Chapter 16

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~~~Worried friends~~~

Serena's POV

While sitting on the bus towards my town, I couldn't help but think back at Ash. His V-shaped body, his tanned six-pack, his perfectly trained biceps and- GAHH! GET OUT OF THAT TRANCE! I slapped my flustered cheeks, earning some weird glances from people in the bus. Even Lady looked weird at me.

"Oh god" I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. "What did you do to me, Ash?" I mumbled to myself.

As I stepped out the bus and walked towards my street. What will Dawn and White think? Were they worried or did they even notice? What should I tell? That I slept over at Ash's place and saw him ha-STOP IT! I shook my head.

Okay, just two more houses and I'm there. 

As I finally arrived at the door of my house, I grabbed the key from my pocket, searching for the right key. I put the key in, but I paused. What am I supposed to say? You know what tell the truth, Serena. No matter how much teasing you'll get. They deserve to know. An image of Ash popped up. 

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Loudly whispered as my cheeks flushed, I banged my head against the door and sighed."Why?Why? WH-WHOA!"

I screamed as the door suddenly opened and I stumbled forward. I sighed in relieve as I manage to keep my balance. I looked up to see Dawn looking at me with a strange expression a phone in her hand.

"Dawn, what happened?" White shouted as she rushed downstairs. She stood next to Dawn and looked at me. Both wearing the same expression.

"What?" I asked.

"WHAT?!" They both screamed, causing me to stumble a bit back at the sound of their voice."WHERE WERE YOU?!"

"Calm dow-"


"I WAS EVEN CONSIDERING TO CALL THE POLICE!" Dawn screamed as she put the phone in front of my face. I lifted my arms and lowered Dawn's arm.

"I slept over by a friend," I started.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU SAID THAT?!" They screamed.

"CAN YOU LOWER A BIT DOWN," I whispered loudly." some people are trying to sleep."

They looked at each other and yanked me inside."WHOA!HEY!" I yelled as they dragged me towards the living room, sitting me down forcefully down on the couch. As they walked towards the opposite couch and sat down crossing their arms.

"Explain," They said in unison.

"First of all AU!" I started as I rubbed my wrists."And second I told you I went to sleep over by a friend, but you guys were too busy yelling at each other." I explained frustrated.

"Why did you leave?" White asked.

"Do you really think I could sleep with you guys yelling around the whole house?" I asked as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Sorry, Serena," They both said in unison. As they came towards me and hugged me at each side.

"It's okay," I said as I hugged them back ."But please stop talking at the same time it's creeping me out."

They sweatdropped as they let go. "Whoops" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, now we fixed that issue." Dawn said as she rubbed her hands together."At who's place were you sleeping over?" She asked pointing at me. I gulped.

"A... friend?" I asked. Why did I let it sound like a question?

They raised their eyebrows." A friend, are you sure?" White asked.

"Or is it more than friends?" Dawn asked smirking. Blood rushed to my cheeks.

"OH, IT IS!" they squealed, holding their hands jumping up and down their seat. I shook my head furiously, the blush still lingering on my cheeks.

"N-No" I exclaimed as they stopped.

"Who was it, Serena?" White asked.


"We won't tease you or anything," White said as she nudged Dawn. Dawn sighed and nodded.

"I slept over at," I started fiddling with my fingers."Ash's place" I whispered.

"I KNEW IT," Dawn screamed. "TELL! TEl- AU!" She screamed as White punched her arm, I mouthed a thank you towards White as Dawn pouted.

"Okay," White said as she leaned forward."Did something happened?"

A blush raised to my cheeks, I felt suddenly awkward and embarrassed."Nothing," I stuttered nervously, Great work now they will absolutely believe you. Not.

"Yeah, right," They snorted as they rolled their eyes.

"Your blush is telling a different story," White said.

"Please, Serena," Dawn pleaded. "Just one hint,"

Instead of saying no, I sighed and nodded. Knowing she would continue pleading. "Oké, just one."

"Yes," She cheered as I could see White, doing nothing but look at her. But I know she was curious as well, the curve of her mouth showed it.

"Oh, what should I ask?" Dawn panicked as she continued rambling over and over again. "It must be something big."

"Calm down, Dawn" White giggled. "It's not that she saw him naked or so."

I tensed and for the love of God, they noticed. "You didn't, right Serena?"

"Haha," I laughed. "Of co, no I didn't, Why would, That's ridiculous." Real smooth, Serena. -_-

Both White and Dawn gaped at me, both their cheeks getting a rosy glow, causing mine to practically flare up the whole room. White put a hand in front of her mouth.

"Oh my god," She exclaimed, shocked. " D-did you guys,"

"Do it?" Dawn finished off. My face scrunched up in confusion.

"Do what?" I asked.

"You know 'it'?" White whispered.

" What is 'it'?" I whispered back.

"Oh my god, " They exclaimed. "You explain it to her," They both said, however, Dawn was faster as White frowned and leaned over to me.

"Did you guys did the nasty?" White asked.

"The what?"

"Ugh," She exclaimed as she turned to Dawn. "Dawn do I really have to say it?" She pleaded as her cheeks were rosy.

"You have to, a girl of,"

"Nineteen," I said.

