Chapter 26

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Warning: some cruse words/ inappropriate(I think)/ dark stuff.


I heard footsteps, loud and heavy footsteps. The rhythmic thunk-tap of boots striking wood. It's pain in my ears. With struggle, I try to shift my body to the side and try to open my eyes.

My vision was blurry when I blinked once, that same moment the noise stopped. Suddenly, I heard a loud, scratchy sound that caused an opening in the darkroom, to fill with dim light. I tried to squeeze my eyes a bit to make out what was coming, it was vague.

"I'm back!" He said with a cheerful call. It clearly didn't match with that sick bastard's gruff voice.

He walked over to me and crunched down and to my relief, he hadn't had his weapon of torture and mutilation. He began to shake me and I let unhuman sounds of pain.

"Good," He said as he stopped shaking my body. "You're still alive,"

He smirked, while I shuddered in disgust."Stand up."

How am I supposed to stand up? I can't even move an inch to look at your stupid face!

Yet, instead of that, I croaky whispered, "I can't."

"Stand up!" He yelled again and I flinched at the volume of his voice, obviously shaking while trying to push myself from the ground. It hurts, so bad that I was beginning to form tears.

"I-I can't," I croaked out louder as my lips started to tremble, making a soft sob.

"I said stand up, you worthless whore!" He grabbed my hair, jerked my head up, I had no other choice to reach up to lessen his grip on my hair as I cried out in pain.

"I-I c-can't," I cried, shaking a lot as my vision blurred with tears. I started sniffling, sobbing and crying while saying that I can't stand up.

He yanked on my arms to my feet and pushed my back against the wall, hands over my head. I screamed in agony and continued crying.

He laughed at my pathetic state, " Your lies hurt me, princess." He let his demon eyes stare into mine dead, hurt ones. " I think you should kiss me and make me feel better."

"No, no," I continued sobbing out while shaking my head. Panic was welling up inside, I became nausea at the thought of his lips on mine.

He grabbed my chin roughly as he forcefully pressed his lips to mine hard and using his tongue to push inside. I tried to scream and move out of that horrific state, but I couldn't.

I really felt the leftovers I ate yesterday, coming up. I felt disgusting and dirty. I was crying so hard, that my eyes started to burn.

"You taste so sweet,"

I shuddered in disgust. He began kissing me again, forcefully. I hated it. When I denied his advances repeatedly, he became angry. He hit me with his fist in my stomach, I bend over, gasping for air, choking while he grabbed my chin to look at him.

"Stop struggling your only making this worse," He smiled. So cynical. So crazy. So inhuman. How can he exist?

He drew me on the ground and I yelled when I landed on my back. I was sure my body was in a state of shock when I couldn't even move a finger or struggled to breathe.

I felt him caress me from my leg to my arm to my cheek. I continued shaking and breathing hard when he leaned in close and his hand went lower. I didn't even have the guts to look at him and see that his expression of enjoyment.

"You're perfect, princess." He whispered as his hands continued moving. I cried harder. "So perfect,"

"Stop!" a disembodied voice said as that bastard stopped moving his filthy hands and stood up, walking over my mutilated body.

"What did you say?" He spat. My vision was making the ceiling move. I felt very dizzy, my eyes couldn't concentrate on one point, that it made me concerned if I ever could look straight again or got some kind of brain damage.

"Dad, please stop this." He pleaded to his father. "Please, leave her alone. She just tried to he-"

I couldn't look their way to know that he slapped him, hard. "Help!" He yelled at him, hitting him again. " The death of your little sister is her fault! And you say she tried to help!"

"Y-you killed her!" his son yelled back.

Again, I heard him hit him. "Come here," I looked side-way and saw him drag his son my way, throwing him on the ground next to me. His head was jerked back and I saw his bloody nose when he hit the floor. His eyes were closed, but his features showed he was in pain. "Look at her!"

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Serena," he whispered quietly, his eyes shining with pain and guilt, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. It was a long time that I was being called on my real name. "I'm sorry." he cried.

"D-don't," I tried to speak, only to cough and squeeze my eyes of the pain. "c-cry, p-please"

I felt the air leave out of my longs when a huge force kicked me in my side. My eyes bulged out as I tried to gasp for air.

"No!" he cried as I coughed loudly, burning my lungs and throat. "Please, stop!"

"No, I don't stop." He grabbed my arm and pulled it upwards as I screamed in pain. "I'm going to have a little fun with her."

I began shaking a lot and crying my eyes out. I felt so exposed and vulnerable. I looked at the crying son, who is looking with the most apologetic and pleading look I have ever seen. I felt my body shift and dragged as I was pushed back to the ground on my stomach, against the wall.

