Pulled Apart

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I came into the room to see Socks hugging a book and crying. I came over to see if he was alright. I caught a glimpse of a picture on the cover - which I found surprising, I didn't know Xero had picture taking devices. It was of him with three others, probably other hybrids - one looked like an angel with black wings and an eye patch, one that looked like a purple demon with a shadow tail, and the last one also looking like an angel, but light blue, with pupils shaped like stars and crystallized fox ears. Those must be his friends from Xero.

I sat next to Socks the entire time while he just let his emotions out in a big wave. It must be really hard for him to think about his friends now. He may never see them again.

After a while he finally calmed down a bit. He just sat there, hugging the book. He then got up and, after helping me up, we continued to search the remains of the ship.

I saw that there was a garden and decided to check that out for the sake of curiosity. The plants were dead, obviously, but even if they were alive, I wouldn't know what they were - they're Xeronian plants, after all.

I left the botanical area and found Socks looking through a panel on the wall. The door of it had a lightning bolt shape on it - it's probably an electrical panel. Guess there's electricity on Xero as well.

"Whatcha doing?" I questioned. 

"Seeing if there's anything salvageable in here," Socks replied, "And there's a surprising bit, at that."

I saw a pile of different trinkets beside him. All of them were busted, so I was assuming the not-totaled pieces were in the panel.

I sat back and just watched as Socks dug through the panel for about an hour.


"Oh my god..."

I bolted upright as I heard Socks talk. He had been immersed in digging through the panel, and had said nothing the past hour.

"If I could fix the boosters and get fuel... This thing could work." He breathed.

"Really," I said.

Realization seemed to hit like a wrecking ball. He's saying... He wants to leave.

He wants to leave.

"But... Why would you leave now?" I said.

"That's not what I was saying at all!" Socks said, but I heard the uncertainty in his voice. I could tell he wanted to go back.

"Don't lie to me," I said, "I can see the look on your face. You want to leave, don't you?"

Socks sighed. "I didn't mean right now-"

A wave of emotion seemed to crash over me. "Of course. Of course! You just want to leave us! I knew you'd betray us from the start!"

"What??" Socks said, shocked.

"Remember when I first saw you?" I said, "You know what I was thinking? 'Who is this guy? Where'd he come from? He seems pretty suspicious.' You've pulled the wool over my eyes, how could I be so blind?!"

"You want me to leave?" Socks said, raising his voice, "Fine! I'll leave! I won't stay where I'm not welcome!"

And at that, Socks stormed off, his fists curled up.

I stared after him. Why did I tell him that? Why did I jump to conclusions? What am I doing?

"Just as I had planned..."

The voice echoed in my head. It was Vizor. I had completely forgotten about him being in my mind.

"Enjoy your breakup with the nephalem?" Vizor said, chuckling.

"Shut up, get out of my head!" I said. I tried to walk towards the door, but my body refused to move. As if it was someone else controlling it.

Like Vizor.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere," Vizor said, "I need you. And now that Akik is out of the way, I can finally continue with my plan."

At those final words, I blacked out.



Why didn't you tell Socks

And why didn't you think about what you were saying


oh and 646 words

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