Noah || D - Dork

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Dork, (n.): a silly, out-of-touch person who tends to look odd or behave ridiculously around others; a social misfit.


"Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?"

I could not help but laugh at your horrified expression.

"What?! That is like asking me to choose which of my children I like better!"

"Do you have any children you should have told me about, Nora?" I smiled, taking in your amused expression at the thought.

"Of course not." You laughed as I playfully wiped my forehead and sighed in relief; "so, what will it be? Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?"


"Answer carefully Nora, our whole relationship depends on it."

"You haven't even read all the Harry Potter books!"

"Nora." I grinned, about to tell you to forget about it and that I was only playing when you replied; "Lord of the Rings."

"Really?" I was surprised that you answered so quickly, and waited for an explanation.

"The first movie got out when I was almost ten, and I saw it in the cinema. When the credits rolled over the screen I was... I don't even know it was- It was like I had been presented to this whole new world, and- and it was magic! I read the whole book in the following months, and I never looked back I guess. By ten I wanted to learn the languages of Middle Earth, and by the time I was eleven I was devastated when it was the end of the movies. I cried from joy when they announced that they would be making the Hobbit as well. I don't think anything has impacted me that much, not even Harry Potter – as lovely as it is."

I looked at you for a long while, letting your words sink in before I burst out laughing. The look you gave me was very annoyed, as if I had stomped over your grave.

"God, I love you." I laughed again, my head tilted back. I could see you blush and realized what I had just said. I knew you weren't ready for it, and even though I was practically bursting with the need to say it at every second of every hour of every day; I did not want to scare you off. So instead I offered you a small - and hopefully relaxed smile; "you are such a dork."

You gaped at me as if I had just insulted you gravely, but then got a thoughtful expression on your face, your nose all scrunched up and your teeth biting into your bottom lip – making me want to kiss you something terribly.

"Fine. I am a dork. And I'm not ashamed of it!"

Grinning I reached forwards, my fingers reaching around to the back of your neck so that I could pull you closer; "you shouldn't be, you're the most adorable dork I have ever met."

And then I kissed you.

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