I heard a zipper go down and started crying louder than ever, fear was consuming my entire body as my eyes fixed on the ground. This is not happening, this is not happening. My cheek throbbing of the impact on the ground, earlier. Then I heard the most shocking thing I've heard coming out of the son's mouth,

"Take me," he said boldly. His voice rang out, certain and strong and resolute, not a single quiver, or doubt, to be heard. He looked down towards the ground as his father turned towards him.


"Take me instead," he whimpered as my eyes widened and shifted towards him.

"Come here,"

No, I tried to yell at him. Don't do it! I wanted to say so bad. Run!

"You're a real gentleman, aren't you? "His father pushed him down, he laid down next to me his face right in front of me as I cried and shook my head over and over again. "But also a big fool."

His son grabbed my hand gently, that was near my face and just smiled. That made me cry a lot more.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to speak, I wanted to push that sick bastard away, beat him, torture him, kill him.

We were just left in the dark with a little amount of light as I stared at him and he at me, and I couldn't stop crying while he just smiled.


I woke up running towards the bathroom, I opened the door, trying to find the switch in the dark. The light turned on and I squeezed my eyes and immediately hunched over the toilet. I gripped the bowl, my mouth wide open, I made the most disgusting sounds while vomiting.

I stood with my hands on the floor, spitting the drool and vomit from my lips with the rest of the nasty stuff I brought up from my stomach. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my mouth clean. I let the toilet flush as I leaned against the wall, my head high and holding my stomach.

"Hello," I heard a whisper. My eyes widened and I stood up and locked the bathroom door. Regretting that decision, I leaned against the door slowly lowering myself down to the ground, feeling again nausea come up. I listened to Dawn who was on the other side of the door.

"Hello," I heard her say again.

"Dawn," I heard White groggily speaking, I felt bad that I woke them up. "What are you doing?"

"There's someone in the bathroom,"

"It's probably Paul or Serena," White then groggily, exasperatingly, rhetorically said to her, with a yawn, in response. "Come back to bed."


"Hé, why are you all awake?" Seriously, Paul too. I don't want them to see me like this.

"There is someone in the bathroom," Dawn said again.

I heard stepping sounds making their way towards the door and then a knocking.

"Hé sis," he called out as he stopped knocking. I didn't answer. "Serena!"

"Yeah," I responded.

"Are you okay?" I swallowed to control that gagging feeling and responded.

"I'm okay," I answered.

"You can't lie to me, you know?" He responded. "Are you sick?"


He sighed. "Dawn, what did you hear?"

"I heard a gagging noises kind of." I then heard her gasp and knew I was caught. I heard a fast small stepping sounds. "Serena, are you okay?!"

I sighed. "Serena," I heard White say. "Please, open the door we are just trying to help."

With hesitation, I opened the door and crawled to lean against the shower cabin. The door opened and I saw Dawn stepping out first then the others. Dawn kneeled down and touched my face.

"Oh Serena," She whispered as she let her hand caress me from forehead to cheek. "You're sweating all over and your face is pale."

"Why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well?" White kneeled down beside Dawn. Both of their faces showing concern.

"I didn't want to ruin your day," I whispered, my eyes closed feeling tired again. "I didn't want to be a bother."

"You aren't," Dawn said as she caresses my cheek again. "You're our friend,"

"We look out for each other," White rubbed my arm. "Can you stand? "

I nodded and pushed myself from the ground only to almost topple over. They caught me and Dawn said, "Oh, easy there. Paul, can you bring her to bed? Then I'll make her some tea and give her some medication."

"Wait, let me fresh her up a bit." White offered, they nodded and left me alone with White. After, she helped me fresh up a bit. Paul helped me go to bed. While White set up the bed ready for me to go in, Paul whispered,

"Did it happen again?"

I knew what he means and I nodded in response. Feeling really tired that I even had to lean my head against his shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head no.

He sighed and lay me down on the bed, I even felt him push Ted against me. "Sweet dreams, call me if there is something."

"Thank you," I whispered before falling into the dark world of my slumber.

Next morning

I heard the annoying noise of my alarm and groaned in frustration. I ignored it, but I jumped when I felt something hit my face. I opened my eyes and saw that there was a hand laying on my head. I took it off and saw that it was from White, I furrowed my brow in confusion as I saw Dawn and White sleeping beside me. I sat up and stretched myself with a yawn.

"Finally you're awake," I heard Paul say as I looked at him. He was sitting on the windowsill

"You guys slept in my room," I said in a raspy sleepy voice.

"The girls wouldn't leave you alone till you were okay,"

"Why are you here then?" I murmur, trying to keep my eyes from closing.

"It's the same for me," I smiled and leaned on my head."By the way, what's this?" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "It doesn't look like a regular book?"

I looked at the book he was holding in his hand. Cracked leather cover with a strap and black flowers on the front cover. It took me awhile to progress what he asked, I just kept staring at that book till the realization came.

And that was also when the chase began.

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