Chapter 32

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(A/N Back from holiday and made this pic.
Btw, this chapter really sucks~

I think.

Good luck reading! (^-^))

Serena' s POV

Remember when I said he was going to be a pain in the ass tomorrow?

Unfortunately, I was right.

"Are you ready?!" Ash yelled impatiently from the other side of the door while banging on the door.

"Calm down!" I scoffed as I turned to look in the mirror in the bathroom. I furrowed my brows in confusion at the look of my outfit.

Apparently, the only reason I had to bring my backpack was that of the outfit Dawn chose for me, well sports outfit. Dressed in a white Adidas-sneakers and a Nike sports suit, including the jacket which I'm very grateful off, because of the amount of skin it shows when I don't wear it also my back part.

Got to admit though, she got a great taste. But I still felt uncomfortable, the reason for it. The shirt is THE WRONG SIZE! Its way to tight on my torso and I can just raise my arms enough to prevent ripping, but it stills shows my belly.

I zipped the jacket all the way up, picked up my backpack and walked towards the door. I still took one glance at the mirror to look at my tied up hair as it didn't want to work with my brush, I had to do it like this.

The moment I opened the door I immediately got a fist against my forehead.

"Oops, sorry." He spoke casually with a straight face as he looked down at me. "My hand slipped."

I rubbed my forehead, glaring at him, before hitting him back harder against his arm.

"Ah-what was that for?" He glared down at me, rubbing his arm as I just casually walked towards Lady and Yellow who were standing beside the open door.

I looked back and with a straight face, I mimicked him and replied, "Oops sorry, my hand slipped."

"You-" He walked over to me, but immediately took a breath running a hand through his hair as he pushed me out of the door. Before I could protest about his rude manners and not being able to say goodbye to Lady and Yellow, he said gravelly, "Shut up and walk."

"Asshole," I muttered pressing the elevator button and -for the so many times today- he glared at me, I don't even have to watch. I could feel his threatening gaze pour through my body.

"So, where are we going?" I asked as I stepped into the elevator, pressing the button to go to the first floor.


"I know that, stupid!" I stated annoyed with his 'hangover behaviour' he had all day long. "Where are we going? What are we going to do? Etcetera, etcetera. Somewhere is not the answer I want."

I looked sideways at him and saw him having a small smirk on his face. And my face immediately turned down. "You're not going to tell me, huh?"

"You're going to be thanking me for this." He grinned.

"Oh Lord," I hit my hand against my forehead, letting it slide down before letting it fall loosely beside me. "If this is one of those things when you thought, bringing a random clown towards my 10th birthday as a 'surprise'. I. Will. Not. Attend."

"We were kids. And I didn't know he had mental issues." He objected before stepping out of the elevator walking towards the front door."I matured."

"Of course you did," 

"Sarcasm," He rolled his eyes. "Great."

"Stupidity," I rolled my eyes. "Wonderful."

"I hate surprises," I told him.

He stopped walking and looked at me. "That's a lie."

"I guess you're right," I muttered, before smiling at him. "I only hate your surprises."

He merely showed me a confident grin and shrugged his shoulders,"I'll bring a change to that."

He led me towards the garage, didn't even know this building had one. Stepping into his black BMW, he started the engine and before the radio even made a sound he cut it off by turning it down. With a furrowed brow, open mouth and little-squeezed eyes, I looked at him in confusion and disbelieve.


"What?" He asked. "I'm not in the mood to listen to music."

"I am."

"Don't care," He responded simply. If it wasn't for the fact I charged my phone this morning and had earplugs with me, I would make him care.

While listening to Sorry not Sorry by Demi Lovato, I purposely turned up to volume and made him listen to it. Annoying him is more satisfying even if that means I'd be half-deaf after this.

"You're music is too loud." He said after the fourth time, I already heard him by one. I took one earplug off and looked at him.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know I was bothering you," I apologised. "But honestly, I don't care."

"I don't care."He mimicked me as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow when he stopped in front of a red light, "Oh, you're gonna care. Do you feel me?"

I put it back in and with arms wide and a loud voice, I sang "It'll be nice if I take it easy on ya, but nah~. BABY, I'M SORRY! I'M NOT SORRY!"

"Give me that!" He reached forward trying to grab my phone and pull my earphones off. But I dodged and continued.

"BABY, I'M SORRY! I'M NOT SORRY!" And then I turned more towards the door as he literally almost went off his seat.

"Being so bad got me feeling so good, showing your w-"

A loud honk startled us off our seat and Ash immediately hit the gas going to the -I don't know how long- green light. For a few seconds, it was silent, except the sound of my earplugs that lay in my hand.

I started to laugh my ass off.

"That's not funny, Serena." I looked at him and he looked dead-serious, but because of that, I laughed even harder. He started to crack a smile, but still said, "Stop it."

"Imagine an old man behind the car behind us going like," I held my laughter back."These damn brats thinking you can boogie-woogie in the middle of the road! I need to end this, HONK!"

"That doesn't make se-"



"HONK!" I laughed.

He chuckled, "I'm so done with you, I swear."

