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"I can't believe we have to go back," Yoongi sighed, "Jin will just kick us out," He held a tighter grip on his backpack getting frusrated that he had to go all the way back to Seokjin's house just to get a picture that Jimin had forgotten.

"It means a lot to me," Jimin told Yoongi quietly.

Yoongi let out a quiet sigh as they rounded the corner of the street towards Seokjin's house. "I know, I'm just still upset about everything,"

Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand, "It's okay," Jimin moved his arm to his nose as he sneezed.

"Bless you,"


Yoongi held a tighter grip on Jimin's hand as they reached the front door of Seokjin's house. As Jimin knocked on the door Yoongi tried to look through the window but all he could see was darkness.

"I don't think he's home," Yoongi stated, letting go of Jimin's hand. "The lights are off,"

"Maybe, because it's bright outside? Or he's sleeping in," Jimin crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, Jin likes to have at least one light on, so he can read a book or just what ever he does," Yoongi sighed once again.

"Well, what do we do?" Jimin asked nervously, the picture he had left behind was a picture of him and his family. It was very important to him, it was all he had left of his parents.

"I know how to get into the backdoor, the lock is broken... he never fixed it," Yoongi lead the way towards the backyard.

"How did it break?" Jimin asked with a frown.

"I may.. have gotten angry at him and broke his door," Yoongi shook his head, "Long story short I wanted to yell at him so I broke into his house,"

"Was he mad?"

"No," Yoongi rolled his eyes at the fact Seokjin had baked him a cake right after Yoongi had yelled at him. "He even-" Yoongi was going to continue on with his story but a certain slipper had caught his attention.

"What?" Jimin looked at Yoongi as they stopped walking. Yoongi then noticed the knife on the ground and the blood on the slipper.

"No," Yoongi shook his head. Jimin then started to look around and noticed what Yoongi was getting upset about.

Yoongi ran over to the slipper and picked it up, "This-" He looked at the small spot of blood on the slipper and bit his lip.

Jimin eyed the knife as he walked towards Yoongi. "Is that Jin's?" He asked as Yoongi dropped the slipper on the ground and ran towards the backdoor.

"It's open," Yoongi said loudly, harshly pulling the door open then ran in the house to search for his best friend.

Jimin quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind. "Yoongi?" Jimin called out throughout the house.

A loud cry had came from one of the rooms making Jimin run towards the noise, which led to Seokjin's bedroom. Yoongi was sitting on the bed crying.

"He's not here," Yoongi cried to Jimin, placing his hands over his face.

Jimin swallowed hard as he slowly made his way over to Yoongi. "Maybe, he went to the store," Jimin carefully placed a hand on Yoongi's back.

"You saw the slipper," Yoongi wiped the tears off his cheeks. "He-he's," Yoongi was getting choked up, he knew he should've stayed with Seokjin.

Jimin didn't know how to comfort Yoongi seeing Yoongi did have a point with the slipper. "Yoongi, don't cry, Jin is okay," Jimin said rubbing his hand gently across Yoongi's back.

"It's my fault," Yoongi told Jimin.

Jimin quickly shook his head and pulled Yoongi closer. "No,"

"What if we led them here and they waited for us to leave," Yoongi covered his face with his hands.

"That makes no sense," Jimin told Yoongi, "I think we would be hurt too,"

"I am hurt," Yoongi choked out. "They'll take all his time and kill him,"

Both boys jumped hearing someone knocking on the door. Jimin looked at Yoongi with worried eyes as they both stood up to go see who it is.

"Jimin," Yoongi wipped his eyes, "If it's them.. I need you to keep an eye on my back," Yoongi walked out of Seokjin's bedroom and towards the living room, where the front door was.

The knocking on the door became more violent, scaring both boys but mostly Jimin. "Yoongi be careful," Jimin whispered as Yoongi stepped closer to the door.

Unlike Seokjin, Yoongi hadn't thought about looking through the window to see who it was he just went for the door.

"Shit," Yoongi mumbled as he slowly opened the door but the door was pushed open by whoever was behind.

"Oh my god!" Jimin gasped out, "Oh my-"

"Where's Jin?" The boy asked, who turned out to be a beaten up Namjoon, "Where is he?" He yelled loudly.

"We don't know, we just got here," Yoongi said a little bit frightened since he didn't know if Namjoon was going to hurt them or not.

Namjoon just stared at the two boys before he started to search the house just like Yoongi had done. "Namjoon," Yoongi called out, "We found a slipper and a knife..."

"Yoongi," Jimin whispered, "What if he hurts us?"

"He won't.. I know him," Yoongi whispered back.

Namjoon returned back to the boys with his fists curled up. "They took him,"

"Who?" Jimin asked grabbing Yoongi's hand.

"Who do you think," Namjoon glared at him, "Now come on we have to look for him,"

Yoongi nodded, "Jimin, go get your picture," He reminded Jimin what they came here for in the first place.

Jimin slowly walked over to couch and looked at the end table next to it. He smiled softly when he noticed that Seokjin had placed his picture in a frame. He picked up the picture and admired it for a minute before Yoongi was calling his name.

Jimin held the picture close to his chest and sighed. "I miss you," He whispered to himself, starting to walk towards Yoongi and Namjoon who were in the kitchen.

Even though Mr. Park had hurt Jimin numerous times he still missed him and believed that if the world wasn't all about time his father would have been a better person.

"Jimin!" Yoongi yelled, "Hurry up,"

Jimin let his hand fall to his side as he made it into the kitchen. "Come here," Yoongi said taking the picture frame from Jimin's hand then quickly placed it in Jimin's backpack.

"We're going to find Jin," Yoongi told Jimin the plan, he knew this would be a good idea to stick around Namjoon. They would be safer around him.

"Well," Namjoon said standing by the door. Both boys nodded then followed Namjoon out the door to search for Seokjin.

ice cream for breakfast

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