~Day 11~

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  Song~ I'm Yours by Jason Mraz


  I jerk back my hand once more.

  "Promise you won't laugh?" I narrow my eyes.

  "I won't. Now let me see the list!" He demands with an outstretched hand.

  I hand over my bucket list. "I started it when I was around 12. I knew I was a ticking time bomb and my heart would only last so long, so I wrote it at a young age."

  "Ride a motorcycle. Get a tattoo. Get drunk- that's pretty mature for a child," Mason grins listing off some of the items on the list.

  I swat his arm and groan. "I said I started it when I was young. I never said I finished it then too. It's been on-going."

  His eyes continue to scan the paper. "These seem pretty doable. There's only about 6 things on here, so for the rest of the month we can just see what we feel like."

  I nod and tuck my legs underneath me. We were currently sitting in my room, more specifically on my bed, figuring out a plan instead of winging it.

  "Want to write out a list?" I ask. When he nods a yes, I retrieve a pen and a notebook from my desk.

  "We'll start out with what we've already done so we can cross it off. Then we can write down some more," he instructs, laying on his stomach. We begin to create a list.

"There! Finito!" He cheers after an hour of discussing and writing.

  "Not bad. What do you want to do today?" I ask, looking over the possible options.
  "I have a plan," he says. He get off the bed and stands behind me. His big hands cover my eyes. I can feel his breath tickle my ear as he whispers. "Point anywhere on the page and that's what we'll do today. We'll let fate decide."

  I giggle and bite my lip. I blindly point to a random spot on the page. 

  He moves his hands to allow me to see. I read the page aloud, "Crash a wedding."

  "Odd choice, but who am I to defy fate?" I laugh.

  "If we're going to do this, which we are, we'll have to dress the part to make it convincing," Mason says.

  I stand up and rummage through my closet. "I have the perfect dress. Ta-da!"

  I pull out a blue strapless dress with a pink floral print on it. It has a low neckline to show off my collar bone and cleavage. The bottom of the dress flows outwards and grazes just above my knees. "I wore it to Kat's sweet 16 last year. I also have black pumps to match."

He nods with approval while his eyes flash with an emotion I don't recognize. Almost as soon as I notice it, it disappeared.

  "We can stop by my place and pick up a decent outfit for me and we could possibly bring Brook. She'd be all for this." He chuckles.

  "Sounds like a plan. Can you-uh- turn around please? So I can change?" I ask awkwardly. I can feel my cheeks burn slightly.

  Mason chuckles, but obliges. I take the opportunity to chuck off my t-shirt and leggings in exchange for the dress. Once it's settled nicely on my body, I slip on the 4.5 inch heels to complete the look. I decide against a full face of makeup and instead opt for mascara and filling in my eyebrows.

  "You can turn around now." My fists clutch the material at my sides.

  Once he does, he let's out a whistle. "Wow, you're-"

  "Different? I know it's the dress and the fact I'm actually wearing makeup," I interrupt.

  "I was going to say stunning," Mason replies.

  I blush and look down at my feet. "Thank you."

  He uses his index finger and thumb to lift my chin so our gazes are interlocked. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

  He presses a kiss on my forehead which is perfectly level to his lips now that I'm in heels. He lifts his arm. "Shall we my lady?" Mason asks with a fake British accent. His eye twinkle with amusement.

  I loop my arm through his. "We shall."

  "I still don't understand how you found this wedding," I repeat for the hundredth time in disbelief.

  Brook shrugs. "I have my ways. Besides, working at a salon has it's perks."

  Mason opens the door to his truck and helps both me and Brook down. Brook was in an off the shoulder red cocktail dress while Mason had opted for a white dress shirt and dress pants. He looked handsome and ever since he caught me ogling him, he wouldn't drop it. Brook and I each loop an arm around one of his and walk to the golf course building where the reception was being held.

  "We're here for the Braga-Dyjas wedding," Brook says with a flirtatious smile to the man at the door.