"has to know what 'it' means? What if some random guy asked her to do 'it' and she accepts?" Dawn shuddered. "We can't have that, just because we didn't tell her what it was?"

"You're right,"

"I still don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh god, I'll just get it over with?" She leaned towards my ear as I listened attentively.

"Did you guys had sex?" She blurted out.

If I wasn't blushing dark red, I was now. My mouth gaped open as my eyes widened. My throat got dry as I stared forward and kept going "Wha, Wha" When the question finally sunk to me.

"OH HELL NO! ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?! WHY WOULD I AND HIM DO THAT?!" I screamed, standing up. "I WOULD NEV- JUST NO, NO!" I paced back and forth.

"Wow, I hadn't thought about my ship getting sailed to that level," Dawn mumbled.


"WOW," White said. "Calm down, we were just curious."

"You guys had one question and you ask me THAT," I said.

"Well, it's your fault for tensing up by the word 'naked'," Dawn scowled.

"There is a HUGE difference between naked and half-naked," As soon as I released what I said I slapped a hand in front of my mouth.


"N-nothing,"I squeaked.

"YOU SAW ASH IN HIS UNDERWEAR?!" I covered my face with my hands and nodded.

"What's so wrong about that?"

I snapped my head upwards. "What?"

"I've seen a lot of men in their underwear. What's the big deal about it?" White shrugged.


"Unless you like that person and you were so embarrassed that you get flustered every time you think about it?" Dawn smirked.

"What?" I said again. They sighed and walked up to me, both having a shoulder around me.

"We are just messing with you, Serena," Dawn said.


" We know you aren't quite familiar with the social world, "White said.

"Especially around boys," Dawn pointed out.

"Especially around boys," White repeated. "We are just trying to get you comfortable with typical situations like gossiping or joking around,"

"Or teasing about boys," Dawn nudged my side as I let a breathy laugh.

"Exactly, you should get used to it when we are around you."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said and side-hugged them."Thank you, girls,"

"Anytime," White whispered.

"Although, I'd wish it was true," Dawn mumbled.


"Just kidding, just kidding," We all laughed.


Next morning:

I yawned as I rubbed my eye, walking through th kitchen door. As I walked in I could see White placing three cups of tea on the island, there were cakes and muffins everywhere. I drooled, chocolate muffins.  The aroma of the freshly baked muffins filled the air. I rushed myself on one of the crutches. So long healthy breakfast, hallo heaven.

White giggled of my enthusiasm. I nervously laughed as I for a moment forgot my manners.

"Did you bake them?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was bored so I thought I should bake something, and ta-da here they are," White gestured." Strawberry-limeade Cake with Strawberry-Cream Cheese Frosting," She pointed at layers cake with pink frosting on. " Toffee Crunch Cake, its just chocolate-covered toffee bars with vanilla cake," She pointed at the chocolate covered cake. Chocolate~ " And last but not least, because at the food fight I threw a chocolate cupcake at you,"

"It was YOU,"

"Yeah, don't worry, to make it up, also I think this one is much tastier than the one I threw," She pointed at the cupcakes with on top white or either brown frosting. "I call it; Red Velvet cupcakes, they are topped with either dark- or white-chocolate frosting that has been cooked to produce a silky texture."

She picked one of the cupcakes up, with white frosting. "Here, try one." I gladly took the cupcake from my hand.  

I took a bite, its powerful, bitter taste powders my mouth - just like powdered cinnamon, but without the burning pain - with a boom, then a little flavor at the end shows chocolate's true, sweet purity. And the top of it just melts on my tongue. I moaned in delight, I haven't even noticed I had my eyes closed.

"I guess you like it?"

"Like it? I love it"I took another bite and moaned. "You're an angel," I adored. "I didn't know you could bake?"

"My neighbor used to own a cake shop, I worked there to earn some money." She shrugged."I guess it got handy in the end."

"Very,"I nodded in agreement, I was about to take another bite as I noticed Dawn walking pass the door.

"Goodmorning Dawn," I called out. She flinched but backed away and entered the kitchen although I couldn't help but notice she was standing far from us and faked a smile when she greeted back.

"Come sit with us, you have to taste White's cooking, it is so delicious,"

"Nah," She waved off. 

"Why not? Aren't you going to eat?"I eyed her closely.

"Not hungry" Dawn mumbled.

I frowned as I turned my head towards White who was staring down her tea, wearing the same expression. Avoiding looking at her. I was the only one who was talking, Hadn't they stopped fighting? 

"Are you sure? We have muffins and-"

"I'm sure," 

"Daw-" I tried to call out as I stand up only to be stopped by White, who shook her head slowly. Mouthing, 'Let her be'.

"Don't worry," She said as she walked out of the door.

"Why did you stop me?" I said as I sat down.

"Please, don't ask?" White begged as she frowned while holding her cup. We sat down around the island in silence as I stared at the fluid flowing in de cup.

A sudden booming sound caused both of us to jump. The sound was low and loud as if a heavy object fell down on the floor. Or someone. 



Hey, what's up?

I'm announcing, that I am changing the cover and name of this book.

To------> NO REGRETS

It sounds much better and mysterious then 7 years of hell, don't you think?

(Just one thing it is still an amourshipping story, but I want it to become a normal book. Without the link to Pokemon.)

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