He parked his car at begin of the street, where the surprise is located and surprisingly near Misty's house. Like two or three streets behind, without the notice of Ash who is occupied with a call, I texted Misty.


Girl, come ASP to Benon Street.


She replied almost in ten seconds.

You think I got nothing else to do? 😒

Are you coming?

I'm already on the corner.

That's fast



I stepped out of the car and looked for her.

"Serry!" I heard her scream from the end of the street, running over to me. I ran back.

"Mist!" I hugged her but immediately pulled back from her as her soaked hair came into contact with the side of my face. It smelled like chlorine. "Warn me next time when you went swimming."

She grinned widely, a wicked light dancing in her eyes. "Don't you dare!"

"Sprinkler is back, Baby!" And before she could swing her hair, I ran away fast.

She chased after me,"Leave me alone!"

"Never!" She yelled and speed up, I screamed in surprise and quickly got to Ash and used him as a shield. I grabbed him by his sleeves and turned him towards her, standing behind him.

"Woah! What the-," And he got splashed in the face, I put a hand in front of my open mouth, shocked and amused at the same time.

"Oh.My.God," I stepped aside and gaped at him and then at Misty, who clearly looked horrified.

And then it dawned me,

He's going to be pissed off!

I looked at Misty in alarm and yelled,"Run!"

She ran, but I couldn't. As he already wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up, and put me over his shoulder. I squealed as the ground beneath my feet disappeared.

Before I could scream for help, he threatened,"I promise, if you annoy me one more time, squeals isn't the only sound I'll make you do."

And that scared me a lot, so I kept my mouth shut as he walked somewhere while I'm still hanging there.

Soon he stopped and lowered me to the ground. I felt a little dizzy when I took the first step, so he guided me towards the entrance of a huge building. It almost looks like a high school. The side of the building was graffitied with words and symbols as Thug Life, F*ck the Police, Peace sign etcetera.

The moment I got in, I wanted to turn back, go home and hide underneath a blanket immediately. Everywhere, I looked in the hallway, people were stretching, moving, preparing or signing in for what was read on the big banner; 

Dance audition for all teams. 

I turned around and opened the door,

"So what-,"

And the door closed behind me. I looked at the panting girl leaning her hands on her knees before me.

"Serena! I thought you were behind m-"

And I was pulled back inside, with a straight face I looked at him and said,"To answer your question, Hell n-."

And I was pulled back outside,"Who is that gu-"


I was pulled back inside. And he responded, "Hell yes, you are-"

I sighed as again I was pulled back outside,"Answer."

I let out an extended sigh as I was pulled back inside, again. But this time I took her by the arm, dragged her with me and quickly spoke, "Misty, this is Ash. Ash this is Misty. Not going to do it. I'm done. Going home. B-bye."

I turned around and walked outside, only to be pulled back inside by two arms. I glared at them both, "Stop that!"

"Not until you explain." She stated, her arms crossed.

"Not until you going to participate." He stated, still holding onto my arm.

I turned to Misty and explained," That is Ash, best friend since childhood, annoying as heck," I turned towards him." And currently dragging me to something I don't want to do."

"If you like it or not, you are going to participate." He said simply." Now come on."

"To where? To what?" Misty asked. I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around and pointed towards the banner. "Oh."

"Yeah oh," I told her trying to get free out of that idiot's grip while he dragged me towards a door, where a guy stood with a clipboard. "And I am not going to do it. So help me."

"I agree, though." She stood beside me as Ash talked to the guy.

"You-what?!" I yelled at her, wide-eyed. "You are supposed to save me!"

"Oh, come on, you're are the greatest dancer I know." before I could interrupt her, she said, " And don't tell me it isn't true."

And before I tried to add something then, she smirked at me and said," And I know you've got a whole choreo ready, because I know you at least have one in that crazy head of yours, even when you aren't dancing."

"See, no excuses, no argument, now go!" Ash pushed me inside.

"I hate you guys," I said to them, gritting my teeth as I tried to go back outside.

"Good luck," They cheered, holding their dumbs up.

"Wait!" I looked at them in panic. "You're not coming-"

And the door closed.

I slowly turned around and my heart sank. It was a massive room, with wooden floors, mirrors on the wall left and right and about eight light bulbs crafted into the ceiling.

No, that wasn't the only thing that caused me to literally go panic and my anxiety to worsen. In the middle of the room, there was a table, with two girls and one boy sitting. And another standing next to them.

One girl was standing in front of them but immediately turned away, running towards where I was standing. Her eyes watering as she clenched her fist.

She looked at me and then spoke with a brittle voice, "I h-hope you've more luck than me because those people are just evil."

I stepped aside, shocked as she slammed the door behind her, causing me to jump up in fright. I turned to look at them and somehow I saw a fire burning behind them as their eyes turned red. I gulped and shook my head.

Their intimidating stares were going right in me, with the exception of the friendly, greeting gaze of Miette. She waved at me, I awkwardly smiled and waved back.

Carefully, walking my way towards them while looking down and trying to find a way to use my hands. Hoping that somehow the fire alarm would go off so I can't do this, but instead, one blonde haired girl, seating in the middle of the table said,


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