  "Down the hall to the left," he replies with a curt nod.

  "That was easy," I say in disbelief. I was expecting something more...difficult.

  "There's a couple weddings going on today. It's hard to keep track. The best way is to act like you know what you're doing."

  I raise an eyebrow. "Seems to me like you've done this before. You seem to know you're way around," I tease while earning a chuckle from both Barnetts.

  She laughs and shakes her head. We follow the man's directions and enter a large ballroom.

  It's decorated with pink and white banners. The gold chandelier sparkles as it hangs in the centre of the room. There are many tables as well as chairs around the room. Off to the side is a DJ and his equipment.
  It appears the reception is already in full swing. The dance floor is already occupied by various couples dancing to a lively song. The tables are scattered and several people chat loudly while enjoying food and wine.

  "Excuse me!" Mason calls out towards a frantic waiter.

  I tug on his arm and hiss, "What are you doing?"

  "Getting us a table. Relax. Trust me," he replies calmly.

  "Yes? How may I help you?" The waiter asks looking frazzled.

  "We're distant relatives of the bride. Second cousins twice removed and we were wondering if we could get a table? I know it's unexpected."

  The waiter eyes us up and down. Hesitantly, he responds. "Do you not see your name on a table card?"

  Brook let's out a fake laugh that almost passes for convincing. "We forgot to check. We only just arrived. The traffic was dreadful. Thank you for your help."

  Mason guides us both away towards the corner of the ballroom.

  I scan the room and point to an empty table near the far corner of the room. "That table looks empty. It's also kinda isolated. We should sit there so we won't draw attention."

  They both nod in agreement. We sit down and almost immediately a server asks us if we want a drink.

  "No thank you, my sister and I are too young," I answer for the both of us. "We'll have a water if you have some."

  "I'll have a gin and tonic," Mason responds politely.

  Once the waiter is out of earshot, I hiss, "You aren't of legal drinking age."

  "I am in Canada," he replies smugly. "I'm 19."

  I stare at him confusedly. "First of all, this isn't Canada. Second, what do you mean you're 19?"

  He shrugs one shoulder. "It was my birthday a couple days ago. I started school a year later than everyone else my age.  I just don't celebrate."

  I frown. "You could have told me. We could have done something."

  "Viv, it's not a big deal."

  I opened my mouth to argue but was cut off by the roar of a crowd cheering.

  "Shot! Shot! Shot!" They chant.

  A large crowd has formed around Brooklyn who is tipping back a small glass of what I'm assuming to be schnapps. Several empty shot glasses litter the table around her. I didn't even notice she'd left.

  "Wow, so not only are we crashing someone's wedding, but also drinking underage. That's cool," I sarcastically say.

  "They're European is my guess," he chuckles. "I have an English background."

  "I'm Italian and don't change the subject!" I hit his upper arm.

  The music slowly changes into a slower pace and the band introduces the next song.

  "Dance with me," he whispers in my ear while taking my hand into his.

  "I really don't dance. I either look like a drunk uncle at a wedding or like I'm tripping. There is no in between."

  "Just trust me," he says soothingly.

  If I had a drink for every time he's said that tonight, I'd be as drunk as Brooklyn.

  He wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me closer so our bodies are touching. Instinctively, my arms wind around his neck. I'm yours by Jason Mraz plays on the stereo system.

  "For a drunk uncle, you don't dance half bad," he teases earning a short laugh for me.

  "I dare say, I dance like a sober uncle."

  He chuckles and pulls back to twirl me around.

  "You're a pretty good dancer," I comment.

  "Thank you," he replies smugly. "I had a lot of practise at my senior prom."

  "I bet the girls were lining up to dance with you," I joke.

  "I'm not that kind of guy. I went with one girl and stuck with her all night. How about you? How was your prom?"

  "Didn't go to it remember? I dropped out. It would have been this year," I remind him.

  He leans in close and brushes his lips against my ear. A shiver runs down my spine. "Then let's pretend this dance is at your prom."

