23: Noah

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23: Noah

< Messages (2)    Leigh


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   Fri, 8 Aug 8:17 pm

1 attachment (77.1  KB)
8:19 pm

            Oh my God, Leigh. Seriously. Stop being so cute.
            8:20 pm

That’s my dog, Noah.
8:21 pm

            You’re in the photo too, though.
            8:23 pm

I know, but that’s not the point of the photo.
You’re meant to be focusing on my dog.
8:25 pm

            I can’t. You’re distracting me.
            8:26 pm

Then stop looking at me.
8:30 pm

            Then stop being so beautiful.
            8:32 pm

God, Noah. Stop flirting with me.
8:34 pm

            8:38 pm

Wait, did you just John Green me?
8:40 pm

            Unintentionally. You started it though.
            8:41 pm

Hold up, my dog wants to go outside.
My service may cut.
8:45 pm

            I’d wait an eternity for you.
            But don’t take that as an invitation right now.
            8:47 pm

Okay, okay. Be back in a sex.
8:50 pm

. . .
8:50 pm

Oh. My. God.
8:50 pm

8:50 pm

Damn autocorrect.
8:51 pm

            I think it’s too soon in our relationship for sex, Leigh.
            8:52 pm

I’m just going to go die in a hole now.
As long as you don’t screenshot that, I’m cool.
8:53 pm

            Never said I wouldn’t screenshot it.
            8:55 pm

            1 attachment (56.8 KB)
            8:55 pm

So this is what it feels like to have a heart attack.
8:58 pm

            I’ll pretend it never happened.
            Just for you.
            9:00 pm

9:01 pm

            Only because I love you.
            9:02 pm

I love you too.
9:03 pm

            Really, Leigh.
            9:05 pm

Really, Noah.
I love you too.
9:06 pm

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