Chapter 5

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~~~New friends~~~

"We were kicked out of our apartment by the owner, just because I rejected his son."

"Wow," I said."Just because of that."

"Yeah, I know," White said."So we connected my aunt, she said that we had to hurry to her place if we wanted to stay there. But we got some trouble on our way there. Anyway,"

"While walking Dawn had a feeling that we were being followed. I shrugged it off, saying not to worry. We walked further only to have Dawn been dragged in an alley, I followed after her. Only to see Dawn standing there with a knife against her neck by some creep with a mask and covered in black clothing and leather gloves. The man slowly pressed the knife against her cheek. Saying things like how pretty she is especially her body. And he sniffed her. Liking the perfume she had on." She shuddered.

"That's creepy," I said as I shiver went down my spine. White nodded.

"I grabbed my phone and threatened him to let her go or I will call the police." She continued. "He said to drop it or she will die. Not wanting to risk her safety, I did. But Dawn elbowed his side. He let her go and grabbed his side."

"You go, Dawn!" I cheered, White looked at me raising an eyebrow. I sweatdropped rubbing my neck." Oops, please continue."

"She tried to run to me only to be grabbed by her leg and tossed to the wall. I ran to her only to been stopped by the guy. He grabbed my ankle pulling me back, managing to have my balance I pulled back but his grip tightened. I screamed as he twisted it. Dawn punched his face as he let go he pulled out his knife and aimed it at Dawn's stomach. I pushed her out of the way, but she got cut at her side she falls back on the ground me on her side. And the rest I think you know."

"That BASTARD!" I said in frustration." If the police came later I would have beaten him up, so bad he couldn't even touch another woman ever again."

"Well," White started." What happened in the past, happened there is nothing we could do now only to leave it to the police."

"I wish I was there sooner," I sighed. " maybe Dawn wouldn't be stabbed."

"Hè," White said putting a hand on my shoulder, smiling." Don't feel bad, you saved us. That's what matters. And I thank you for that."

I smiled."You're right" I looked back at the ground considering if I should ask. "Hè, White where are you and Dawn going to stay now? Now your aunt is going out of town."

"I don't know yet," White said. " Maybe we could search for other family members in town. But I doubt that I got any or Dawn."

"Mmm," I trailed off as I biting my lip."Would you guys want you know, stay over by my house for a while?"

White snapped her head at me looking at me in disbelief. Blinking once or twice. " You mean- I and Dawn could stay with you?!"

I nodded." If you want t-"

"YES!" White interrupted as she jumped on me hugging me tight saying yes over and over again. I awkwardly patted the excited girl on her back. "Wait" She blurted out as she let go of me. "Why are you inviting us to stay over at your place, two complete strangers?"

"Well, you two obviously need a place to stay, so I'm willing to give it to after what you've been going through. Also, it would be pretty lonely me and Lady alone in a house like mine." I said petting Lady's back." Some company would be fine."

"This is awesome," White squealed." Thank you so much. When Dawn wakes up she would be so happy with this. So where do you live?"

"It's not so far from the hospital, I think thirty-five minutes walking. But we have to take the cab because of Dawn and your ankle, so that will be fifteen minutes from here."

"Again, thank you so much, I can't wait!" White silently groaned." But we have to wait for Dawn to be checked up."

"Oh yeah," I started."I haven't been in my house for a while, so I've to check some things."

"No problem," White says as she slumped in her chair." How long haven't you been there?"

I bit my lip, playing with my fingers." Hmm," I started." I think about seven years" I responded nervously. White shot up her eyes wide.


"Excuse me," I looked in front of me to see a nurse standing there." Your friend is stitched up, she can go home now."

I stood up and looked back at White who is still staring at me in disbelief.

"Come on, let get Dawn," I said gesturing her to come along. She shook her head following me inside.

"Seven years," She mumbled.


After picking up Dawn who has been squealing all the way towards my house. Honestly, she was doubting a little when she heard the news, but White convinced her to go.

Now we were standing at the entrance of my house. I almost forgot how big it was the last time I was here. The house was long, It was two stories high and had a basement. The outside of the building was painted white, but it slightly faded into a darker color. The house was placed near a forest, the backyard is a part of it. We hadn't had many neighbors, now there were only two houses in the street.

I grabbed my bag and zipped it open, searching for my keys. Ah Ha, I grabbed it, my old smiley key chain still attached to it. I put it in the lock and twisted it. I opened the door,

"Welcome to my home," I said as I walked in.

By the entrance, there was a hallway first turn on the left was the living room and the first on the right was the kitchen.

The living room was big and casual; three cream-colored couches, a glass coffee table, opposite from that a black Tv stand, with of course a Tv. The walls were in a light- brown tint and there were a lot of photo's hanging against them or in a wall cabinet. Further, in the living room, there's a wooden dining table and behind that a sliding door going to the backyard.

When we got to the staircase going up to the rooms, there were only two rooms, one only had one bed which was my mothers. The other had two, which was mine, I had two beds because my friends would always stay over whether it was during the holidays or weekends.

I walked over there, everything was the same from my toys to the bed. I was not the typical girly type when I was younger, in other words, I didn't like pink, not for my clothes but in my room. The walls were colored in a light gray, the beds were laying opposite from each other, there is one big window between them, giving a view to the backyard a.k.a forest. There was only one big closet, considering that the logees only had their suitcase with them.

"This is your room," I announced, turning back to the girls.

"Thank you," They both exclaimed as they hugged me. I pulled out and walked towards the door.

"If you need anything, I'm down the hall." I pointed to the back. "If I'm not answering, I might be asleep."

"No thank you," Dawn said as she smiled."I think we will manage,"I nodded.

"Serena," White said. "I don't know how to thank you for this, this is the nicest thing somebody did for us," White said as Dawn nodded.

I smiled."You're welcome, Good night."

"Goodnight, Serena" They both said.

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