  I pull back and study his face. He smiles down at me. Contently, I rest my head on his shoulder as we continue to sway in place. The song ends and the MC's voice booms over the speakers.

  "Okay ladies and gentlemen. How about we play a little game? The rules are simple, the bride and groom will mimic a kiss of a couple of random selection."

  The crowd cheers. Using the distraction as a chance to escapes, we slowly walk off the dance floor.

  "How about you two." The MC announces in more of a demanding tone. The previously loud party, hushes down. We both turn around to see him intently looking at us.


  Mason smirks at me and uses a hand to brace my back. I swallow nervously. He dips me down and slowly kisses up my neck to meet my lips in a slow, passionate kiss that leaves me breathless.

  The bride and groom have now accompanied us on the dance floor and are studying us. We both stand upright again.  I avoid eye contact as best as possible to not risk getting caught. We quickly return to our table to leave.

  With everyone's attention on the bride and groom, we search for Brooklyn. I hiss her name several times through clenched teeth. My feet ache and my whole body is still tingling from the kiss Mason and I shared moments ago.

  "Hey, do I know you from somewhere?" Brooklyn mumbles emerging with mussed hair and a tone of voice indicating her tipsy state.

  "No, it's time to go," I tell her signalling Mason. He nods and leaves the room. I'm assuming to get the truck.

  Her mouth forms an O shape and her eyes widen. "I know you! You're the lady from the goat farm! I'm sorry I tried to ride one. I'm also sorry it ended up in your living room."

  I roll my eyes making a mental note to ask her for the full story later and usher her towards the exit.

  "Wait!" She yells before opening her purse and dumping a plate of food in. I grimace as she winks. Well tries to wink. It came off more as a delayed blink from each eye. "For later."

  We walk past several tables on our way to the exit before Brooklyn stops abruptly in front of a man sitting alone at a table.

  "Look he has horse teeth!" She guffaws nearly doubling over with laughter. I tug on her arm in an attempt to get her to leave before she makes a bigger fool of herself.

  "Quick, feed him a sugar cube!" She has a giant grin on her face. I hiss at her and apologize to the man on her behalf before continuing to Mason's car.

  I help her in and point out her missing shoe to which she replies, "That shoe wasn't the only thing I lost tonight. I also lost a lot of lipstick on some guy's face."

  "Thanks for sharing, Brook. Let's get you home and in bed before you do something else."

  She whines, "But I'm not tired. Look a McDonald's play centre!" She points out the window like an excited child on Christmas.

  "You're drunk," I say bluntly.

  "I'm not as think as you drunk I am."

   "You're right. You're worse. If people didn't notice us before, there sure as hell did when you called the man out on his teeth."

  "It was that bad, huh?" Mason asks with a chuckle.

  "Let's just say we aren't getting invited to the family Christmas party," I mumble.


  "Thank you for helping me with Brooklyn. She's kind of a lightweight."

  "No problem. Make sure she has some coffee tomorrow morning. Doctor's orders," I instruct with a wink.

  I walk up my porch with Mason following close behind. I turn around to face him just as I reach the door.

  "I want to take you out tomorrow. It's nothing too special. Think of it as a thank-you for all you've done for me," I explain while grinning.

  "This wouldn't have anything to do with my birthday, would it?" He questions with narrowed eyes.

  I place a hand over my heart and feign shock. "After you explicitly told me to forget it? Never!"

  He rolls his eyes and I kiss his cheek. "Guess you'll have to find out tomorrow! I'll walk to your house and give you the directions from there."

  Before he has the chance to argue, I dash into the house and close the door behind me. 

  I slip off my heels and rush up the stairs to my room. As I lay in bed, I plan my surprise for Mason.

  A/N~ As you can tell this book features a lot of things that aren't exactly mother approved but are MA. I hope you liked this chapter. I was on holidays for a week which gave me ample time to write. Updates will be weekly probably on Saturdays. Thank you all and have a good day/night!!


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