drops. I shrug, and he laughs nervously. "What?! Mia, are you serious? You know how serious this is, right? She can get more than an expulsion -"

I lift my shirt, exposing my bandage. He watches me for a ridiculous amount of seconds.

"Old times?" he suddenly quips.


When school resumes, Spencer High students become old people. They stagger around, longing to run over the school gates, yet too lazy to mind their cars or parents' goodbyes.

I make this observation instead of studying. Charlie is not here to chastise me. He's never been late, let alone absent. I wonder if he's ill from eating Easter candies. He probably took Sour patch kids for the first time and then vowed to avoid all sweets in the name of Charles Babbage.

I, on the other hand, vowed to wait on the club guys even though my patience is running out -

The bell interrupts me. Sprinting from the rooftop to class is no fun.

Lessons are a blur. Everything is breezy until Noah alerts me about a mistake in my literature assignment.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Mrs Peters said 'synecdoche', not 'soliloquy'."

I rise from the cafeteria table. "I gotta fix it."

"Your burrito will get cold."

He's right, but I abandon it anyway, rushing to my locker. I unlock it and find the assignment. To correct the error, I write fast and revise it curtly. I'm sticking my head out of the locker when someone jerks me out of nowhere.

"Hey, slut!"

Shit! In an instant, I judder from her.

"Where are you going, huh?!" she spits. "Where the fu -"

"Hey!" Noah appears to utmost relief. I quickly hide behind him, and she blasts, "Oh, you think you're smart, huh? You think I don't know -"

"Hey, back off!" Noah manages a stoic grip on her shoulders, whereas she kicks and throws hands frantically. "

"What witness do you even have, huh?! You think you are smart?!!! Well, I am SMARTER! I'LL..."

As she keeps shouting and pushing, her pocket ejects something. Alert of Mr Stone coming out of a class, I pick it up as he fumes, "What is happening here?!"

Before anyone can explain, he marches off, bellowing, "All of you. My office. Now!"

"Oh, my -"

" YOU-" Autumn cuts me off, but Noah shoves her, irated himself. "Stop it! We're already in trouble cuz of you."

When we make it to Mr Stone's cubicle in the staff room, I feel humiliation through the not-so-private walls. The teacher only relaxes on his chair and snarks, "Stay in the assembly hall after school."

"But, sir, she was the one shouting -"


"Sir, he was just trying to stop her. She was the one shouting. "

Instantly, Mr Stone glowers at me. I gulp. A frightening pause lapses. Then he sighs.

"I don't have time for this. You two," he points to me and Autumn. "Where were you supposed to be?"

"Recess." I dare not hesitate.

"Class." She stares at her shoes. "But I have cheerleading practice -"

A smug look shoots at her. "So, you're breaking more rules, huh? The rest of you, go."

The way Noah and I vamoose is faster than light. I exhale as soon as he sweeps back his locks, muttering cusses. "Thank you so much."

"You too. How did you even speak up to him? My hands were freaking shaking."

"Dunno." I laugh with gladness. "Shit."

"What was her problem, besides, well, bad temper?"

I shrug, and he gives me a suspicious mien. "Oh, more mystery around you, huh?"

"Ya." But you shouldn't know.

He nods a little. We return to the cafeteria in time to finish our meals. My conscience, however, doesn't let me off the hook because her item is still with me.

Once school closes, I enter the assembly hall and show it to her before she charges at me again.

She hesitates. "... Give it back."

"Why?" I recheck that the coast is clear, then sit in front of her. I thought I could never do this. Am I still frightened of her? Sure, but the thing in my palm wields tremendous power to destroy her. And maybe me.

I sigh, "Autumn, where did you get these pills?"

"Can't you see the labelling?" she grunts.

"I don't understand the language," I muse, scanning the hand-sized box. " Is it ... Russian?"

"It's my meds. Give it back."

"You're not so smart."

"And I'll fucking make sure I kill you this time if you don't give it back! Give it back!"

I blink, then pull out the Nokia Josh lent me. "Did you hear that?"

"Yep." He is on speaker.

"You crazy fucking bitch."

"Na, that's you." I shrug at her. "Josh, you can stop recording. Old times, huh?"

