Chapter 29: Ignorant Adults

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Here it is. Room 001. I thought I would feel happy once I found it, but I'm severely upset. One reason is because we did find it, but I'm basically half dead. Second, it's full of people inside. I can see the silhouettes of people laying or sitting down, but their faces are hard to see.

 All of us are quiet, not sure who they are and what they're doing behind the wall. I don't know whether they are teachers or not.

"Who are they?" Someone whispers. All of a sudden, a girl pushes past us and looks inside, staring directly at the man. I can't make out his facial features because it's too dark, but the girl seems to stare at him like she's in a trance.

"Dad?" She smiles. "Is it really you?"

Scott gasps. "Our parents," he whispers. "They're inside!"

Is Scott right? Are they our parents?

The girl starts reaching out for who she assumes is her father and we're all staring as if we're watching an intense movie scene. "I don't think-" Scott starts to say as she stretches out her hand at her father. "They're dead," Scott closes his eyes. "Remember the imposters? How else could they have managed to make them look exactly alike?"

He is right, but at the same time my stepfather was still alive yet they made him look so accurate. I hold some kind of hope that my mother is alive, but I don't know. 

The man runs back inside before the girl can touch him.

Felix looks at the floor for a few minutes as if he's trying to process what Scott said. He gets up with Aaliyah still on his back and looks at us. "I'm tired of this place. Let's just go," he says, walking towards the room. All of us follow behind him.

Felix takes the first step inside room 001. "It's dark," he says. "Does anyone have a flash-"

"What?" Scott says when he Felix pauses in the middle of his sentence.

"There's a switch," he says, feeling against the wall.

"Turn it on," Gemma hesitates. 

I don't know what I'll see, but I'm not looking forward to it. Felix cuts on the lights. A bright white light comes on, showing us everything inside of this room. The room is two times the size of the gym. The walls are burnt and pitch black. I'd say it's empty, however, sitting on the floor is what seems to be about almost 100 people. Men and woman, with barely any skin on their bodies.

Their heads are covered with bloody rags and bags. They're not dead because I can see them moving. Felix takes another step inside. There's this loud crunch when his foot hits the floor. Scott follows behind Felix and his foot to steps on something crunchy too. I can finally see what's on the floor.

Bones. Hundreds of them. There are perfect skeletons of kids and adults preserved on the ground. 

The man who we saw sits down while another man holds what seems to be a thick piece of wood towards us. "Leave us alone, demons!" He yells. "Take no more!"

Is this where the teachers kept the parents?

A smile spreads across Scott's face. "Dad!" He yells out, running down with me on his back. His father lowers the wood but still stares hard as we approach him. Scott stops a few inches away from him.

"Dad, it's me. Scott. I'm your son," he says.

Mulan and Gemma run next to us. "We're going to get these bags off of them," Gemma tells, Scott. 

Scott's father grabs Mulan. "You can't take off their rags," he says, then faces Scott. "The rags have some type of medicine on them only to keep their faces from becoming infected. A lot of us don't have skin on our faces."

"Dad," Scott is almost in tears. "My friends are dying. How can we get out of here?"

"You can't get through the doors out there?" His father asks.

"No. Someone told Cosima to find room 001 and this is it. They say we can escape through here," Mulan says.

The father blinks his eyes a few time. "Scott," he whispers. "This is where the teachers were killed. These are their bones on the ground. How is this where we're supposed to escape?"

Scott's eyes bulge. "Of course! This is where they died right? They were trying to get out from this way. There has to be something around here!"

Scott turns around, looking for something, anything. A door, a moldy wall, or something! There's nothing. Nothing but bones, burnt walls, and the parents of children lying on the floor.

 I try and think. Why did the teachers all die here?  What made them run here?

My body shivers for second and I start feeling cold. My hands tingle and I'm able to feel it. It's a painful tingle. My breathing gets slower and I'm starting to worry about myself. Not wanting to die here, I tap Scott's shoulder. "I th-think I'm d-dying," I say.

"Aaliyah's getting heavy," Felix nods. "And Scott, you need a doctor as well. We need to get out of here."

"There's no way out, I'm telling you all that," Scott's father says.

"There has to be some way out," Scott stares at his father who suddenly makes eye contact with me. 

"Here, let me hold her while you think," he says, reaching for me.

"Careful," Felix says, making sure I'm placed on Scott's father's back gently. 

This high, I can see everyone more clear now. The bodies on the ground are moving around, but they have no energy whatsoever. Even if we find a way out, will they have enough energy to leave?

Felix places Aaliyah down on the ground. "Sorry, Lili, this is just for a second."

"You're going to lay me on a bunch of bones?" She asks while looking at the ground. He moves the bones so she can sit, but stops her before she does take a seat. 

"Wait a bloody minute?" Felix's face lit up and he smiles. "Cosima, Scott! Look!"

Scott runs over, but his father decides to stay where he is standing. Good thing he's tall, which makes it easy for me to see what they're looking at. Scott moves a few bones out the way. Underneath the bone fragments and dust is a small metal handle and a square shaped floorboard underneath it. Immediately, Scott lifts it up. Dust clouds his face and Felix's face too.

"There's a ladder!" Scott yells. He raises a fist in the air. "This is our way out!"

The kids start screaming. The bodies on the floor turn their heads our way. Some of them have to make holes in their rags to see. They don't take the rags off, but some try and get up when they hear the words, "way out." I'm hoping through all this my mom somehow survives if she is here.

"Wait, son," his father says, handing me back to Scott. "I'll see if the later is sturdy.

The kids all gather around us and some of the adults finally get up and start walking towards us. They look really creepy in their rags and I decide not to look at them because it's really bugging me out. 

Scott's father looks down. He pulls out a mini flashlight from his back pocket that barely works. He shines it down, then faces us. "I'll go first."

Before he even starts, there's a loud voice that booms out from underneath him...

"Disrespectful, ignorant, rebellious adults!. Today you will pay for your mistakes and today everyone here will learn from them!"

The voices came from more than one person. Chills ran throughout my body when I realize that these sounds aren't coming from adults, but children. If it is the children that the teachers killed and possibly locked away here, then they wouldn't kill anyone, right? None of them tried to hurt us. What could they do now?

Scott takes a step back as his father quickly comes out. There's silence for almost a minute until Scott's father takes another peek inside. A hand slowly reaches out, but whatever or whoever the hand is connected to does not have a head. Instead, the head is thrown out first and the face looks at us from the severed head. I recognize that face. 

It's Dexter.

"Today you will pay!" He says to me. I begin to wonder rather he recognizes me or not, desperate to have mercy on me, but I almost forgot something. 

I'm dressed as the headmaster...

All of a sudden, kids are pouring out from beneath the floor board, mounting each other as they get out like a bunch of zombies. All of them attack Scott's father and began ripping him limb from limb yelling, "Disrespectful, ignorant, rebellious adults!. Today you will pay for your mistakes and today everyone here will learn from them!"


Posting the last 2-3 chapters of this story tonight. How do you guys think it'll end? Will they make it out alive?

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