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"Oh boy," Seokjin whispered as Yoongi helped Jimin over to the couch. "I was so worried about you," He followed the two boys then sat in front of Jimin who was forced to lay down by Yoongi.

"Let me take a peak," Seokjin muttered, removing the dirty bandage away from Jimin's wrist. He cringed right away at the sight, around the cut it was dark red even grosser was the fact there was some pus oozing out. "Shit,"

Seokjin quickly stood to his feet and stared at Yoongi. "Well, that's why he's so sick Yoongi! You should have been cleaning his cut up with water everyday and wrapping it up with a new bandage.. not using the same." After he scolded Yoongi for not taking care of Jimin the right way he rushed to the bathroom to grab any thing that would help.

Jimin let out a loud sharp breath making Yoongi look towards him. "You okay?" Yoongi asked quietly, watching Jimin close his eyes.

"It's so hot in here,"

Yoongi moved forward and pulled the blanket off of Jimin. "Jin is getting some medicine," Yoongi leaned down placing his hand over Jimin's forehead which was still hot.

"Here," Seokjin said walking back into the living room. As he reached Jimin he turned on the lamp that laid on the side table next to the couch. "Sit up," He said quietly.

Jimin groaned loudly as he sat up, "My head hurts so much," He complained while leaning against the couch.

"I can only imagine what you feel.. you did a lot of walking and you're so sick." Seokjin shook his head, "Don't worry after I settle you in I'll make some soup,"

Jimin just stared at Seokjin feeling too sick to do anything. "Open your mouth," Seokjin told Jimin holding the thermometer at his face. Jimin did just that letting it sit in his mouth, Seokjin then let go of the thermometer to get his medicine ready.

Yoongi sat down on the couch next to Jimin grabbing one of the wet cloths Seokjin had brought out. He went to go clean up Jimin's wrist but was stopped. "Ah Ah," Seokjin said with wide eyes. "That goes on his forehead, the blue cloth has alcohol on it to clean up his wound,"

Yoongi nodded and placed the cool wet cloth over Jimin's forehead, he then grabbed the other cloth and began to gentle dab around the cut then directly on it making Jimin groan more.

The thermometer finally beeped making Seokjin grab it out leaving him only to gasp loudly. "Yoongi, you know how high his temperature is!" Seokjin placed the thermometer down and grabbed the small cup of grape medicine. "He could have a heat stroke- thank god you made it to me."

Yoongi stared at Jimin, he knew fevers were a dangerous thing but he didn't think Jimin was so sick like that yet. "He'll be okay right?" Yoongi asked as he continued to clean the cut up.

Seokjin didn't answer Yoongi he just forced Jimin to take  the disgusting medicine. Jimin cough a few times and held his hand over his mouth. "I'll go get some water," Seokjin stood up and did exactly that.

"That was gross.." Jimin mumbled, letting his hand grab at Yoongi's thigh. "I'm so tired,"

"You can sleep after we're done taking care of you," Yoongi leaned over and left a kiss on Jimin's cheek. "I promise, you can get all the rest you want."

Seokjin came back out handing the water over to Jimin. "Alright, I'll take Yoongi in the kitchen so he'll leave you be.. after you finish your soup I want to take a look at that infection." Seokjin said pulling Yoongi off the couch.

"There's a clean blanket right above your head.. and I'm sure you can look around my room for some clean clothes.. take a shower-"

"Jin, come on let's make some food," Yoongi huffed loudly, walking towards the kitchen with Seokjin right behind him.


Seokjin slowly stirred the broth and avoided all eye contact with Yoongi. "You know.. you can't stay here," He said softly.

Yoongi blinked a few times before he started to feel betrayed by his best friend. "What?" He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the back of Seokjin's head. 

"Your mother would know I'd help you, the police have already came here once.. tearing the whole house up just looking for you." Seokjin paused and pulled the wooden spoon out of the soup. "They said they'll be back again, I can't go to jail.. and they'll just kill you on the spot if they find you."

"Are you-" Yoongi sighed loudly and turned around so he could lean his head down against the counter. "Fuck,"

"I didn't want to say anything in front of Jimin, I didn't want him to stress out more." Seokjin walked over to Yoongi raising his hand above Yoongi's back, he slowly brought it back down to his side deciding not to comfort Yoongi in any way.

"He's gonna die Jin," Yoongi said quietly.

"I'll give you medicine some warmer clothes another blanket and anything else you need but you can't stay here," Seokjin sighed moving away from Yoongi. "Go take a shower,"

"Jin we've been best friends–"

"I know, Yoongi!" Seokjin shouted starting to get frustrated. "I can only help you so much, did you know there's people after you who aren't even the cops? They – They saw you with that boy and you know what? That put me in danger too, if it wasn't for Namjoon I'd be dead."

Yoongi stayed silent as he looked up at his closest friend.

Seokjin became quieter as he looked towards the doorway to the living room. "You know darn right that it's your fault.. you should've left him and not try to be some hero.. he's scum. Yoongi, that's what he is you should have left—"

"No! Jin," Yoongi snapped loudly. "It's whatever, we won't stay."

Seokjin sighed sadly and didn't respond to Yoongi. "I just don't want to get hurt, I'm sorry-"

"No, you're selfish," Yoongi told Seokjin before walking out of the kitchen to check on Jimin then to take his shower.


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