"Ya. Have fun." He hangs up.

"You crazy son of a bitch, Josh-"

"-Autumn, you're wasting my time. Where did you get the pills?"

She mutters through gritted teeth, "... My uncle."

"Uncle, what? Who?"

"Uncle Joe. Joe Yeltsin. What?"

This catches me off guard. I have to tell myself it can be a mere coincidence before I lose confidence. Clearing my throat, I bob for her to continue.

"What? What more do you want me to say?" She berates, "Do you want my whole family tree? What? There's Uncle Joe, my mom, Lòre, granny - what the fuck do you want?! Tell me and delete the recording -"

"Who is Lòre?" My eyes dilate.

"His wife. My aunt?" She rolls her eyes."Get it?"

"Where does she work?"

"She's a stripper: big deal, bla bla bla. And anyway, her real name is Maria. Delete the record - "

These are too many coincidences. "Tell me more about her. Her look -"

"I don't know! She's missing!" She bursts.

I facepalm. The more she yells, the more likely a teacher will come. Plus, I have rehearsals.

"Ok, what is the name of the club she works at? Be quick."

She shrugs.

"Ok, find out and -" I cut myself off, " you said she's missing?"

"Did I stutter?"

I shake my head. Lòre has been unavailable since Andrés interrogated me, but I occasionally see her in the club ... but not last Thursday. I was too exhausted to ask of her.

"Find out and ask your uncle if he knows someone with his exact name who used to attend this school. Then ask where he got the pills -"

"This is a lot of asking -"

"Stop interrupting me," I fume. "Oh, and stop giving Harry drugs. Goodbye."

"You gonna delete it?" She turns.

I shrug, walking out. On my way to the bus stop, I exhale in relief. Perhaps this is how I finally figure out Dad's pills. I can't believe my answers have been so close all along.

But wait, how is Lòre missing? Does it have to do with me getting robbed? No, that's too long back, Mia -

"Don't touch me." A familiar voice invades my trance. I have reached the bike rack, so it must come from the right side of the building, where the school's name has been illicitly graffitied.

"Fucking Einstein!" I desert my bike. I'm proven right as he comes to view on the ground, his back facing me.

"Hey, are you ok?" I bend over to Charlie.

"Don't touch me," he whimpers. I draw back even though I haven't, then turn and notice the Anderson High star player a few inches away.

"Leave him alone," I don't hesitate to order.

The Asian's lips quiver as if he wants to say something.


That does the trick. As he passes the back, I focus on Charlie.

"Hey, are you fine?" I frown. He uncovers his face and opens his mouth. Nothing erupts. I survey his arms and legs. So far, he doesn't seem injured. "Charlie, what's wrong?"

He starts pounding his chest. I stop. "Charlie?"

His eyes roll to the back of his head.





"Is your friend awake yet?"

"I..ur, I think so," I sigh, looking at him sprawled on the stretcher. My heart is still racing from carrying him to the sick bay, but at least he's not dead. He even looks like a doll: inanimate. I hate this. If he doesn't wake up any minute, I'll cry.

The nurse rechecks his vitals when he stirs.

"Can we call your parent or guardian?" The nurse asks, wearing her stethoscope.

He blinks. His school bag is with me; I search for his phone. There's no password; check his contacts for a 'Mom', 'Dad' or something, but there are only first names.

"He said Halil." The nurse lifts her head from beside his.

Finding the name is relatively easy. I press call and wait.

"Hello, Syd? Charlie?" I hear. Instantly, I get off my chair and tell the nurse that the person on hold can't hear me. She allows me to stand outside the sick bay.

"Harry?!" I whisper-shout.

"Wait, Mia?"

"So, it's you -"

"How are you calling me from - Oh wait a minute -" The radio music in the background lowers.

Instantly, I tell him what happened to Charlie, even mentioning the Anderson High guy.

"Damn him," he snarls, "What was he there for, anyway? Are there photos?"

"What photos?" I get confused, but not for long, as the photo album I saw in Charlie's bag comes to mind. "Actually, yes."

"Ok, bring them to rehearsal," he instructs, "and give the phone to the nurse. Tell her it's his dad speaking."

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