6. a relatively normal day

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Ophis POV

I was currently residing in my place, thinking of what modifications I should do to with the dark one restrained in my celler when I was called by someone who somehow has a way to contact me.

Ophis: who is this?

???: I have the that abomination you asked for me to find. It's by my side.

Ophis: oh ok, thank you. I'm sending someone to go retrieve it right now.

???: very well. The better have what we agreed upon.

Ophis: no need to worry. I'm usually true to my word. Lilith, Come here please.

Then my younger sister, or my half, appeared next to me with her head tilted.

Lilith: yes, sister?

Ophis: could you go to the land of the grimm and fetch the monster with an exposed brain?

Lilith: as you wish, sister.

Then she disappeared to get the monster i wanted. I originally made her to only be an assistant and nothing else, but then I start see her as more of a sister as time went on. Either way, she's far better than I was expecting.

Lilith: I have it.

Ophis: good. Now we can start the project.

Lilith: say ophis, why do we need this thing? It's essentially mindless.

Ophis: this is merely a means to prepare RN for the twisted one and so i can draw out what resides within him.

Lilith: you seem to have a little obsession for the boy.

Ophis: trust me, I know what I'm doing and I was plotting long before trihexa fought all of union and RN with his alien. Hell, that even drawn him out so my plan's back on a quicker pace.

Lilith: key to what? Getting baka-red out of our home?

And unfortunately on cue, the great red jackass flown by, making everything in his way explode and being too loud like usual.


Ophis: *sharp inhale* oh my god. ..

Lilith: can't we focus on getting rid of great red first then the boy?

Ophis: *sarcastic* oh it's as if I haven't tried that for the past hundreds of years.

Lilith: you mean you haven't?

Ophis: just. . . Just go and eat candy while I change the thing.

Lilith nodded and went away while I began changing this thing to what I wanted to be.

It's not like he's gonna be missing a simple nomu anytime soon, right? Especially one that lost.


Tia: --and that's the story of how my parents met.

So it's been a week since I've basically invited Tia into my house and she's been a bit. . . Well, "interesting" to say the least. She's wasn't all that bright, but she's apparently great with toxin, acting as an older sister/"aunt" as she calls herself. Me, anti, Tia, toxin, and envy was currently walking in the city just to get outside the house. So Tia told us a story that wasn't exactly child-friendly and anti was covering toxins ears(?) While Envy was on my shoulders trying to process what Tia said.

Envy: Jesus, that story sounded better when it wasn't given context.

Tia: well now it's something you know.

Envy: i missed the 10 minutes ago when I didn't know about it.

Tia: oh c'mon, It made sense and it was awesome! Right guys?

RN: I did not understand a single part of the story.

Anti: ditto. I was very confused.

Toxin: I didn't hear anything.

Envy: and you didn't need to.

Tia: tch! Why isn't there any respect for the mad goddess of demise?

RN, envy, & anti: *deadpan* goddess.

Tia: yes.

RN, envy, & anti: *deadpan* you?

Tia: Yes! You saw me giving everyone the clap! And you were the only one that was actually giving me a challenge with your alien and sacred gear!

RN: I don't have a sacred gear.

Tia: don't you bullshit me! You're able to hurt me without anti with you and I sense your sacred gear in your soul! So bring it out and show me!

Envy: I can assure you he does not have a sacred gear and you are suffering from a terrible disease called hoe--

Then I just tuned out from the conversation and went back into my own thoughts. I remember that jailbait lookin' chick that decided that it would be great idea to snitch on me and reveal anti to people that would most-likely bother me to no end. Though the weird thing is that I felt like I met her at some point in my life but can't think where.

Toxin: what's a sacred gear?

RN: Crap made by the biblical god that he gave to humans.

Toxin: that sounds neat

RN: not really neat most of the time. You would most likely be targeted by the supernatural part of the world or whatever and a devil would probably force you Into their peerage. That unfortunately also applies to strong people.

Toxin: but wouldn't that mean you would get friends?

RN: there's a difference between being friends with someone solely for personal gain and being friends with them because they truly care.

Toxin: that makes sense.

RN: so anti, when is toxin's dad getting here?

Anti: he told me he was coming a week ago, but I haven't seen or heard from him since then. I'm a bit concerned for him.

Toxin: if anything i know about my dad, it's that he's the 2nd strongest guy i know.

Then anti fake-coughs and gestures to me.

Toxin: oh right. My dad's the 3rd strongest guy I know.

Tia: hey!

Toxin: ok ok, 4th strongest guy I know.

??? POV

???: Why do I have the sudden urge to be even more violent?

Ship AI: perhaps I have given you enough sedatives.

???: no i don't even need any more of that shit. I'm too busy trying to find those guys.

Ship AI: Perhaps you should call them.

???: I would do it with zero problems if a certain someone didn't LISTEN TO MY BITCH OF A WIFE AND DELETED ALL OF MY GODDAMN CONTACTS!!!

Ship AI: Forgive me. She said you would have wanted me to do it.

???: why the fuck would you think i wanted that!?

Ship AI: because she responded "why wouldn't he want all his contacts deleted?".

???: . . .

Ship AI: now that you are all calm, we don't need to use seda--



3rd POV

Back to the group, they were at a fancy diner that RN thought would be good due to the ratings, food, quality, and arcade despite the creepy animatronics it has.

While they were there, RN was just sitting down eating pizza and watching everyone do there thing. Which was toxin playing the games, Tia was messing with anti, and he didn't know where envy is but was sure he'd be perfectly fine.

And suddenly, he felt a great disturbance in the force. . . Or more specifically on his back and neck with a pair of arms snaked around him.

???: why hello there, RN~

The unknown assailant had a teasing grin, expecting the man to be flustered like they have done long ago before but when she least expected, he smiled before turning the tables and giving her breast a light squeeze, making her gasp.

RN: that may have worked on me long time ago, but this is an all-new game you're playin', bakugou.

Bakugou: Eh!?

Bakugou looked at RN with surprise and a blush on her face before Tia came to him.

Tia: hey RN, check this out! I beat a mascot and took his mask! So now I'm keeping it as a-- wait who's that?

Envy POV

Envy: SHOO! SCRAM! GO! I'm not food!

I've been chased by this damn raccoon for almost an hour now, why won't it leave me alone!? And where the hell is RN!?

The chase was put to a stop when I hit a dead end and this thing put me in it mouth and starts chewing before swallowing me into it's stomach. . . Then I decided to consume this pest from the inside out and become big as it was.

Envy: hah! That's what you get you. . . Oh come the fuck on!

I looked behind me to see that this raccoon brought it's family.

Oh well! That just means more food for me!


Here's another chapter for "no place for the strongest". Sorry that this part was shorter than its previous ones, I just ran out of ideas and didn't want to forcefully drag this on. But to make it up to y'all, I'll make a lemon chapter next if you guys want. Or do you just want a regular chapter?

1422 words

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