Chapter 11: The Pit

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Frank opens the curtains for us after the two guys and Mikayla leaves. Felix looks around frantically. "Oh my God. How could we have not known before? Gerard and Frank are dead," he crosses his arms and looks at Gerard. "They totally couldn't see you guys."

Frank pouts. "You don't have to remind us that we're dead. Speaking of dead, have you guys ever heard our song, Dead?"

Gerard shakes his head, then raises his hand. "Frank now is not the time-"

"Have you heard the news that you're dead? No one ever had much nice to say. I think they never liked you anyway. Oh, take me from the hospital bed. Wouldn't it be grand to take a pistol by the hand? And wouldn't it be great if we were -" he stops singing, then smirks at Gerard. "Dead."

Felix raises an eyebrow. "That's actually pretty catchy," he smiles.

"Guys," I say. "Did anyone realize what they were doing?"

Scott nods. "Yes. That's so scary. No wonder our parent's were acting so strange and as if this school was the greatest place ever."

"Oh my God," Mulan says. "You mean to say that those freaking teachers were pretending to be our parents? They came in our houses!"

"Then, where are our real parents?" Aaliyah asks.

I turn to Aaliyah and shake my head. "I don't know where they are, but we need to get out of here and find room 001."

Scott puts his finger on his chin. "Yes, let's search for this room. Maybe our parents are there. We'll go, but not now. Let's wait until lunch time."

All of us nod in agreement. Gerard and Frank bid us farewell and tells us to be careful. Gemma slowly opens the closet door. "Looks like everyone is going back to class," she says. "Come on."

We quickly join the group of kids. "Alright," I say, watching all of the other kids walk into their classrooms. "We'll meet at lunch."


For 4th period I have Mr. Harden, the history teacher. He smiles at me and the other kids as we enter the room. Suddenly, two girls that look alike joins us. Twins. It was my first time seeing them here. They're looking around for a place to sit, so I can tell that they're new.

"Madison and Mackenzie?" Mr. Harden says, looking at them. They nod. "Just have a seat right over there by...Cosima. Those two seats by the window."

The twins take a firm look at me, then sit in their chairs. I want to warn them about this place so badly. Mr. Harden begins talking and as he does, I tap one of the twins. 

"Don't touch me!" She yells out loud.

I panic. "I'm sorry, I just, I-"

"Cosima!" The teacher yells. "Why are you touching people in class? Do I need to dismiss you from class?"

That actually sounds like a wonderful idea. I bite my tongue from speaking out my thoughts. "Sorry," I say. "I just wanted to know if she had an extra pencil."

"Welp!" He smiles. "A good thing about my class is that you will never need a pencil in here. You just need your eyes and ears, missy."

He responds back with a nod, then continues talking. The twins are looking at me again, making me feel really uncomfortable. I look at the teacher, pretending to listen to him. He's going on and on about cleanliness. In history class? Why? While he's blabbing about nothing, the twins are whispering to each other. One takes out a cell phone and she carefully takes a picture of the teacher and a few students.

"Hey," I whisper. "You guys can get into a lot of trouble with your cell phones."

"Cosima!" The teacher yells, making me jump. "Come up here immediately. Disrespect is not tolerated in my class. Talking while the teacher is talking is bad," he walks up to his desk and picks up a ruler, then pats in down on his hand. "Come on, girl. Let's get this over with."


"Speaking out to a teacher? Would you like that punishment instead, Cosima?" he yells.

I can't even remember the punishment for speaking out to a teacher. I walk up to him with my hand out. The class is doing their best to hold back laughs. A few do laugh, but no one gets in trouble for it. My hand is out and I look away. "Okay, here you g-"

Before I can get the words out, two hard slaps from the ruler fly against my cheek, giving my face a burning sensation. The third hit which takes me by surprise hits my glasses. The fourth hit gets my knuckles, and the last hit...well I don't get one. I react too fast, unintentionally hitting the teacher in his face with the back of my hand. 

There's a loud gasp in the classroom, but I can't focus on them because the back of my hand has something black on it as if I smeared some of his eyeshadow when I had hit him. However, this teacher wasn't wearing eyeshadow. I face him and my eyes widen at a  black spot on his face. It looks like wet paint, but it doesn't stay there. He pushes his finger against it and I can see his skin move over the black spot. I've never seen anything like that in my life. The site makes my skin crawl. 

"Wow," he says, shaking his head at me. "I'm afraid no student has done that in a long time. You know what happened to the last student who hit a teacher?

I don't give him an answer. I don't want to know where that student is now, or what happened to him. I want to get away from Mr. Harden.

"He's in the pit," he continues. "That's where you're heading."

"Huh?" I panic. "What...what's the pit?"

"Nothing much," he says. "It's just a small box you have to lay in for eights hours straight. With dead rats, live spiders, and two boiled eggs to eat for later." Before I can react, he snatches my arm and drags me out of the class. I'm too afraid to beg for my life. It's like I want to talk, but the words aren't coming out.

We're out of the classroom, and on our way down the hallway, when Scott appears. Scott is smiling as he walks towards us. Mr. Harden stops him. "Sir, where are you going?" he asks Scott.

Scott crosses his arms and smiles at Mr. Harden. "Actually, I was just heading to your classroom to fetch someone with the last name, Niehaus. Mrs. Riker requested a makeup artist. Niehaus is our newest member of the makeup organization."

Mr. Harden placed his hands on his hips. "You mean the the CIU unit?"

Scott nods slowly. "Sure. Yes. Exactly."

Mr. Harden. "Aren't you Cosima N-"

"Yes, I am," I say a little too quickly.

"You're a makeup artist?" Mr. Harden asks.

Scott gestures his hand at me. "Can't you tell by her eyes? She's one of the best."

Mr. Harden smirks at me. "Well, if it's urgent, fine. You're excused, Cosima. I take pride in a good makeup artist, so I will forgive you. We need more CIU's around here. Now go."

He walks back to class while Scott and I go the opposite way. "What's CIU?" I ask.

"I don't know," he says. We stop at the end of the hallway. "I'm glad I ran into you."

"Me too," I say. "He was about to take me to the pit for speaking out to him. What are you doing out here anyways?"

"I have some bad news," he frowns. "It's about, Aaliyah."

My heart stops. I don't know why, but by the look he has on his face I just know he's going to give me bad news. Worst than pit kind of bad news.

"She has an atonement at 2 PM," he says.

*The Twins are played by ShizuruShizumi :)*  

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